Super bowl raffle - volunteer needed

fortwortholdguy's Avatar
Note to self: don't get on ECCIE in the early am if you have things to do that day.

Thanks Syeira I just unplugged the coffee pot, won't be needing my caffeine fix this morning, your post is the equivalent of three STRONG cups!!!
syeira pink's Avatar

Thank you-

I hope you have a wonderful day, and anytime you want to sneak here early in the am and get your caffeine fix. I will fix you right UP!!!

selot's Avatar
  • selot
  • 02-05-2010, 05:10 AM
Win or NOT.


Of course now I will never be able to get through to schedule, the phone is never going to stop ringing....

I agree with you FWOG, Sure don't need any coffee this morning after reading that, and I got to work today..... Going to be a long day at work, All I am going to be thinking about is Ms. Pinks' "Pink Play House"....

If I was the chosen one........YOUR night would be more than "just a overnight"..I would invite you into my home,where we could be alone and in the comforts of a sexy sexductive play palace.

I would prepare your favorite beverage and when I opened the door for you, I would be standing there with a very sexy, classy BUT naughty outfit on, holding your beverage and would greet you with a warm LDFK.

Once you are in my home, I would cater to you- make sure you were relaxed, comfortable and perfectly happy on a nice leather couch with a 47" flat screen turned on with whatever your choice may be. As you are relaxing, you will have the view of myself in some very very short shorts preparing a wonderful dinner of your choice..( I can cook and I mean I can cook). We could have Steak w/mushrooms or Chicken Cordeon Blu', or if Lobster and Shrimp is more pleasing to you then I shall make YOU happy.

Once we have finished dinner over candle lite then I would offer you a glass of Cognac and a Cigar of your choice. While you drank and puffed your cigar, I would hope you would enjoy a massage from head to toe.

Then once I have you satisfied from dinner and you have finished your nite-cap, then I would invite you into my "Pink Play House"----where satin sheets would be waiting to caress your skin, as you layed relaxing on my bed, I would model for you a few " HOT " outfits and have you help me out of them, and into the bed to join you.

The rest of the night would consist of me ROCKING YOUR WORLD...........

When you woke the next day, we would have a "moment" to relive the night before and I would say goodbye to a new friend with a cup of coffee and a warm LDFK and thank you for a wonderful time.

I am looking forward to having the chance to be Your "Prize".........

Syeira PINK
Originally Posted by syeira pink
fortwortholdguy's Avatar

Win or NOT.


Of course now I will never be able to get through to schedule, the phone is never going to stop ringing....

I agree with you FWOG, Sure don't need any coffee this morning after reading that, and I got to work today..... Going to be a long day at work, All I am going to be thinking about is Ms. Pinks' "Pink Play House"....
Originally Posted by selot
That's one beach I think only a trained Marine, one of America's finest, should storm this early in the morning.

An old guy civvie like me wouldn't get 10 yards up the beach before I would step on a mine...then who would be left to run the raffle?

selot's Avatar
  • selot
  • 02-05-2010, 05:25 AM
That's one beach I think only a trained Marine, one of America's finest, should storm this early in the morning.

An old guy civvie like me wouldn't get 10 yards up the beach before I would step on a mine...then who would be left to run the raffle?

FWOG Originally Posted by fortwortholdguy
Okay, If you insist... then I accept the challenge.... The Marines are always the first ones to land and secure the beach head....

"The Marines have Landed (or in this case Marine), and the situation is well in hand."
fortwortholdguy's Avatar
Okay, If you insist... then I accept the challenge.... The Marines are always the first ones to land and secure the beach head....

"The Marines have Landed (or in this case Marine), and the situation is well in hand." Originally Posted by selot
Can you loan me your Avatar while you go on that mission?

I promise to be gentle with her...

selot's Avatar
  • selot
  • 02-05-2010, 05:35 AM
Can you loan me your Avatar while you go on that mission?

I promise to be gentle with her...

FWOG Originally Posted by fortwortholdguy
LOL, You BET!!! BUT the avatar is Ms. Pink!!!
fortwortholdguy's Avatar
LOL, You BET!!! BUT the avatar is Ms. Pink!!! Originally Posted by selot
Damn she's got legs all the way up to her ass!!!!

You might want to pass her along up the ranks to a 4-star or 5-star...

At least make sure if a jarhead does the recon on her he's battle tested...
selot's Avatar
  • selot
  • 02-05-2010, 05:58 AM
Damn she's got legs all the way up to her ass!!!!

You might want to pass her along up the ranks to a 4-star or 5-star...

At least make sure if a jarhead does the recon on her he's battle tested... Originally Posted by fortwortholdguy
Wait till you have those legs wrapped around you..... OH MY!!!
Cowboy2Step's Avatar

Ms, Pink woke everybody, Hell, I through my coffee pot away...that was one fine read!!! My list just grew...along with something else...WOW! Damn, I hope I win!!!
OMFG! I can't feel my legs! All the blood is rushing elsewhere!! Glad I signed up for this deal, it is gonna be one hell of a ride...

Thanks for signing up Syeira baby, I'm with Selot, I think I am taking advantage of this contest or not!!!

If I was the chosen one........YOUR night would be more than "just a overnight"..I would invite you into my home,where we could be alone and in the comforts of a sexy sexductive play palace.

I would prepare your favorite beverage and when I opened the door for you, I would be standing there with a very sexy, classy BUT naughty outfit on, holding your beverage and would greet you with a warm LDFK.

Once you are in my home, I would cater to you- make sure you were relaxed, comfortable and perfectly happy on a nice leather couch with a 47" flat screen turned on with whatever your choice may be. As you are relaxing, you will have the view of myself in some very very short shorts preparing a wonderful dinner of your choice..( I can cook and I mean I can cook). We could have Steak w/mushrooms or Chicken Cordeon Blu', or if Lobster and Shrimp is more pleasing to you then I shall make YOU happy.

Once we have finished dinner over candle lite then I would offer you a glass of Cognac and a Cigar of your choice. While you drank and puffed your cigar, I would hope you would enjoy a massage from head to toe.

Then once I have you satisfied from dinner and you have finished your nite-cap, then I would invite you into my "Pink Play House"----where satin sheets would be waiting to caress your skin, as you layed relaxing on my bed, I would model for you a few " HOT " outfits and have you help me out of them, and into the bed to join you.

The rest of the night would consist of me ROCKING YOUR WORLD...........

When you woke the next day, we would have a "moment" to relive the night before and I would say goodbye to a new friend with a cup of coffee and a warm LDFK and thank you for a wonderful time.

I am looking forward to having the chance to be Your "Prize".........

Syeira PINK
Originally Posted by syeira pink
travelling_man's Avatar
With a post like that I might have to take her for a "test drive" before the raffle is even over !
motocrossman39's Avatar
So I Guess syeira pink is In! LOL, LOL, LOL
selot's Avatar
  • selot
  • 02-05-2010, 09:22 AM
I think Syeira got every Guys blood moving somewhere this morning...

OMFG! I can't feel my legs! All the blood is rushing elsewhere!! Glad I signed up for this deal, it is gonna be one hell of a ride...

Thanks for signing up Syeira baby, I'm with Selot, I think I am taking advantage of this contest or not!!! Originally Posted by KohanaKoa
fortwortholdguy's Avatar
I think Syeira got every Guys blood moving somewhere this morning... Originally Posted by selot
All mine rushed to the end of my penis and I'm lightheaded...

All I can think about is sliding that little white thingy over to the side and hitting it standing up!!!

Shit I can't even remember what I got up so early to do today...