Yeah, but how about Greek?

jack a. lope's Avatar
And yet, another incoherent response from a LOUD MOUTH provider...0
jack a. lope's Avatar
I hope that in the future, you learn to speak more non-ghetto in your rants...
It'll make your low rent pussy more valuable!
I hope that in the future, you learn to speak more non-ghetto in your rants...
It'll make your low rent pussy more valuable! Originally Posted by jack a. lope
All this could have been prevented if your mom would have swallowed you...

Im not feeding you anymore & this is why we can't have nice things because of people like you..
Funny how the LOUD MOUTHS keep spewing on and the White Knights keep defending their honor...
To date, I have not received one PM of an address,... just as I speculated, a bunch of tiny limp dicks hiding behind a keyboard
OY...get over up and PM me! Originally Posted by jack a. lope
4804 Fredericksburg Rd, San Antonio, TX 78229

Here is my address I will be waiting once you show up I will apply a muzzle and we can go from there..
I am not a White knight I just hate assholes like you Dope.
4804 Fredericksburg Rd, San Antonio, TX 78229

Here is my address I will be waiting once you show up I will apply a muzzle and we can go from there.. Originally Posted by Dorthy_Monroe
LOL! You know... Someone would take you home, if you didn't snap at them so much. Then again, some pay extra for that.

jack a. lope's Avatar
Funny, the LOUD MOUTH is still running and the White Knights are still playing their game...
Give it a rest, you bunch of fucktards...lmao
4804 Fredericksburg Rd, San Antonio, TX 78229

Here is my address I will be waiting once you show up I will apply a muzzle and we can go from there.. Originally Posted by Dorthy_Monroe

Girl, I don't even think this is a dude. I think it's a pissed off bitch with a really BAD case of "I don't know what to do when my pussy's too sad to play." I had my bro do an ISP check last night for the fuck of it and because well, I can. Its an IPv4 and using an updated version of tracert, quite a bit of this IP addy info was shown. Looks like a phone that picks up their HOME wifi. Im not about to get chewed out by mods for posting RW info, but if you like you can pm me and I'll share a snapshot of this weirdo who obviously forgot to turn of his geolocate, home wifi auto connected and now it might or might not be the reason this account gets banned. Again. Same Ip used for a number of email accounts (looks like one of them is even a from a place of business but the others are fakes) as well as to log on here.

Next time, this person will know better than to be logging in from a residential network.

Oh yea, I forgot to mention I'm into playing with IT shit because you just never know when you might need someone's RESIDENCE info just in case one day it comes down to it, like perhaps having to silent the constant threats coming from this particular IP addy/residence.

Don't be stupid, protect yourself from people who KNOW how and what to get what they want
Dope-you sound like a broken record. Oh,and an idiot. I think you may need to get laid. Too bad you burned your bridges here.
jack a. lope's Avatar
Arriana, you and your "Internet Detective bro" should swing by and see how that works out for you two...
You put a lot of words together, yet most of them sound like a low rent who needs to put the cap back on today's bottle of vodka...LMAO!!
i think she sounds sexy when she hands your ass to you. There is just something sexy about a smart woman thar can verbally kick a DB's ass.
Arriana, you and your "Internet Detective bro" should swing by and see how that works out for you two...
You put a lot of words together, yet most of them sound like a low rent who needs to put the cap back on today's bottle of vodka...LMAO!! Originally Posted by jack a. lope


I wouldn't want to anger your mom by stopping by unannounced tho. Because, KNOW who you are. I have no idea why you don't take your anti-depressants like the directions clearly read on the bottle. And with mommy still paying the mortgage, while you play on hooker sites, in between your video game addiction, you sound like a real winner!

Yep, we got a cool-ass kid her everyone! He's so badass I feel like if I don't get the chance to meet this person and introduce myself to his mommy, I'll be losing out!

I just MIGHT take you up on that offer one of these days. I'll bring a bottle of Kettle One to share. I'm excited! You once again have made my day.

Btw, it's so beautiful outside, you should take advantage and go wash that nice ride parked outside, it looks like it might need a fresh wash over on Google Earth. Do your chores before momma takes them keys away Mr. Roxbury.

Well, look at the time, my 2:30 is on his way and I'm still here, being entertained by a momma's boy who should be chasing skirts instead of chasing self induced ego boosting by talking to himself because nobody else in the real world wants to.

I'm done-zo for the day. Go do your chores before your mom gets home and spanks you.

Signing off while taking a huge swig of str8 vodka,

I've figured out who jack.asshole.lope is - Donald Trump! All he does is insult everyone in reach, but doesn't add anything positive.
jack a. lope's Avatar
And here we have proof of another LOUD MOUTH provider...
Arriana any day, you want swing on by...but, please bring today's winner's of the tiny dick keyboard white knights award mike6082 and old yellow...
Looking forward to it...
LOL! You know... Someone would take you home, if you didn't snap at them so much. Then again, some pay extra for that.

Originally Posted by Simon Riley