I had to recently take down my signature line because it was told to me that someone reported it to be a tad larger than the requirements.(perhaps a peeping Tom or nosey Rosey from Tx.) I don't know about all that stuff, sizes and measurements, ect. I just try to stay within the Eccie rules, however I always see other Signature lines that are just way over the top. Long and lots of wording. I never question those,(I don't really care) but just for asking sake can someone please explain to me why some people can have long lines and some can't.?? Maybe the new mod's can help me answer this question.
Originally Posted by Melissa Madyson
#23 - Each member's signature line is an extension of their ability to express their personality to others online. We offer a relaxed and flexible set of guidelines for our members and staff to follow regarding maintenance of their signature area. In short, you are allowed 15 lines of text, space, and images. You may include colored text or larger font sizes, and you may include images that do not exceed 60 pixels in height. Limit font size to "5." Images or larger-than-default text will be counted as 3 of your 15 lines allowed, so please consider this when constructing your signature area. Additionally, you may include links and other items of contact info, but avoid mentioning specifics regarding acronyms, services, or rates. We also ask that you refrain from including links to or mention of competing websites.