Kiss My Pudge

big boi terry's Avatar
Did I hear someone say bend you over? My ears were ringing, and my pants started getting tight for a reason lol. Looking good G.
gntaltouch's Avatar
Ginger you are really looking fine babe...I studied those photos closely and for the life of me I couldn't detect any pudge.... I think I need a closer look... And I have a taste test for pudge also... if you are willing to be tested...

I love the pictures... when you are ready for a "HotShots" session .. I'll be ready...
Danielle Reid's Avatar
Did I hear someone say bend you over? My ears were ringing, and my pants started getting tight for a reason lol. Looking good G. Originally Posted by big boi terry
I'm with NQTT. Nice pic's diffidently no pudge.
harrypatt's Avatar
Pudge? Where is it? I didn't see any. Nice pics Ginger and stay beautiful.
iamrollin's Avatar
I have seen the real thing and it is Fabulously delicious! She is one sexy Woman!
Too many to thank individually, but thanks to everyone for the great response. I appreciate you!
just4funk10's Avatar
I have been away from this site for some time now.... well like a week or so but on here that seems to be equivalent to at least a year. I wrote the infamous "pudge" it was my first review I was making an attempt to give a positive review. I did make a request to the mod to change it which I was told you write it you own it. the provider had stated she is attempting to reach 400 reviews so I thought I would help on the count and that would be over. Apparently not so.. apparently when you use words the provider doesn't like she will blow up you cell phone asking you to change things and how it effects her money if others don't like what you write and apparently the whole world goes into chaos. those of you who are loyal to this provider good job maybe after several visits you have become accustom to her methodology and mannerisms. I however was not. I was not used to the 1hr and a half she spent talking about medical conditions, what services she provided other customers before coming over to my appointment, how much she doesn't like the mods, how she doesn't like the other girls, and being shown a personal toy she uses that still had pubic hair clinging to it, and yes she is shaved so where did the hair come from..... This is going to blow back in my face I am very sure but others who will remain nameless have sent me PMs asking if she messaged me about my review and this is something she has done with them. Yes I did request to have my account removed because I really don't want to deal with providers from this site if that is the standard well that and being stood up by other providers on here. I don't know about you men but my money is hard earned if I want to spend it on something I want quality and I don't want to be harassed afterwards. don't save my number don't text me later don't call you are the provider I am the hobbyist. don't want the drama that just bad customer service especially to have it thrown back at me in other threads.

ok thank you. my account may now be deleted in peace
I have been away from this site for some time now.... well like a week or so but on here that seems to be equivalent to at least a year. I wrote the infamous "pudge" it was my first review I was making an attempt to give a positive review. I did make a request to the mod to change it which I was told you write it you own it. the provider had stated she is attempting to reach 400 reviews so I thought I would help on the count and that would be over. Apparently not so.. apparently when you use words the provider doesn't like she will blow up you cell phone asking you to change things and how it effects her money if others don't like what you write and apparently the whole world goes into chaos. those of you who are loyal to this provider good job maybe after several visits you have become accustom to her methodology and mannerisms. I however was not. I was not used to the 1hr and a half she spent talking about medical conditions, what services she provided other customers before coming over to my appointment, how much she doesn't like the mods, how she doesn't like the other girls, and being shown a personal toy she uses that still had pubic hair clinging to it, and yes she is shaved so where did the hair come from..... This is going to blow back in my face I am very sure but others who will remain nameless have sent me PMs asking if she messaged me about my review and this is something she has done with them. Yes I did request to have my account removed because I really don't want to deal with providers from this site if that is the standard well that and being stood up by other providers on here. I don't know about you men but my money is hard earned if I want to spend it on something I want quality and I don't want to be harassed afterwards. don't save my number don't text me later don't call you are the provider I am the hobbyist. don't want the drama that just bad customer service especially to have it thrown back at me in other threads.

ok thank you. my account may now be deleted in peace Originally Posted by just4funk10
Wow! Where to start? First let me begin by stating that I don't know what the hell is wrong with you, but something certainly is.

You lied in your review on a couple of points, one which I disputed with photographic proof. There is nothing pudgy about me. Size 6, photos provided. Secondly, your claim that it was your "first dip in the hobby pool" - another lie. You had seen Danielle Reid several times, and she provided me with your reference that evening.

As far as my vibrator, that is so laughable it's almost not worth mentioning. I don't have pubic hair, as clearly shown in the pictures I posted to dispute your pudgy claims. And no other woman uses my vibrator. Ridiculous! Have you even bothered to consider that my head is full of hair that is nearly down to my waist, and that could've been the source, if there indeed was any?

You were the one that asked me for my permission to write a review, stating that you had never written one and wanted to. I told you that I had nearly 400 reviews and didn't really need one. When you told me that you thought reviewing me would help you get appointments with other ladies, I told you to go ahead.

You requested a 2 hour appointment, but only paid me for 1 - after I was there for nearly 3 hours. Aside from that, are you honestly going to complain about an escort spending extra time with you?

As far as the unwarranted and unwelcome communication, you were the initiator and perpetuator of all of it. I have all the copies of your countless private messages and text messages that you sent to me in the days following the appointment and the review, apologizing repeatedly, asking me over and over if I was still mad at you even after I told you multiple times that I wasn't, and even asking me to go camping with you! I will gladly share those messages with anyone here, if anyone doubts it.

In addition to that, you stalked me in real life on a dating site and even started flooding me with messages there! You completely crossed the line at that point. Yet I remained composed, because I didn't want to set you off further… I realized at that point that you were a loose cannon.

And really, how low are you that you would feel it necessary to discuss things on this board that we talked about in private? A medical condition that runs in my family that you yourself asked me about? Nothing I discussed was any less entertaining than listening to stories about your puppy's potty training problems, your cats' antics, the struggles you are facing in your estranged relationship, or your odd condiment creations.

My point is not that I didn't want to hear what you had to say; my point is that our desire to have a conversation was mutual, and that we both shared things in private that should have remained in private.

I am honestly completely shocked by all of this. I was shocked by your review and the harsh, unkind, inaccurate description you used when you wrote it. I personally thought that we had a very nice visit, reiterated to me by your continued communication with me long after it ended. Like I said, I don't know what's wrong with you, but I sincerely hope that you get the help that you obviously need.
Don't know what that guys malfunction is. I'd be in hog heaven if I had that cute little booty sittin in my lap...... Or on my face
Thank you, SpeedMonkey. And you used the word little, too. Aww, you're sweet.
Quite welcome hon
gntaltouch's Avatar
Don't know what that guys malfunction is. I'd be in hog heaven if I had that cute little booty sittin in my lap...... Or on my face Originally Posted by Speedmonkey
I'm with SpeedMonkey !!! You can bring that cute, sweet, talented little behind of yours over here anytime you are ready and I promise to do my best to make you forget all about that idiot and his no class rambling.... In fact.... I'll do anything you ask of me if it will help you forget that shit.... ANYTHING ..... I'll be waiting by my phone ................... K