I just received word from the management of my apartment complex that yes, there was flood damage at my place. My living room carpet is totally ruined and they are moving my things and pulling it now. Don't know how high the water got, hopefully just soaked the rug. They can't get into the bedroom yet as only I have the key. The creek has fallen near my home out of town, which is fine, thankfully, so I am on my way to Houston to see what has become of my antique furnishings and personal belongings. I have insurance, but as I said previously, many things there I treasure cannot be replaced by mere money.
No Fancy incalls, obviously, until repairs are made.
(Oh, by the way, I was in the Montgomery County flood of 1994 and lost 90% of everything I owned then, including the house I resided in before the Irish Chihuahua Refuge, some beloved critters, and almost my own life trying to get myself and my pets out in the middle of the night in water over my chest, so yes, I take this weather stuff pretty seriously. I can empathize with the people on the TV to the extent of tears. Nobody who hasn't been through this type of disaster knows how devastating it can be, and what long-term effects it has on your life financially and emotionally. You certainly treasure what you are able to salvage, and I hate to think I've lost some of those items now.)