Edge play

I tried my hand... Or rather mouth again and again on a lucky gentleman I edged him 4 or 5 times then was stopping again. He came to close that time and as talked dirty to him I spit on his dick. It hit the head on the peehole actually. He said "I'm cumming I'm cumming - please don't stop." As it erupted I gave a sensual hand job and he stopped squirting for like 3 seconds and instantly started cumming again. That's the first time that has ever happened to either of us and we have ANOTHER REALM, the EDGEING thread, and ALL OF MY AWESOME NEW FRIENDS IVE LEARNED SO MUCH FROM IN THIS THREAD TO THANK FOR ALL OF THIS. �� Originally Posted by ALEXIS AND GINGER
Keep practicing and working your dirty talk. The next time I'm in your area I will request an appointment so you can edge me until I just cannot hold. I've built up a pretty good resistance to cumming by practicing for long, long periods of time but really love it when I'm finally forced against my will.

Its important to taunt the client telling him not to cum and to hold back this heightens the experience. As you push him closer make sure you're verbally telling him to control it then just when he's ready squeeze hard under the head to help him hold. then maybe 10-39 seconds and start again working him a good edger will not get close easy and will fight all the way.

Then when you decide to take it look him in the eye and tell him that your want him to hold on with everything in him but that you're going to take it against his will OMG the struggle you'll see and enjoy as he enjoys the immense pleasure of being on the very edge and does everything he can to not let go but your womanhood wins out.