Calling it quits

travis13131's Avatar
PLEASE don't quit..I am a nice guy. Not always here..but here for you..(see fuckers that is how to do yhis.) Respect our providers!! They will respect us 120% in return..HOW the next 20% ......EXACTLY!!!!
Alayna your locations sucks. Just my input.

Some folks here think it's idiotic to spend more than $250/hr (I'm not quite sure where that seemingly arbitrary figure comes from; I swear back in aspd's heydey $250 was the floor for most of the quality providers). To me, I don't understand spending $150 -$200 on some chick who may or may not flake, be staying in a shitty hotel with a boyfriend/pimp in the next room, or having to push back the appointment multiple times because the girl doesn't have her shit together, etc. I'd rather spend a little more with a provider I'm fairly certain I'm going to have a great time with and not have to put up with a bunch of bullshit. Originally Posted by Frissionary
That's not how I remember it. Back during ASPD I clearly recall Mint was the ONLY one charging $300 for local pussy. Marco basically started the $300 concept in Austin. Granted his girls were all young beautiful coed hot bods with great reviews.

I vividly remember because I wanted to book a few of his girls (Taylor in particular) but couldn't justify forking out $300 when Nobody else was charging near that much.
Niko (his GF at the time) wasn't even charging that much for her girls. I used her agency instead.
This turned out to be a fortunate decision on my part considering how many of Marco's $300 clients ended up having their RW info posted online.

I don't think guys are complaining about the $300 rate as much as they are about what you get for that $300.
Many of the ladies now charging $300 would have been hard pressed to get $200 on ASPD.

You can now spend $300 and still get lack luster to average service with average looks.
russellevans's Avatar
They will respect us 120% in return..HOW the next 20% ......EXACTLY!!!! Originally Posted by travis13131
I must be having a hard time today. What the fuck does this even mean?
That's not how I remember it. Back during ASPD I clearly recall Mint was the ONLY one charging $300 for local pussy. Marco basically started the $300 concept in Austin. Granted his girls were all young beautiful coed hot bods with great reviews.

I vividly remember because I wanted to book a few of his girls (Taylor in particular) but couldn't justify forking out $300 when Nobody else was charging near that much.
Niko (his GF at the time) wasn't even charging that much for her girls. I used her agency instead.
This turned out to be a fortunate decision on my part considering how many of Marco's $300 clients ended up having their RW info posted online.

I don't think guys are complaining about the $300 rate as much as they are about what you get for that $300.
Many of the ladies now charging $300 would have been hard pressed to get $200 on ASPD.

You can now spend $300 and still get lack luster to average service with average looks. Originally Posted by Lightesttouch
The mention of Mint brought back the very fond memory of seeing Mallory. I just checked and that was 5 years ago but I can still see her fine ass clearly in my mind. The memory of sex with that UT Coed Ballerina is still burned in my brain. So maybe that was worth $300. It's a treasure I can't lose in a stock market crash.
I didn't know about Marco's rep at the time. One of our legends told me when she tried to leave Mint, Marco outed her to her family. Class act.
I'm tired of seeing threads complaining about clients, most providers on this entire board are just as flaky and unreliable if not more so when it comes to doing their actual choosen "job" and communication, etc and clients are the ones paying for the whole damn thing, that's what's so retarded. Maybe if they change that, they could see some better clients. Then they have the audacity to complain when they get the bad apples, we'll you ran all the top gentleman off somewhere else, nobody got time to deal with all that.
universalenergy's Avatar
I'm tired of seeing threads complaining about clients, most providers on this entire board are just as flaky and unreliable if not more so when it comes to doing their actual choosen "job" and communication, etc and clients are the ones paying for the whole damn thing, that's what's so retarded. Maybe if they change that, they could see some better clients. Then they have the audacity to complain when they get the bad apples, we'll you ran all the top gentleman off somewhere else, nobody got time to deal with all that. Originally Posted by galaxon00

I think an Austin Moderator said:
(The good ones will not stay and the bad ones will not leave.)
PLEASE don't quit..I am a nice guy. Not always here..but here for you..(see fuckers that is how to do yhis.) Respect our providers!! They will respect us 120% in return..HOW the next 20% ......EXACTLY!!!! Originally Posted by travis13131
Often, but not always so.
travis13131's Avatar
I must be having a hard time today. What the fuck does this even mean?
Sound like you are having a hard time every day!!! It's OK to be a bit off Don't knock the retard! Because retard bashing is not cool!!! Just smile..Wave your hand in the short yellow bus..Waving back my off friend
I understand mongers not wanting to pay too much, but how often do you see "overpriced!" thrown around, and then a short while later, "I had another shitty experience with some bargain basement BP chick!!" Price doesn't guarantee quality, but in many cases you do get what you pay for.

Some folks here think it's idiotic to spend more than $250/hr (I'm not quite sure where that seemingly arbitrary figure comes from; I swear back in aspd's heydey $250 was the floor for most of the quality providers). To me, I don't understand spending $150 -$200 on some chick who may or may not flake, be staying in a shitty hotel with a boyfriend/pimp in the next room, or having to push back the appointment multiple times because the girl doesn't have her shit together, etc. I'd rather spend a little more with a provider I'm fairly certain I'm going to have a great time with and not have to put up with a bunch of bullshit. Originally Posted by Frissionary
Why am I always sucked into coed

A lot of great information has been provided here but here are my two pennies, I'll begin with a preface: my opinions are drawn from my own experience.

Frissionary raises an excellent point: lower rates *could* correlate to higher volume (and if a girl wants the volume, who the fuck are we to shame her for it?) while a "higher rate" like 300+ an hour could be an attribute of a selective, lower volume provider. I have had rates all over the board. I have an excellent entourage of regulars who I adore and see at varying grandfathered rates. It's no secret my TCB has been less than desirable, but the volume of correspondence I have juggled is a job in and of itself. Things slipped through the cracks. My solution? I took an extended hiatus and I raised my rates. I am an extremely confident woman and I know what I bring to the table. If you think my rates are unwarranted, or if any other female's price tag is too expensive, then set your sights on someone who falls within your parameters. Don't belittle and scrutinize a provider because YOU don't agree with HER price point. What makes your standards better than ours? For every man who complains about "hoogars charging 300+ an hour" there is one who doesn't blink at the price point. I have said this many times before, and I'll say it again: the prolific posters and popular handles who post in this forum are a small fraction of hobbyists as a whole. However, I agree that this board has devolved into a high school slam book shared by assholes (male and female) who puff their chests behind the safety of a keyboard.

Sorry, I got a little worked up.

To the OP: if you feel burned out, give yourself a break. Time away does wonders to your mind and body. Sometimes we forget the psychological factors that are necessary for this world. To be successful we have to compartmentalize the various factions of our life, and shifting between provider and private can be mentally exhausting. We aren't selling apples on the side of the road! We aren't selling t shirts or knick knacks, we are selling an experience. Yes, service is a component, but IOP and chemistry is provided through experience. I don't think any of us should be ashamed to take a step back and vacate the "hobby", nor should we be shamed for admitting we need a break. We open the most private part of ourselves and share that privacy with you. We aren't "selling pussy" - has anyone actually walked away with a provider's pussy? We are providing an experience. This can be a really fun world and I hate watching members get torn apart for posting a few thoughts in coed. We need to do better.
harkontume's Avatar
[QUOTE=klovve;1058500553]Why am I always sucked into coed

Welcome back klove..
However, it is completely unacceptable not to have one of your famous "ass photos" in your showcase.

That ass has deflected many a monger from angry retort.
It is your SuperPower.

However, with great power comes great responsibility. I understand your reluctance to once again assume the mantle of "Wonder Butt"

But if you dont do it... who will?
avalanche16's Avatar
Need to constantly adapt your business model with the times. For instance, I clicked on your showcase and all I see are 3 photos. I'm sure most guys find it more appealing to see a healthier collection of photos and a variety of poses. Creating a website and a twitter account is also becoming quite common.

As far as pricing goes, you can employ basically 2 strategies.

1. Charge 300+
Pros = allure of top shelf high value, more money per transaction, filter unwanteds
Cons = limit your hobbyist pool, less business

2. Charge <= 250
Pros = establish a more consistent hobbyist base, more business
Cons = more TCB required

All of this is relative depending on the provider and what they have to offer. People in general love to have the best of both worlds by getting a bargain on a high value product or service. Most guys will be more willing to repeat (sooner and more frequently) with a good value provider offering 250 than 300 if everything else remains constant. Even if its just a difference of 50, its a mental thing!
EricluvsDDDs!'s Avatar
Amen RalpheyBoy