Thanks for keeping this topic on track ... at least most of you have!
And I tend to agree with what a few people have suggested above.
Another Realm was created by the wonderful owners here to allow for others to have a place to present different wants and desires.
At first, I was nervous about moderating this arena. However, it's important to give validation to those who have desires that some might not understand.
So what I was getting at, and with more coffee the point would have come a bit quicker, is that if these type of topics aren't in your comfort zone, then visit an area of Eccie that is.
There is NO reason to berate anyone for their personal needs,wants and desires especially if they're being done in a safe and sane fashion.
That's all that I wished to add.
Oh, and one more thing. I feel that sexuality is a very fluid experience and desires can and will change over time. This is what happens with men who get a certain age. And females.
Some just wish to try something different. And hurrah for that!!!
Don't most people wish to try what is important to them before they reach an age in which they cannot?
So give others a break who have different views than yours.
That's what makes the world go around!!!
Now, I'll scoot.
Happy Wednesday!