Should Hilary go to Prison???

pussycat's Avatar
People are going to have to get used to this new kind of government. It's not an orthodox approach. It is going to have a lot of negatives but you have to take the bad with the good. We cannot go on with trillion dollar trade deficits and a hundred billion dollars a year leaving the country in drug sales and remittances. The last eight years the economy was kept from depression by printing ten percent of the GDP every year in fiat money and spending it because there isn't enough income or tax revenues to keep things going. The economy is held together with band aids. We are heading over a cliff and have to reverse course in every direction. Just as the 2008 event happened suddenly we will have another such sudden event which will be worse if we don't correct trade and the debt. It's emergency time and we have to suffer through the excesses of the revolutionaries. Without these extremists we will all wind up in total ruins.
RamTheJam's Avatar
Were you drinking while writing this..Lad?
RamTheJam's Avatar
If you go after her for a private server then you have to go after Colin Powell, jeb bush, condelliza rice, and others who have the the same thing.

Trump and his company has been order in the past by the court to had over emails in fraud investigations and he destroyed those computers to basically hide evidence of wrong doing.

Hillary has been investigated by the Republicans in Congress for bengazi. the invetigation supposedly cost 8 million of our tax dollars. when your enemies investigate you and find nothing then I say your innocent. that was a waste our tax dollars Originally Posted by runtx3

Were you drinking while writing this, Lad?