Wisc Democrat's Votes No Longer Count

thats the whole problem...crony pols are.... Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
um.......the taxpayers are their employers.......
um.......the taxpayers are their employers....... Originally Posted by Marshall
im agreeing wif you
im agreeing wif you Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
I know....my comment was an add on for our pinko lib friends
I B Hankering's Avatar
Who knew? Comrade Nancy is a right-winger. Originally Posted by pjorourke
Former Speaker of the House Pelosi? The one who says stuff like this?

Amidst a budget debate: “I think this debate is on a higher ground of our values. It’s not about money. It’s about the morality of what we’re doing.” 15 March 2011.

In a rush to pass questionable legislation: “We have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it.” 9 March 2010.

BTW, I was talking about real leaders. Who is she supposed to be leading?

March must be a bad month for her.
Former Speaker of the House Pelosi? The one who says stuff like this? Originally Posted by I B Hankering
And like this!

41-second Video Clip
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 03-16-2011, 09:08 AM
Isn't it true that government workers have higher wages and benefits than similar workers in the private sector?

Isn't it true that government workers don't work as hard at their jobs as private sector workers?

? Originally Posted by Marshall
You do know that the military personnel are government workers?
Yes, but that's not what he is talking about.
topsgt38801's Avatar
You do know that the military personnel are government workers? Originally Posted by WTF
I never made the amount of money these folks made and if I opened my mouth and made some of the stupid remarks some of them made, my superiors would have kicked my butt. Also, I could never call in sick and stage a demonstration to protest the way I was being treated.

Also, I shot bullets and not shit like some of the other government workers. And I never saw any of them go for 60 to 80 hours without sleep to try and keep their ass from being shot off. Please in all deceny, let's not get the good name of the majority of military members serving their country so this type of discussion can continue without government intervention involved. I said the majority, because even a few of them could qualify as politicians.

3 letters make the point that government workers are overpaid morons: DMV
Mazomaniac's Avatar
ive heard it said that even the most beautiful woman in the world has a guy who is tired of doing her..not sure if its true or not Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
Well I'm perfectly happy to be the subject of that experiment to prove of disprove that theory.

Right now I'm the control group.


The sound you just heard was Mrs. Mazo smacking me upside the head. I gotta stop posting around here when she's in the room.

Marcus Aurelius's Avatar
TexTushHog's Avatar
Is it really a good thing for government workers to collectively bargain against the taxpayers?

Isn't it true that government workers have higher wages and benefits than similar workers in the private sector?

Isn't it true that government workers don't work as hard at their jobs as private sector workers?

Isn't it true that substantial amounts of union dues paid by government workers go to the politicians who set the rate of their salaries and benefits?

Isn't it true that politicians want to keep receiving the campaign donations from government worker unions?

Isn't it true that the government isn't like the evil corporations who put profit over people? Originally Posted by Marshall
You bought the right wing bullshit hook, line. and sinker, didn't you. Hell, you might have swallowed the cork!

The short answer on government worker wages is "it depends." At lower skill levels, yes, government workers make more than many in private industry, especially if you look at benefits. (Of course, the question those of us on the left ask is "Why not require the private companies pay their employees decent benefits instead of "fucking them hand over fist?" Wouldn't that be better that cutting good benefits for other workers?) However, when you get to higher skill jobs, government workers make a hell of a lot less.

Take my occupation, lawyer. Government lawyers, even at the Federal level (where employees are paid way better than at the State level) make shit money. Hell, even Federal Judges make less than four or five year associates at good firms. I have no interest in serving the government in a legal position because it would be a huge pay cut. Five or six fold. More if at the State level. Much the same if true with accountants, although the disparity isn't quite a large, etc.

Let's look at Texas? What is the average salary of employees for the State of Texas? $37,365.


Interestingly, that is almost identical to the median personal income of individuals with some college in the US -- $37,135


And as you know, the average government employee is 1) much better educated than your average private industry employee; and 2) generally has more experience at his current job.

And $37k is an entry level salary for a secretary at my law firm. HS degree, no college. And we have very generous benefits. Employee pays none of their health care, low deductible policy, 15% SEP contribution every year, one month salary bonus at Christmas, productivity bonus when he win or settle big cases, etc.

If the Dems think the situation in Wisconsin is a winning hand for them, they are total fooked and out of touch with the middle. Originally Posted by pjorourke
Let's see how the recall elections go. The will be fascination. And they will attract a ton of national money on both sides. Great theater. And I'll bet the Dems get at least 3 Republicans.
Let's see how the recall elections go. The will be fascination. And they will attract a ton of national money on both sides. Great theater. And I'll bet the Dems get at least 3 Republicans. Originally Posted by TexTushHog
I believe they will get 4 Wisconsin Senate Republicans and they will add an over-reaching Governor to their list next January! Even the normally conservative polling firms are finding a huge percentage of the voting public disagrees with the steps taken by a Governor who is still wet behind the ears!

No matter what happens in Wisconsin for the remainder of this year, one thing is absolutely certain. It is a hell of a way to start off Election 2012!

As for me? I am going !
discreetgent's Avatar
So 4 Senate Republicans would shift the numbers to 18 Democrats, 15 Republicans? Of course some of the Democrats might lose as well.
So 4 Senate Republicans would shift the numbers to 18 Democrats, 15 Republicans? Of course some of the Democrats might lose as well. Originally Posted by discreetgent
A trusted political friend of mine (who has been on the ground in Wisconsin for several years) told me that he only viewed one Senate seat currently held by a Democrat as being in jeopardy. Even at that, he feels it was still more likely the Dem would hold that seat than not. By the same token, he feels that 4 Senate Republicans are in jeopardy of losing their seat in a recall election. He also believes the governor is burnt toast if even one Senate Republican is recalled! This same guy came to Wisconsin from California several years ago and accurately predicted the Governor Davis recall 6-7 months before the fact. In his view, Wisconsin will draw almost as much attention next January as either Iowa or New Hampshire! It should be interesting!!!!!

Yikes! If he reads this, I have 'outed' myself!