In the case of a stalker, a name change will do absolutely nothing. Anyone can change their name but it takes time to build a new persona. I'm not talking about changing your name to get away from bad reviews but building a new persona to get away from a stalker client/an abusive boyfriend..etc. When a client shows up at your family's Christmas party and tries to out you, you'd wouldn't be just changing your name. I went through a whole makeover. One thing about reviews is they will always follow. If your service sucks people will put two and two together. However, I had awesome reviews onTER (my goldmine) and asked to be delisted after that christmas party. It was painful. I regretted it until I joined eccie.
Originally Posted by Naomi4u
I didn't try to change my persona. I am who I am, and I want gentlemen to see me because of ME not someone I faking. I didn't really have a stalker just an ex that I wanted to make sure wasn't looking over my shoulder. And I certainly didn't have any bad reviews.
If someone is obsessed enough to show up at a family Christmas party, I would think he's obsessed enough to keep searching. Sorry that happened to you.
I have friends that have 10 personas and you know what? I don't knock them. I don't have the time to be 10 people. I rather just be the best me I can be and provide top notch service. I hate the fact that people associate changing your name/persona as trying to get away from a bad reviews (even when you never had a bad review).
I emailed all my clients after that little episode Wayward and they were more than supportive. You were right. 
Big difference betwen changing your name and having a new persona. A lot of escorts have two identical websites, different names, same rates.. and it's like why? Ugh!
Originally Posted by Naomi4u
Another idea not touched on is different, shall we say, style of service. I'm very up front that I offer Exotic, or maybe Extreme is a better word, fun time. I just structure it differently both in time and amount. I know women that want to get into the same product line, for lack of a better word, but are afraid it will scare off her more vanilla clientele. I can see why for some women it would take a whole different persona for a perceived whole different product line. Maybe they play more extreme that me. But for me, it's not worth it.