Reinventing your self an inquiry into ethics

Smart providers learn from customer feedback. If a guy said I gave a bad blowjob, I would contact him, give him a huge discount and the blowjob of the century. That's just good customer service. Originally Posted by Naomi4u
Naomi, you gave me a bad blowjob.
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Naomi, you gave me a bad blowjob. Originally Posted by pjorourke
Smart providers learn from customer feedback. If a guy said I gave a bad blowjob, I would contact him, give him a huge discount and the blowjob of the century. That's just good customer service. Originally Posted by Naomi4u

you`re serious??
Naomi4u's Avatar
you`re serious?? Originally Posted by ninasastri
I have to live up to my rep. LOL!

If a guy said I gave a bad blowjob, I would contact him, give him a huge discount and the blowjob of the century.
It was a joke. Now I'm gonna have an inbox full of bj complaints. Ha!
Rudyard K's Avatar
Interesting topic WW. I do think when people think about this issue, it gets two seperate topics mixed together.

1st, I think a provider can and should be able to maintain as many (or serial) personas as she chooses. Her motivations are hers...and the fact that some of us may know some things that happend in her life does not mean we understand what her motivation was.

But 2nd, what is the purpose of this, and other boards? Now that is a complete other issue. In my opinion, these boards serve the purpose of allowing the Diamonds to ply their wares in whatever manner they choose (i.e. marketing), the Tuxedos to flirt and show their stuff in whatever manner they choose (also marketing of sorts)...but also as information exchange. That information exchange is where the rub between the two issues exists.

Allowing the Diamond (or the Tuxedo, for that matter) to maintain seperate personas does not mean the board (or its members) should not be able to share that fact should they find out. If that hurts (or helps) the Diamond (or the Tuxedo) then so be it. Information exchange, in and of itself, does not have a motivation to help or hurt. It simply exists.

Of course, there are many ways to share such information in a manner that serves the purpose of the exchange of information, but that is still not personally damaging to those being shared about. And the members should try to comply with those desires.

I do think these boards serve a primary purpose of exchange of information about its members. There are some rules that apply (i.e no personal information), but, in general, I think that is their purpose.

In the case of a stalker, a name change will do absolutely nothing. Anyone can change their name but it takes time to build a new persona. I'm not talking about changing your name to get away from bad reviews but building a new persona to get away from a stalker client/an abusive boyfriend..etc. When a client shows up at your family's Christmas party and tries to out you, you'd wouldn't be just changing your name. I went through a whole makeover. One thing about reviews is they will always follow. If your service sucks people will put two and two together. However, I had awesome reviews onTER (my goldmine) and asked to be delisted after that christmas party. It was painful. I regretted it until I joined eccie. Originally Posted by Naomi4u
I didn't try to change my persona. I am who I am, and I want gentlemen to see me because of ME not someone I faking. I didn't really have a stalker just an ex that I wanted to make sure wasn't looking over my shoulder. And I certainly didn't have any bad reviews.

If someone is obsessed enough to show up at a family Christmas party, I would think he's obsessed enough to keep searching. Sorry that happened to you.

I have friends that have 10 personas and you know what? I don't knock them. I don't have the time to be 10 people. I rather just be the best me I can be and provide top notch service. I hate the fact that people associate changing your name/persona as trying to get away from a bad reviews (even when you never had a bad review).

I emailed all my clients after that little episode Wayward and they were more than supportive. You were right.

Big difference betwen changing your name and having a new persona. A lot of escorts have two identical websites, different names, same rates.. and it's like why? Ugh! Originally Posted by Naomi4u
Another idea not touched on is different, shall we say, style of service. I'm very up front that I offer Exotic, or maybe Extreme is a better word, fun time. I just structure it differently both in time and amount. I know women that want to get into the same product line, for lack of a better word, but are afraid it will scare off her more vanilla clientele. I can see why for some women it would take a whole different persona for a perceived whole different product line. Maybe they play more extreme that me. But for me, it's not worth it.
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If someone is obsessed enough to show up at a family Christmas party, I would think he's obsessed enough to keep searching. Sorry that happened to you. Originally Posted by OliviaHoward
He was actually invited to the party (I made it seem like he just showed up uninvited, my bad). I didn't know he was friends with people in my family. I am Nigerian so our community is close knit. He is also nigerian so it was really that shocking. When our eyes locked, I played it off. In fact, when I was going to the ladies room I asked him to hold my drink. He whispered in my ear "Check your email but not here". When I got home I got the email saying "You looked so hot tonight". I almost died. After that it was constant demand for sex.
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  • WTF
  • 03-17-2011, 10:42 AM

Another idea not touched on is different, shall we say, style of service. I'm very up front that I offer Exotic, or maybe Extreme is a better word, fun time. I just structure it differently both in time and amount. I know women that want to get into the same product line, for lack of a better word, but are afraid it will scare off her more vanilla clientele. I can see why for some women it would take a whole different persona for a perceived whole different product line. Maybe they play more extreme that me. But for me, it's not worth it. Originally Posted by OliviaHoward
Very good point!

I bet that Wayward fella hadn't thought of that...course there ain't much he has thought of!
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Originally Posted by ninasastri
And not aware of the intricacies of internet.
Intricacies? I thought it was just a series of tubes. Originally Posted by pjorourke
One of my older desk tops...

Wayward's Avatar
Originally Posted by OliviaHoward

Another idea not touched on is different, shall we say, style of service. I'm very up front that I offer Exotic, or maybe Extreme is a better word, fun time. I just structure it differently both in time and amount. I know women that want to get into the same product line, for lack of a better word, but are afraid it will scare off her more vanilla clientele. I can see why for some women it would take a whole different persona for a perceived whole different product line. Maybe they play more extreme that me. But for me, it's not worth it.
Very good point!

I bet that Wayward fella hadn't thought of that...course there ain't much he has thought of! Originally Posted by WTF
That is a great point Olivia and why it's pretty wonderful when things stray slightly off topic, there are lots of us that like to play out where the buses don't run and sometimes that does frighten off the folks a little closer to the mean sexually.

Don't we all just love it when WTF pulls out the trolling motor, for the viewers at home, he and I have been friends for a long time and he is completely aware of my, what is the delicate way to put this, minor perversions like my fascination with cage girls.

Three sizes of type just makes any post a little better....

It was a joke. Now I'm gonna have an inbox full of bj complaints. Ha! Originally Posted by Naomi4u
you bet.......
Wayward's Avatar
I have to live up to my rep. LOL!

It was a joke. Now I'm gonna have an inbox full of bj complaints. Ha! Originally Posted by Naomi4u
you bet....... Originally Posted by ninasastri
It's even moving into other threADs....
Naomi4u's Avatar
It's even moving into other threADs.... Originally Posted by Wayward
Looks like its gone viral.
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  • WTF
  • 03-17-2011, 12:40 PM
Looks like its gone viral. Originally Posted by pjorourke
Good thing I got a drawer full of penicillin