Guess you missed that "spare me part"...
And you wrote that lovely long winded blah blah and blah....
You can write all the WHITE WOMEN winning threads you want....
TRUMP WON!!!!....can't get any whiter than that...
PS...you do know that white women in the hobby...outnumber the rest of us..,BE PROUD....you REALLY are winning
For your information and everyone else's information I posted the first thing I saw on the internet.
It's not my fault that's what they had as my choices when I was making one. Everyone thinks that white folks are always against the African American culture well to be honest with you it doesn't really matter to me.
What matters to me is the point of all of this nonsense. I can keep hashing, you can keep hashing, the OP can keep hashing, but even she has seen my point.
She knows I'm not hating on her I never was. I just didn't like the fact of throwing Jabs at people for no reason at all.
And I think she understood that she knows me very well as I know her.
Now back to this comment, like I said I posted the first thing I saw on the internet.
It's not my fault that that was what they had.
So you see my heart is not made of stone I'm still for the right thing just don't think that it has to be a race war to prove a point..
And I was actually laughing because the threat was called black women winning, and I posted the thing on the internet that I saw that said white women winning.
So there is a difference between a white woman who is married to a basketball player, Than a white woman who is with an ordinary black man? I don't get that can you please enlighten me as to what the differences except for he has more money??
Please enligten me, since obviously you think I don't know about the African American culture.
Originally Posted by Melissa Madyson