The bet is a bet moderated by this site that will allow me to nueter you while proving myself truthful and you a liar. You refusing that is telling. I have no desire to meet you for the sake of meeting you and for your good thats whats best. No need to out yourself or your friends. Telling me you got a hookup in a corporate box right away tells me you are not on my level. Not at all... Getting a corporate box hook up is so not impressive you not realize that ? Lol Originally Posted by Sistine ChapelAgain, for your slow mind. The original bet was to meet at stadium. The moderator bet was concocted by you to get your lame ass out of the bet and never discussed until you made it up. Take the original bet or "FUCK OFF PUSSY"!
I knew you were lame ass with no balls, no car and no cash and no SB tickets. LOSER.
BTW, no one with any bank pays to go to SB, it's a cooperate deal. Obviously you are not a player.