You must be seriously wounded. You're lashing out at everyone like a wounded bear....umm, bear. Are you sure that you're not Russian Munchkin?
Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Anyone else notice how the duration and intensity of Masterdickmuncher's MELTDOWNS are directly correlated to how rattled he is by the truth? Judging by his fulminations so far, this MELTDOWN is an epic one!
He's starting to figure things out - the only way the Dems can furnish evidence of Trump's nefarious Russian connections (if they even exist) is by revealing how they wiretapped and eavesdropped on his campaign!
And then how will most Americans react?
The smart money is betting we'll be outraged at the wiretappers! Isn't this precisely what Nixon tried to do? Tap the phones at his political opponent's campaign headquarters?
Tsk, tsk, tsk... you don't DO those things, dickmuncher! As an ex-President used to say "That's not WHO we ARE!"
And you call yourself a patriot? What oath did you swear again?
Oh my! It doesn't look good for the Masterdickmuncher... Stay tuned, his most apoplectic MELTDOWN is yet to come!