Obama wire tapped Trump Tower!!!!!

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I see you've recovered from me being mean to you, you Tanto cocksucking bitch. Let's point out your newest lies and stupidity.

I swore an oath some time ago, to protect my country from threats such as you. Time does not release me from that oath.
In this post, by your own words, you have declared the following. This isn't fake news.
This is all too true.
You decide innocent people are guilty based on "odds" you calculate. You subvert due process and proclaim guilt for your own purposes. You subvert the very Constitution you swore to protect. You broke your sacred oath to try and get a 50% paycheck for the rest of your life after 20 years of disloyal service.
Because nothing is sacred to you other than you.
You are fucking scum.

You're an American by a total accident of birth. You don't believe in our Constitution and you are unworthy of it's protection.
It's the only thing keeping your cocksucking ass alive.
Fucking douche-bag.

Now complain about me hurting your feelings. Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
Wrapping yourself in the flag? Patriotism, the refuge of the scoundrel. I'm citing the Consitution and the law. You, you're just a scared little puppy and your god has died. Go talk about your patriotism to someone who really believes in your shit.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Great comeback.

Sorry you can't take a joke.

Next time I'll get you pads instead of tampons.

Always Maxi Pads Extra Heavy Day with Flexi-Wings, right?

Big pads for a big pussy or "phat" pussy as Tanto says(when she thinks you're not around)?

But don't worry. I know the pads aren't for you....this 3 months.

It's your 3 months to be the biggest prick on the site. You're not very good at it, being as stupid as you are.
But hey, what the fuck?

Roll bitchy, roll. Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
You must be seriously wounded. You're lashing out at everyone like a wounded bear....umm, bear. Are you sure that you're not Russian Munchkin?
LexusLover's Avatar
You must be seriously wounded. You're lashing out at everyone like a wounded bear....umm, bear. Are you sure that you're not Russian Munchkin? Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
It's just another "grief phase" he's in.

There are at least three more.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 03-04-2017, 01:29 PM
Wrapping yourself in the flag? Patriotism, the refuge of the scoundrel. I'm citing the Consitution and the law. You, you're just a scared little puppy and your god has died. Go talk about your patriotism to someone who really believes in your shit. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Where is the link to verify this wire tap?
I will let you attend my class if you will sit up on the stage and speak to my students as I ask you questions. It would be my easiest way of teaching them about the dark underbelly of redneck conservative racism in America. Plus you have to wear a sign that says "I am a Dick", so they will understand you fully. Originally Posted by StandinStraight
Do you wear a sign that says "Dumb As Shit" so they can understand you fully?

Yssup Rider's Avatar
Yep. Just a Breitbart story based on a talk show rant.

That's typical intel for Twitler.

Yssup Rider's Avatar
There's nobody for you, you little, rotten, miserable cocksucker. Originally Posted by bambino
EATLER sure likes the term "cocksucker."

bambino's Avatar
EATLER sure likes the term "cocksucker."

Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Where it applies. And cocksucker applies to you. Cocksucking pig.
lustylad's Avatar
You must be seriously wounded. You're lashing out at everyone like a wounded bear....umm, bear. Are you sure that you're not Russian Munchkin? Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn

Anyone else notice how the duration and intensity of Masterdickmuncher's MELTDOWNS are directly correlated to how rattled he is by the truth? Judging by his fulminations so far, this MELTDOWN is an epic one!

He's starting to figure things out - the only way the Dems can furnish evidence of Trump's nefarious Russian connections (if they even exist) is by revealing how they wiretapped and eavesdropped on his campaign!

And then how will most Americans react?

The smart money is betting we'll be outraged at the wiretappers! Isn't this precisely what Nixon tried to do? Tap the phones at his political opponent's campaign headquarters?

Tsk, tsk, tsk... you don't DO those things, dickmuncher! As an ex-President used to say "That's not WHO we ARE!"

And you call yourself a patriot? What oath did you swear again?

Oh my! It doesn't look good for the Masterdickmuncher... Stay tuned, his most apoplectic MELTDOWN is yet to come!
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 03-04-2017, 03:48 PM
Has anybody provided a link to this story or are we just left to believe Trumps twitter feed?
lustylad's Avatar
Has anybody provided a link to this story or are we just left to believe Trumps twitter feed? Originally Posted by WTF
You still don't get it, fagboy... Trump is double-daring the Dems to tell everyone exactly HOW they know what they claim they know. The ball is in their court. Sources and methods, please.
Has anybody provided a link to this story or are we just left to believe Trumps twitter feed? Originally Posted by WTF
I just realized who you remind me of, WTFagly... the Globalist on the right.

Figure it out for yourself, Globalist WTFagly... https://theconservativetreehouse.com...esident-trump/

WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 03-04-2017, 04:38 PM
You still don't get it, fagboy... Trump is double-daring the Dems to tell everyone exactly HOW they know what they claim they know. The ball is in their court. Sources and methods, please. Originally Posted by lustylad
Really, that is wtf Trump is doing?

If what he is saying is not true, which if he based it of Mark Levin, it probably is not, Trump is more Fake News. Nothing new there.

If it is true, he is Snowden, telling NSA secrets!
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 03-04-2017, 04:39 PM
I just realized who you remind me of, WTFagly... the Globalist on the right.

Figure it out for yourself, Globalist WTFagly... https://theconservativetreehouse.com...esident-trump/

Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB

Trump is going to find out to pass legislation, he is going to need those so called jealous bitches!
Trump is going to find out to pass legislation, he is going to need those so called jealous bitches! Originally Posted by WTF

We are going to concentrate on "Draining the Swamp" now but thanks for you concern, 0zombie...