Mean-spirited, hate-filled hobbyists bash women for what reason?

MOCHAakaMOCHA's Avatar
Hell, I need to tour Nebraska... Originally Posted by Claire She Blows
I love Omaha and Lincoln .
burkalini's Avatar
Can't help you if I'm judged off a review. I don't do reviews but I did see a escort off here years back just never wrote a review on it. And she wasn't worth the cost. These things will come back around as someone will complain about harassment again, no one wants answers you want to feel good. Originally Posted by bankai

You see to like hanging around the hobby but just not participate in it. Then you cast dispersion without benefit of experience. Sorry but that doesn't work here
pyramider's Avatar
Nebraska men are one of a kind. Originally Posted by Luxie
And the sheep are thanckful.
joesmo888's Avatar
I went to the sub forums to see what this was all about and saw the typical internet forum insecure beta male posts from some guys.

you can go to a sports forum and see that .. a great time is right now with the NFL draft going on and how every fan sitting at home with a beer in one hand and the remote in the other is somehow an expert on these players. if they don't like a player they call them 'trash' and 'bust'

it is part of the internets. don't take it personally, just ignore it. most of the dudes on here are cool, and so are the ladies
burkalini's Avatar
And the sheep are thanckful. Originally Posted by pyramider
Beef and corn. If your going to disparage a state at least get the punchline correct.

This is so real Luxie. It seems very misguided to refuse to check such behavior. Like, I get that utopias exist in fairy tales. And this is real life. But things seem to have really devolved so rapidly.

And what I wonder about is in a climate where hobby-related sites are subjected to increased scrutiny, in what way is it favorable to have blatant harassment and stalking go unchecked?

I am clearly not a hobbyist but the coed areas of certain cities is just disgusting. I think it reflects badly on this website to let pathetic trolls run rampant. It not only puts off other men looking to sign off but it pushes us, the providers, to other advertising venues. Originally Posted by Luxie
Same, TBH.

My ignore list is BEYOND long so a lot of stuff I don't see... Originally Posted by Brooke Wilde
pyramider's Avatar
The N on the Nebraska football helmets stands for Nowledge.
I appreciate y'all chiming in.

First, personally, I separate wanting to meet a lady in person from talking with her on here. I have exchanged ideas with a lot of ladies on here and other sites who either are far from where I ever travel, or who do not appeal to me erotically—however they post interesting, humorous, etc., ideas, which is what I think the forums are for. When I reply in a forum, I am replying to what they say, I am not saying “I want a date with you”. If that is what I am looking for there are PMs and P411, etc.. I certainly see NO reason to tell any lady in public, “I do not find you physically appealing”. If I find someone both unappealing and uninteresting I usually skip over their posts—though occasionally I will reply if I read something I believe needs to be responded to. Originally Posted by Old-T
...This is one subject that drives me crazy to see guys treat the ladies like this.. in the career and out. Thank God I was raised by the parents I had that cherished and respected each other.

There are sites I had to just stay away from because the vast majority of the clients there were mean, belittling and corrosive towards the ladies that they should be showing gratitude and respect..

I also want to thank the mods that keep a tight reign in such behavior here.. Originally Posted by wendlo
I selected "other" because you did not have an "all of the above" option. I believe different people do different things for different reasons. Add in that we all have bad days where someone posts something that rubs us the wrong way, and before you know it we post some stupid shit that....10 minutes later....we wish we could take back. Lord knows I'm guilty of that. Originally Posted by hgritstoo
ck1942's Avatar

Utopia was back when the early type sites hit the net and several years following.

Unfotunately, since all of us in the hobby are rule benders & breakers, there are those among us who seem to prefer dystopias and they out themselves quite readily.

Apparently the OP has perused Austin Coed.... Originally Posted by Claire She Blows
This is an interesting point. While no other subculture I've witnessed is quite like the hobby in my relatively short time on this planet, I've been involved directly or vicariously in various "scenes" predominated by out of the box thinkers. But I think there is a huge difference between breaking/bending rules relating to social norms and treating other people violently just for kicks.

As you stated earlier, even in the hobby, there are some who challenge normative understandings of intimacy and sexuality while still being "lovers." And then there are some who are hell-bent on being "haters" to the detriment of other real life, feeling human beings.

...Unfotunately, since all of us in the hobby are rule benders & breakers, there are those among us who seem to prefer dystopias and they out themselves quite readily. Originally Posted by ck1942
Yes! Your weird music video thread was a hit in my opinion.

This by a long shot. I try to promote such discussions by posting thought provoking threads and polls in Arkansas coed. Originally Posted by SpankyJ
Danielle Reid's Avatar
I sent that to the site administrators last night. Hopefully something will be done. This site is for providers and without us it doesn't exist. But I refuse to be give any website my business and traffic if they won't make my safety a priority. Originally Posted by Luxie
This site is actually for the clients...but I get what you're saying

Don't mind me. I'll see myself out.
Cheesecake7's Avatar
Frankly, mean trolls/haters have seriously limited the fun factor on this site. A few years ago there were many more funny, thoughtful and inspiring posts by providers, but there was always somebody who had to put in some hateful response so now such posting are rare (at least in local forums).

Has anybody ever thought of a (local or national) invitation only coed forum, where trolls don't get invited or kicked out quickly? There seem to be quite a number of smart and funny ladies on this board and some well behaved educated guys as well.

There are so many curious and funny, but also serious aspects to our little subculture that could lead to some entertaining discussions.

Hey, wait a minute. This forum may already exist and I was simply not invited.
Has anybody ever thought of a (local or national) invitation only coed forum, where trolls don't get invited or kicked out quickly? There seem to be quite a number of smart and funny ladies on this board and some well behaved educated guys as well.

Hey, wait a minute. This forum may already exist and I was simply not invited. Originally Posted by Cheesecake7
This is an excellent suggestion. When I was a newbie, I recall hearing about one invitation only forum that was already in existance. It was supposedly a place where the gloves were off....anyone could say anything to anybody. A provider I had never met....but had somehow become incensed at one of my comments in a thread....wanted to get me invited in there so she could say mean things to me and make me cry. I forget what it was called....something about spiders.

A "Ladies and Gentlemen" forum would be a welcome addition. A place where civilized people could discuss issues concerning our community. Sure, there would be disagreements. But Ladies and Gentlemen can handle those with aplomb. Precedence for such a forum already exists with the aforementioned gloves-off forum. It would be interesting.