I am a EO offender. My list of deal breakers gets longer just about every day. Including a uneasy feeling or bad vibe!

Just like any other business it might not be wise to just say such things. Looks and feels like flypaper- just tacky as hell.

As this thread has pointed out that some ladies don't screen, some do and will see "Just anyone" who passes screening. And all screening aside, some have their own deal breakers and won't see just anyone.

We have also seen when ladies say No This or No that, to age or race or whatever they do take a board beating for it. Why this is allowed is beyond me.

When ladies make these general comments about their preferences feelings get hurt and ladies get trashed.

peace, from the lady with the thunder thighs!-
Marcus78's Avatar
Okay Nikki, so I feel like a newbie again, and I should probably know this, but what is the "NBA policy" you referenced in your last post? And to stay on topic, I think there have been some great suggestions provided here!
Okay Nikki, so I feel like a newbie again, and I should probably know this, but what is the "NBA policy" you referenced in your last post? And to stay on topic, I think there have been some great suggestions provided here! Originally Posted by Marcus78
NBA= No Blacks Allowed
Jessy, I agree with you to a me, it's taking the lesser of two evils. You know as well I do that sometimes we can't win for losing...but we can lessen the odds for running into trouble. Successful businesses know the their product to it and specify exactly what they offer. People aren't stupid...they can tell the difference between a shady business and one that implements good business practice.

There are many providers who post their NBA policy...whether anyone likes it or not or whether's it's tacky to state least everyone is aware of her choice.
raedy4funn45's Avatar
Seeing a provider is a privledge, not a right. They make the rules.

If I have to describe myself to her, I will. Why would I lie? I want us both to enjoy our time together.
I was actually enjoying this thread and found it to be very interesting and educational until it turned into what it has become.

Just some thoughts for everyone please (if you please?).....

As for the Hispanic skin color, that's quite a bit ridiculous on multi-levels! Hispanic is a loaded term that does not solely imply actual Spanish or even part Spanish ancestry. In fact, one need not have a single drop of Spanish blood in them to be Hispanic. All that's required to be Hispanic is that you're born in a Spanish-speaking nations, speak Spanish, and have one of the various Spanish-related cultures to one degree or another.

Just for the record though, Spaniards are very much by and large White, on a par with, let's say, Norway - both are 99.99 percent White nations.

Hispanics can be White. Hispanics can be Black. And Hispanics can come in all shades, degrees, and mixes in between - Brown. Sadly, the average Idiot American doesn't seem to have the cognitive abilities to comprehend this simple truth and fact. The result being that most Anglo Americans (which incidentally, can also be Black, Brown, or White - Anglo being the Teutonic equivalent of Hispano(ic), erroneously think of Hispanics as being neither Black nor White, but some shade in between. This could potentially pose problems in searching for a criminal or a victim who's been stated to "look Hispanic". Suppose that Hispanic is White! Or suppose that Hispanic is Black! Right there, an automatic impediment of progress has surfaced.

No, my friends! Hispanic and the broader Latino are not races, skin colors, facial features, statures, or anything racially related. Today, Latino refers to language and culture alone. It is not a tribe nor nation of people or a race. Hispanic likewise.

Do what you feel you need to do Ms Molly as it is your business module.
Nicely put Dennis.
Point taken Dennis, but even the census bureau asks *Hispanic or Latino* or *Not Hispanic or Latino,* and it took them until 1997, to revise their ethnic and racial definitions.

I realize that the hobby isn't and shouldn't be scientific or anthropological...but, wouldn't you agree...that if Molly has a specific limitation, to her business model, that it would be wise to advertise it?
Absolutely (I should have placed that as part of her business module by noting through her advertising).

Thank you.
The point is...Molly posted this thread asking a couple of questions because she wondered what other hobbyist's thoughts were regarding a situation. The situation (imo) could have been avoided had there been more communication between the provider and hobbyist.

My intention was not meant to be disrespectful to I posted earlier. Whenever a thread of this nature gets posted...there's going to differences in *opinions.* I don't think that there's a *right answer,* but, there's nothing wrong with making improvements and keeping an open mind to suggestions.
Mossman's Avatar
See if this makes sense. If the age, race etc is asked in screening, then because of preference NBA eliminates black skin so the only conflict might come from the coloring of an Hispanic hobbyist. So in phone small talk the Hispanic hobbyist might be told, " oh, by the way, I have a skin phobia and if your skin is darker than light (medium or whatever) toast my negative reactions kick in and neither of us will be happy with the outcome. Just a word to the wise." Might that do it? Casual and yet to the point with the only hobbyiest it pertains to. No broadcasting a preference that might bring disdain on the lady.
took a vacay, come back...eeeeek!!!
such a sensitive topic for most
i dont think there will ever be a "right" way to handle it ....someone will always find a flaw about it.

hope everyone enjoys their sunday!!!
gimme_that's Avatar
I think most ladies wont post specific preferences and tend to think of it as tacky.......because there are a few white liberal hobbyist who wont like that idea either and pass on her as well. Why post it in an ad if by first glance hobbyist think ...hidden pimp....or maybe racist. Even if those two didnt apply.

But there are also hobbyist who will only see ladies who have NBA rules for their own reasons.
sixxbach's Avatar
So she told you that she made him run around? She told you she played him like a fool? Or did your *client* of 7 years tell you that?
Because what he told you. She publicly stated she was unaware of. And HE has yet to refute her statement, (here) in this thread. (hmmm) Because he sure has as of his recent post.

It's OK for a guy to show up to a date, walk in, chit chat and come up with an excuse to WHY he doesn't want to proceed forward with said date, and he leaves. BUT it's NOT okay for a provider to decline when the guy shows up and feels the least bit uncomfortable? So a lady should of show a hobbyist dignity and felt *that* particular uncomfortableness & canceled before he arrives. When *that* particular uncomfortableness may actually take place until she meets him face to face???

Perhaps, all was fine up UNTIL he arrived. AND perhaps something didn't feel right to HER, upon his arrival. AND perhaps she was nervous and didn't know how else to let him down, w/o hurting his ego or feelings. So she did what she felt was best. Rather than not answering her door & leave him standing outside.
She answered and went through the pleasantries as any respectable person in this hobby would do. And from there she stated her tummy hurt. (perhaps that's all she could muster up as an excuse) And declined to move forward. Reasonable enough. No harm no foul.
Only his time was lost and his ego hurt.
Sometimes, two people just DO NOT click once they meet in person. It's part of the hobby life!!
If men can bow out (in person) with an excuse. Then the ladies should be able o do the same.

You, young lady were not there to see it happen either. Yet your quick to judge the provider because your client called you and made statements regarding her etc. And your right, there are 2 sides to every story. I don't *see* him refuting her in this thread. (hmm).

Rather, I do *see* your remarks about her playing him like a fool and how she made him run round and made him wait 3 hours by her incall ALL due to what he told you. (hmm)
And to tell her to be honest with herself & with her clients. Is wrong. Who are you to state she's not honest with herself? Who are you to tell her to leave her clients with dignity?

She did the honorable thing. She didn't take his money. She didn't leave him standing outside her door like an asshat. She followed through with the date UP until the moment THEY MET IN PERSON! And from that point, THAT is when she felt uncomfortable.
Regardless as to WHY. It's NOT our place to understand nor stand in judgement of her reason WHY.

She was honest with him enough to state she couldn't continue the date. As I stated earlier. She may of been nervous. Hell men are nervous in the presence of women all the time. The same can be said of some women.
So she did what she thought was best. She was honest enough to give him a reason. And at that time (she stated so) her tummy hurt. She didn't know him enough to give the exact reason. Because she didn't know how he might react (seeing as he was standing in her presence) And YES, when an uncomfortable situation comes about. A persons stomach can quickly become unnerved/upset.

For you to tell her she needs to leave her clients with dignity and that there's no getting around the dirty truth. Is at best repulsive.
While respecting another is a kind thing to do. There are plenty of men in this adult lifestyle who don't leave women with dignity.

nice to know you stand in judgement of her, solely based on what your client told you. (his side). Hope you never do wrong by another and that you always leave everyone with dignity & the honest truth. Because it may not feel too good if someone were to judge you based on your horrible experiences you've encountered with hobbyists.

Physic, LNikki?
Hell no. Never claimed such. I expressed my opinion based on what was publicly put forth. Don't see why you feel the need to make said a snide remark in my direction.
And my view of creepy is just that. This persons view.

Just remember, that a hobbyist can *act* a certain way with one or two ladies. BUT *act* totally different with someone else!!
Happens all the time. Originally Posted by Wicked Milf
I hate to say this but MIlf... is right. 3 hours waiting on any provider. Fuck that. Why beat your point Milf?

Miss Molly:

Good scenario! I think both the lady and gentleman in the equation have the ability to turn away after opening the door. In San Antonio, it seems like men have a lot of class and are no nonsense which is why I remain in this city and rarely travel to other cities.

I am an equal opportunist and I will only require men to be gentlemen. I understand several ladies discriminate against black men, but I will say that a few of my African American clients are prominent lawyers, teachers, business professionals and/or even professional athletes who pay me a considerable amount of money which has allowed me to pay my hefty private college tuition (my reason for being in the hobby - to pay for school). If I denied certain clients based upon their skin color, in theory, it would have been more of a struggle to pay my $6,000 tuition bill for the two classes I was enrolled in last Fall because men in that certain demographic contributed (monetarily) more than men who were Caucasian. Black men really came to my rescue in the month of December!

As far as vibes go, I can not tell you how often I had a "bad vibe" about a client coming to visit me through the booking/scheduling/e-mail process. With poor judgement, I regrettably went along with the session only to find out that the man visiting me was a classless jerk and creep (mostly his creepy attitude/personality and lack of gratitude)! Luckily, it was only with two men from Austin (Keep Austin Weird - I know!). One haggled me to death for almost a year and then gossiped about me in such a vile way and the other was just pure sick in how he treated me. Thankfully, 99% of my previous clients have been grateful, kind and is always that creepy 1% of weirdos.

After August 2010, I decided I'd market to "Gentlemen Only" and to this day only see gentlemen, period (regardless of race, religion, age, odor, length of session booked, etc.)! In San Antonio, the men here are just way too cool. I love them and could care less if they are out of shape, or 96 years old or have a slight odor....I can overlook all of that as long as they are a gentleman. My strategy these days is scrutinizing posting history and going with my intuition about the client visiting me.

Anyway, Molly - from a provider's perspective, I do not think I would have the heart to turn a gentleman away when opening the door (again all of my experiences in San Antonio have been positive (I love my men in SA). A client's looks mean absolutely nothing to me as long as he is cool. Personality is usually what puts me off (if his is a bad personality or weird, or out of the norm).


Say you book an appointment with a provider.
You show up, and the provider invites you in,
but politely decides to cancel with something like
"I'm sorry, something came up" " I don't feel well" but the real reason of the cancelation is due to personal preferences (and you as a smart adult can pretty much sense this)

Would you prefer her to
A. Look through the window/peephole and not open the door?
B. Tell you, "I'm not interested due to personal preferences".
C. Or just keep it clean "im' sorry something came up" like I did to one gentleman?

If she cancels, are you gonna text her later asking "I'm not your type right"? knowing that was the issue?

Just want some opinions... Originally Posted by Miss Molly