Trump body slams CNN (media up in arms over it)

I B Hankering's Avatar
In order to promote yourself and your stupid bullshit.
Talk about "lyingly claimed". You just made up Obama "had a literary flyer made and widely circulated." (see article about for the truth of the matter).
An out and out lie.
You only included the Snopes material that shows one page of a many page (90 authors) pamphlet that was published by a literary agent. Not published by Obama.

Now twist and squirm and shift your statement and meaning to avoid the brutal truth.

You're a liar. Plain and simple.

From the same snopes article.

The editor of the biographical text about Barack Obama which was included in the booklet maintained that the mention of Kenya was an error on her part and was not based on any information provided to her by Obama himself:

Miriam Goderich edited the text of the bio; she is now a partner at the Dystel & Goderich agency, which lists Obama as one of its current clients.

“You’re undoubtedly aware of the brouhaha stirred up by Breitbart about the erroneous statement in a client list Acton & Dystel published in 1991 (for circulation within the publishing industry only) that Barack Obama was born in Kenya. This was nothing more than a fact checking error by me — an agency assistant at the time,” Goderich wrote. “There was never any information given to us by Obama in any of his correspondence or other communications suggesting in any way that he was born in Kenya and not Hawaii. I hope you can communicate to your readers that this was a simple mistake and nothing more.”

From the Huffpost

"When posted a story this week presenting a pamphlet Barack Obama’s then-literary agency, Acton & Dystel, published in 1991,it raised a firestorm of controversy due to Obama’s biography listing his birthplace as Kenya as opposed to Hawaii. And while the Breitbart editors clearly state they do not believe Obama was born in Kenya, refuting ‘birtherism,’ the clear insinuation is that Obama had a hand in crafting this incorrect biography in order to make his origins sound more worldly, exotic, and therein perhaps more attractive to publishers.

The following point are not meant to take a side on the left-right debate, but simply to present a fuller picture of the pamphlet in question and the accusations made. I firmly believe, as Miriam Goderich, the then-assistant who wrote Obama’s bio for the 1991 pamphlet, stated, that the error was clerical on her part and not a part of some grand scheme orchestrated to massage Obama’s past. Here are the reasons I believe this was, in fact, an honest error, stated without editorializing:

1) The Acton & Dystel pamphlet was meant for distribution within the publishing industry alone. It was printed to promote the agency as much, if not more, than its authors. This would be seen by industry insiders alone, not the general public.

2) In 1991, the then 30 (or 29, depending on when the pamphlet was printed) year-old Obama was a very minor author on the Acton & Dystel client list. He had no national prominence, and had not yet published any books. The incentive for a literary agency to knowingly fabricate the biography of one of its lesser authors, compared to the backlash it would receive if proved false, was minimal at best. If a publisher purchased a biography by an author, only then to find out something as large as his birthplace had been fabricated, they would likely question everything else the author had to say, possibly cancel the contract, and limit future business with that author’s agency. Again, not much upside for the agency to knowingly lie about Obama’s birthplace.

3) In 1991 the internet was a fledging thing. As Breitbart states, the current Dystel & Goderich website asks authors to submit their own biographies. To respond to that:

a) Dystel & Goderich is a separate agency from Acton & Dystel.

b) In 2012, or more recently, it is easy for authors to submit their biographies online and to fine-tune any promotional material. In 1991, it was much less common. For a prominent A&D author recognizable to anyone reading, such as Joe Montana, extra pains would be taken to ensure all material was as accurate as possible, and biographical details would be much easier to find and confirm. It is more likely for an aspiring author like Obama that the agents would simply write the authors’ bios. Remember that the 1991 pamphlet had 90 authors in it. In 2012 it would be easy to send a mass email to your client list asking for an updated biography, or to fact check promotional material. In 1991 it would likely mean making several dozen phone calls. Bad business to not confirm every author’s bio? Undoubtedly. But malicious and obfuscating? Doubtful.

4) When Dreams From My Father was published in 1995, the original dust jacket states “[B]his father’s departure from Hawaii when Barack was only two”, a clear insinuation that Obama was born in Hawaii. Nowhere in any material, either in the book or jacket copy, does it state that Obama was born in Kenya. The reason this is important is because if, as Breitbart posits, Obama wanted to appear more worldly, it would be of far greater significance to write that on a dust jacket, which would be seen by the general populace and the media, rather than simply on a pamphlet going to a few hundred publishing industry insiders.

2012-05-20-KGrHqZoQE9fpU5l0BPrB8OdYw60_57 .JPG

5) Dreams From My Father sold modestly, perhaps even poorly, upon first publication, to the extent that it went out of print. Because Obama never wrote, or attempted to sell another book, it would stand to reason the agency (which represented dozens of authors currently writing) would not consider it a high priority to update the biography of a dormant client.

6) Websites for literary agencies, in the 1990s, were seldom as well as reasonably archaic. It was not as easy to update a website as it is now. Whereas Andrew Breitbart was in many ways a legitimate internet pioneer, very few would bestow that moniker on the publishing industry at large.

7) Sometime after the publication of Dreams From My Father, Obama changed literary agents, switching from Acton & Dystsel (which became Dystel & Goderich) to Washington D.C. lawyer and agent Robert Barnett (who represents many politicians, including Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, and Sarah Palin). It stands to reason that, if Obama left the Dystel umbrella, they would have no need to revise his biography, as their only title with him was out of print and they would not be representing any future works.

8) Dreams From My Father was republished following Obama’s 2004 speech at the Democratic National Convention, widely seen as the first time he achieved national prominence. Dreams From My Father then became a massive No. 1 bestseller, nearly a decade after its original publication. Crown, which originally published Dreams in 1995, still retained the rights to the book, which meant it was not necessary to renegotiate a contract with the Dystel agency.

9) In 2007, according to Breitbart, the Dystel website finally updated Obama’s biography to state his correct birthplace of Hawaii. It was in 2007 that Obama announced his candidacy for President, and began to more heavily scrutinized. Hence the Dystel website finally updating the biography of Obama, who had not been an active client of theirs since the mid-1990s.

Now, none of this is meant to definitively say what was in Obama’s heart and head in 1991. It is possible that he saw the original Dystel & Acton brochure and approved it, and the Breibart theories are correct. However, looking at the issue dispassionately, it makes far, far more sense to me that this was simply a case of manual error that went unnoticed or unfixed for various, legitimate, reasons that are not part of a larger conspiracy. I do not carry water for Obama and certainly believe the President can, fairly, be attacked on his record, but I also do not believe this document shows what the Breitbart post insinuates it shows.

I am positive that this article will not change the mind of those who wholeheartedly believe that President Obama was born in Kenya. Yet hopefully it will cause a few who read the Breitbart piece to examine the issue a little more fully closely, in order to come to a more informed conclusion, whatever that may be.
Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
Read what the publishers require new and unknown authors to do, masterdickmuncher, and take with a grain of salt what multimillionaire publicists that are the mouthpiece with a vested interest in doing a sitting senator's (running for president) bidding say, masterdickmuncher. Even the publisher's website said Odumbo was born in Kenya and did so for some sixteen years, masterdickmuncher. Websites can be fixed when "errors" are found, masterdickmuncher. But Odumbo and his publisher let it run for sixteen years, masterdickmuncher. Odumbo was required to submit a bio with his manuscript, masterdickmuncher. The bio of an unknown writer the publisher never heard of before, masterdickmuncher. Odumbo had to write that bio per the publisher's requirement, masterdickmuncher. Odumbo was complicit in misrepresenting where he was born for some sixteen years, masterdickmuncher.

Yssup Rider's Avatar
Typical IBIdiot bullshit.

Birther stupidity.

Even your intellectual ideal, Twitler, has admitted he was lying.

Wake up and smell the fucking covfefe!
I B Hankering's Avatar
Typical IBIdiot bullshit.

Birther stupidity.

Even your intellectual ideal, Twitler, has admitted he was lying.

Wake up and smell the fucking covfefe!
Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Odumbo IS the source of the "birther movement", you Mussulman-luvin, Hitler worshipping, lying, hypocritical, racist, cum-gobbling golem fucktard, HDDB, DEM.
Munchmasterman's Avatar
Read what the publishers require new and unknown authors to do, masterdickmuncher, and take with a grain of salt what multimillionaire publicists that are the mouthpiece with a vested interest in doing a sitting senator's (running for president) bidding say, masterdickmuncher. Even the publisher's website said Odumbo was born in Kenya and did so for some sixteen years, masterdickmuncher. Websites can be fixed when "errors" are found, masterdickmuncher. But Odumbo and his publisher let it run for sixteen years, masterdickmuncher. Odumbo was required to submit a bio with his manuscript, masterdickmuncher. The bio of an unknown writer the publisher never heard of before, masterdickmuncher. Odumbo had to write that bio per the publisher's requirement, masterdickmuncher. Odumbo was complicit in misrepresenting where he was born for some sixteen years, masterdickmuncher.

Originally Posted by I B Hankering
First off, you're a cocksucking liar.
You stated Obama had his bio published and implied it was only about him. You keep avoiding the fact there were 90 authors in it.

The booklet was only for publishers. It wasn't online. The article stands on its own merit.

If you learned to read, you would see his agent in 1991 was Acton & Dystel. The agency, Dystel & Goderich, now requires authors to write their bios on its website.
Dystel & Goderich and Acton & Dystel are separate agencies.
Dumb shit.

Add in you avoided including the snopes background or any mention of it. The Huffington Post article covers all your bullshit.
If you can't pull the info out I'm not going to hand feed your stupid ass.
Man baby.

So fucking childish. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
What's really childish is about the same time WrestleMania 23 was going on and Trump and Vince McMahon were doing their little skit , Obama Senator Obama at the time was in the back seat of a limo getting a blowjob from a guy named Larry Sinclair, lol.

I B Hankering's Avatar
First off, you're a cocksucking liar.
You stated Obama had his bio published and implied it was only about him. You keep avoiding the fact there were 90 authors in it.

The booklet was only for publishers. It wasn't online. The article stands on its own merit.

If you learned to read, you would see his agent in 1991 was Acton & Dystel. The agency, Dystel & Goderich, now requires authors to write their bios on its website.
Dystel & Goderich and Acton & Dystel are separate agencies.
Dumb shit.

Add in you avoided including the snopes background or any mention of it. The Huffington Post article covers all your bullshit.
If you can't pull the info out I'm not going to hand feed your stupid ass.
Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
Acton and Drexel ALWAYS required new authors to submit a bio with their stories, masterdickmuncher: it was part and parcel to their being accepted as an author, you lying POS. In 1991, Odumbo was a fucking unknown nobody, masterdickmuncher, not entitled to any exceptions, and you're a full-fledged dick-wad if you think he was granted fucking privileges as an "unknown", masterdickmuncher. But it's expected that the publisher would lie through their ass to cover for a sitting senator who was making them money, materdickmuncher. They were literally being PAID to say what they said in 2007, after sixteen years of lies, masterdickmuncher.

FYI, masterdickmuncher, here's the publisher's requirement, masterdickmuncher. It says Odumbo was responsible for writing his own fucking bio and submitting it WITH his story, masterdickmuncher. The bio was a prerequisite to getting one's foot in the door, masterdickmuncher.

Nonfiction Proposal Guidelines

We work very hard with our clients to help them create their proposals and because we think this part of the publishing process is so very important, we wanted to share our basic formula for putting together a non-fiction proposal.

The proposal is broken down into several parts:

The first is the Overview. This begins with a brief dramatic anecdote which is meant to get the reader, in this case the editor at the publishing company, interested in the material. Immediately after this anecdote, you should describe in two or three sentences—no more—what the book will be about. This is followed by another brief paragraph on why it is being written and then another on why you are qualified to write it....

Finally, there should be a more formal narrative Bio of the author.

Furthermore, masterdickmuncher, Acton said that authors commonly had to vouch for the veracity of their bios before they were published, you lying sack of shit.
Munchmasterman's Avatar
So it was "journalism" when CNN published a story about "Russian influence" from an anonymous single source, that later had to be pulled/retracted, and people got fired for writing it, but that was just "crazy right wingers" and not actually "fake news".

You folks are hilarious. Originally Posted by RedLeg505
You're pretty funny too.
The story was retracted because it didn't meet editorial standards. No one was fired. 3 people resigned. They maintain the story as factually correct.
The fact the story was retracted shows they know when they fuck up. And they correct it.

The truth doesn't sound good enough to you?
Your version is the "fake news".
Munchmasterman's Avatar
Acton and Drexel ALWAYS required new authors to submit a bio with their stories, masterdickmuncher: it was part and parcel to their being accepted as an author, you lying POS. In 1991, Odumbo was a fucking unknown nobody, masterdickmuncher, not entitled to any exceptions, and you're a full-fledged dick-wad if you think he was granted fucking privileges as an "unknown", masterdickmuncher. But it's expected that the publisher would lie through their ass to cover for a sitting senator who was making them money, materdickmuncher. They were literally being PAID to say what they said in 2007, after sixteen years of lies, masterdickmuncher.

FYI, masterdickmuncher, here's the publisher's requirement, masterdickmuncher. It says Odumbo was responsible for writing his own fucking bio and submitting it WITH his story, masterdickmuncher. The bio was a prerequisite to getting one's foot in the door, masterdickmuncher.

Furthermore, masterdickmuncher, Acton said that authors commonly had to vouch for the veracity of their bios before they were published, you lying sack of shit. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
First off, your link goes to Dystel & Goderich, not Acton & Dystel. Did you get that?
Your link backs up what I said before. The snopes article says this below. It says Obama had nothing to do with the bio. It also says Obama wasn't published at the time.
Stop making shit up.

"The editor of the biographical text about Barack Obama which was included in the booklet maintained that the mention of Kenya was an error on her part and was not based on any information provided to her by Obama himself:

Miriam Goderich edited the text of the bio; she is now a partner at the Dystel & Goderich agency, which lists Obama as one of its current clients.

“You’re undoubtedly aware of the brouhaha stirred up by Breitbart about the erroneous statement in a client list Acton & Dystel published in 1991 (for circulation within the publishing industry only) that Barack Obama was born in Kenya. This was nothing more than a fact checking error by me — an agency assistant at the time,” Goderich wrote. “There was never any information given to us by Obama in any of his correspondence or other communications suggesting in any way that he was born in Kenya and not Hawaii. I hope you can communicate to your readers that this was a simple mistake and nothing more.”
He snuck in there with 90 others.

You ignore the fact your story goes against what all the people involved say.
Your opinion as fact, huh?
I've proved you lied. You say I lied....with no proof.
I B Hankering's Avatar
First off, your link goes to Dystel & Goderich, not Acton & Dystel. Did you get that?
Your link backs up what I said before. The snopes article says this below. It says Obama had nothing to do with the bio. It also says Obama wasn't published at the time.
Stop making shit up.

The editor of the biographical text about Barack Obama which was included in the booklet maintained that the mention of Kenya was an error on her part and was not based on any information provided to her by Obama himself:

Miriam Goderich edited the text of the bio; she is now a partner at the Dystel & Goderich agency, which lists Obama as one of its current clients.

“You’re undoubtedly aware of the brouhaha stirred up by Breitbart about the erroneous statement in a client list Acton & Dystel published in 1991 (for circulation within the publishing industry only) that Barack Obama was born in Kenya. This was nothing more than a fact checking error by me — an agency assistant at the time,” Goderich wrote. “There was never any information given to us by Obama in any of his correspondence or other communications suggesting in any way that he was born in Kenya and not Hawaii. I hope you can communicate to your readers that this was a simple mistake and nothing more.”

He snuck in there with 90 others.

You ignore the fact your story goes against what all the people involved say.
Your opinion as fact, huh?
I've proved you lied. You say I lied....with no proof.
Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
The "proof" is that the lie -- not "error" -- was promulgated without change for sixteen years, masterdickmuncher. And the bios had to be submitted WITH the manuscript, masterdickmuncher, before being published. And Acton reported that the authors had to vouch for the veracity of the bios before the bios were published, masterdickmuncher. Only an imbecile could believe a story from a paid spokesperson claiming that they never got around to correcting an "error" on their website for sixteen whole years, masterdickmuncher.

So, was Odumbo so stupid that he didn't notice such an "obvious" error for sixteen years, masterdickmuncher? Is that what you're arguing masterdickmuncher, that Odumbo was so stupid he did realize he wasn't born in Kenya when his publisher published a flyer and a website page that claimed he was born in Kenya, masterdickmuncher? Is that really your position of last resort, masterdickmuncher? Odumbo is drooling fucking idiot? Is that really your position, masterdickmuncher?