After another 3 months or of meeting ( rather trying ) to meet new providers i can trust and click with . the last 24 hours were the worst . 6 providers skipped our appointment or sessions . in a row , and all had differnt lies to tell me , then when we tried the next day to set up again . they each lied about when they would make it all 1 or 2 hours late again . i left . howver the ghetto blasting hate filled texts blow up my phone , sob stories , so i gave three of them seprately $600 . this after eadh threatend to tell Gina and slam me on Eccie . it was a twiglight zone . so i canclled p411 and changed my number . sorry but the girls today vs last 6 years are totally selfish mean angry moiney grubbers , save a very small percentage . i felt like i was in BP hell instead of Eccie or p411 or eros providers . bacdk to the asian amps i go
Originally Posted by Golfing
1. New providers are hard to visit.
2. Most providers need 24 hours notice after a client has been screened.
3. Some P411 providers will see a P411 client within 2 to 4 hours notice.
4. The three that were paid off would be off my list.
5. What is ghetto blasting?
6. Disable Ur current account and start a new one, see below.
Dude you need to guest your account. You literally painted a huge target on your back with bragging about how you always overpay, and you'll pay for zero services. You're gonna get rolled one day, and we're all gonna read about it on the news.
Originally Posted by corona
He needs to disable his current account and open a new one. Per
"To answer a question, a disabled account is not an active account."
See page two post #29