where have all the professionals gone ???

And maybe he needs a secretary to help him out with his research, spelling and obvious things like associating a name with a handle.

OP sent me a PM shortly after I posted asking "lol, what's your name"

My first sentence was, "Are you kidding me?"

I also asked him to explain what he meant when he keeps referring to girls turning "ghetto" on him.
And maybe he needs a secretary to help him out with his research, spelling and obvious things like associating a name with a handle.

OP sent me a PM shortly after I posted asking "lol, what's your name"

My first sentence was, "Are you kidding me?"

I also asked him to explain what he meant when he keeps referring to girls turning "ghetto" on him. Originally Posted by tntangie
pmdelites's Avatar
"And my point was they succeeded in running off a guy who is generous and consistent customer . My post was for others to contemplate and see if they felt the same . No one has"

1) if your point was for us to contemplate about the fucked up and low quality customer service of some dfw area providers, then it would have helped if you had said that first.

2) unless they had a gun to your head or have extreme control over your mind, it sounded like YOU are the one deciding to "run off" (i can understand why one might do that). but, imho, better to own up to your decisions and quit blaming those "providers" for your decisions.

regardless, good luck w/ your life and seeking adult sex providers wherever you land.
After another 3 months or of meeting ( rather trying ) to meet new providers i can trust and click with . the last 24 hours were the worst . 6 providers skipped our appointment or sessions . in a row , and all had differnt lies to tell me , then when we tried the next day to set up again . they each lied about when they would make it all 1 or 2 hours late again . i left . howver the ghetto blasting hate filled texts blow up my phone , sob stories , so i gave three of them seprately $600 . this after eadh threatend to tell Gina and slam me on Eccie . it was a twiglight zone . so i canclled p411 and changed my number . sorry but the girls today vs last 6 years are totally selfish mean angry moiney grubbers , save a very small percentage . i felt like i was in BP hell instead of Eccie or p411 or eros providers . bacdk to the asian amps i go Originally Posted by Golfing
1. New providers are hard to visit.
2. Most providers need 24 hours notice after a client has been screened.
3. Some P411 providers will see a P411 client within 2 to 4 hours notice.
4. The three that were paid off would be off my list.
5. What is ghetto blasting?
6. Disable Ur current account and start a new one, see below.

Dude you need to guest your account. You literally painted a huge target on your back with bragging about how you always overpay, and you'll pay for zero services. You're gonna get rolled one day, and we're all gonna read about it on the news. Originally Posted by corona
He needs to disable his current account and open a new one. Per NYr
"To answer a question, a disabled account is not an active account."

See page two post #29

berkleigh's Avatar
Some of us good professional Providers are still around...

Just not on here as much for all the drama and bullshit.
This guy just doesn't get it. Fucking idiot with his title and behavior

If that doesn't work, go look in ISO Dallas, and the title has him offering $800 right off the bat!
Hell, I might respond to the ISO if I can get him up to $1,800
juicyfroot's Avatar
Ouch....hope your hunt gets a bit easier
PeterBota's Avatar
I bet he has a bunch of pm's. they want money bags cash.
Some of us good professional Providers are still around...

Just not on here as much for all the drama and bullshit.
Originally Posted by berkleigh
Say that a bit louder for those with balcony seats.

Also, I GUARANTEE if you offered $600 initially, instead of $XYZ, they wouldn't have bailed. This is a pattern obviously. Based upon these patterns, I conclude the rate was over negotiated paired with countless (fetish) specific requests. 6 women don't just drop like flies in a row unwarranted...

What are the details? Or am I already warm?
KittyLamour's Avatar
Hahahahahaha !!! Agree with you, One Hundo !!! Originally Posted by crashkopf
Ooh... and you're the fucktard who swears to have seen me out in public at a bar dressed like a total ho and wearing some white boots. OK... If you say so...

(Imho the only time it is acceptable to wear white boots is if you are a Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader)
Randall Creed's Avatar
I agree with general assertion of the OP.
LustyBustyGina38FF's Avatar
This just sounds like a HOT MESS in so meany ways
Golfing's Avatar
Well , I wrote it in a sensation of frustration . I read all the resentment and what a waste of time thread etc . I totally regret naming a name . That women , whoa , when we did have seasons through me into cloud 9 . After 8 years of hobbling and being with incredible women of all types and shades . Never been in totally exctasy as I was with her . I just vomited money at her hoping to at least get her to kinda fake it that she really liked me a lot . It's a business and she has a perfect right to put the pedal down on the money thing , as I have the right to say no . Whatever . Now after her ghetto explosion ( ghetto meaning , a otherwise calm sweet demeanor , I get a ghetto explosion of profanity laced texts and calling me the worst names . It's incredible how many of the providers can go from 1 to 10 on the personality side . Like it's hidden just beneath the surface ready at anytime to dig in and blame and abuse a customer who simply couldn't see a way to feel wanted by someone who had a incredible appetite for cash .
One of the posters accused me of lying and making it up , another accused me of blasting her when she texted me asking for my name and references . Having just quit p411 , amd in the midst of the 24 hour disaster of a hobby party time with high expectations , I replied exactly as she said . I miss Tom her request for my name as requesting my entire name . After 8 years in the hobby , angry I quit p4111 , thus having to way to easily get a providers trust . I did pop blunt and very mean or disrespectful reply . Truth be known I didn't know who she was and any other time I would have easily worked it out with her . Honestly , I don't like to give names,of other providers to cal, for one reason . Then the girls I saw , who want me to come back , see that I am hitting someone else and even who that person is . Yes I get pm s wondering why I would do that and why won't I schedule again with whoever I had a reference . And yes I go with high hopes the girl. In the room can be for me attractive enough to stay with . I must feel that attraction . I did in her photo , but 75 % of the time I don't . And yes I pay full session fee plus tip . Why ? Because I am stupid with money . If you knew me you would know that is not true . I do it becaus I respect what the providers do . I am grateful,to even be able to meet these girls and most especially I am extremely happy to have met the 15-20 over the many years who simply make me a better person , husbamd and man . Those hobbyists who for some reason simply attract my post for grammar or other remarks and expressed how vs,useless my post was , and who surely criticized me for doing what I do when I cancel same day or when I arrive and pay and go because I am not attracted. Or how could I be such an idiot for being treated ( yes it was 6 providers ) so poorly , then actually pay $600 who causght me in the parking lot and had already gone ghetto and threatening to trash my name on eccie . ( got three of those ) one even screamed she knows people and knows where I live . Oh god . I can't tell you how sad it is to me after all the years of being a gentleman who feels a responsabily to the providers time or the time space I occupied in their schedule . I pay the fee plus $100 tip per hour . Even if it was a three our session . Their time is money . And I feel an obligation . It's my fault if I am not attracted . Even though many many time 70 % of the time the picture she are incredibly touched up these days that I have no idea what the look will be when I arrive . I can't qualify it enough and they all get angry if I press it too much . This is why I really don't like going our to meet new . Huge waste of time. But what I won't do is openly let the feel it's because I find the, unattractive . I do my best to create another excuse , and always depart , apologizing and yes I even lie saying , of course I will schedule again ... etc . And no I never do . But I have learned my lesson here , my goodness . Many of you should,realize that there must be 90% of the people who would never dare post because everything is ridiculed , criticized and attacked . It's has been interesting for me to even get a lot of the providers jumping in to attack and call me a liar and no way 6 provides , .. maybe everyone does lie on this stuff . I don't have a reason to . And I will certainly be very hesitant to do so again . Ok have a brialliant say .
Jules Jaguar's Avatar
I stopped reading after the first sentence ^ maybe stick to golf this hobby seems toxic for you.