ok i'll ask........ whos fault is it that she hung herself? the cops? the courts? explain it
Originally Posted by chizzy
System's overall. Not singly the court or the cops. The root of the problem is that many of these girls get involved in and with the system over bullshit...say small amount of weed. I am not praising them for doing it, BUT the cycle never ends afterwards ONCE they get involved. Why do they get involved? Because the laws are made by total idiots and cretins. For small amount of this or that you end up in jail. Then you get put on probation. Then you can't get a job, you suck more dick, smoke more of that, end up in again and thus the cycle goes on indefinitely. Court costs is all they are after. They start treating you like a machine for money. You can't pay them because you can't get a job you are in again. When the cycle becomes this vicious and you see no light in the tunnel, the result is what happened. So it is the system's fault so the system now has 3 orphans to take care of. This is in brief. A more detailed answer would require a lot more space and in-depth analysis I don't feel like doing right now. The reason why this country has become so disgusting is because everybody is after $$$$$$$$$$$. The system including. The system DOES NOT give a fuck what you smoke or who you suck. They want $2000 from you every time they run you through it for BS. Hope this answered your question. Troubled she may have been, I won't deny that, but not that troubled that she deserved to die, especially in the way she did.
Still not convinced this disgusting country is all after $$$$$$?
The other day I passed by Slater's funeral home. Someone had died. 6 luxury long black limousines and a mile long line of luxury cars showing materialistic assets at a funeral. For the fuck what? For a fucking corpse? Even in and when it comes to death it is all about $$$$$$ again. Disgusting!!!!
Still not convinced?
How many times have you received a letter in the mail offering you a grave?
I have 3 times for the last ten years and I am only in my mid 30's. Do you realize how depressing shit like this can be to some?
Fucking disgusting!!! The system is a BUSINESS. It is not there to protect you or for your good. It exists to suck any single dollar it can from you.
Fucking disgusting!