Best place/method for joint STD screening

tatasddd's Avatar
That be a fur more educated comment. I can't believe how's much smarter you is than us. No wonders you can get aways wit beeng a deadbeat Originally Posted by bigguyt
And this is some amazing spelling of yours to be jealous of. How many vodkas are you on?
And this is some amazing spelling of yours to be jealous of. How many vodkas are you on? Originally Posted by tatasddd
I was pretending to be like you.
tatasddd's Avatar
I was pretending to be like you. Originally Posted by bigguyt
chizzy's Avatar


hmmm you say u r not gay or bi but you post this. i'm confused is this a wishful dream of yours or have you had experience putting your weenie up a guys stinky ass? excuse me if i dont understand because i am just an uneducated dumb american
tatasddd's Avatar


hmmm you say u r not gay or bi but you post this. i'm confused is this a wishful dream of yours or have you had experience putting your weenie up a guys stinky ass? excuse me if i dont understand because i am just an uneducated dumb american Originally Posted by chizzy
If you had a little grey matter you would grasp the concept behind it or not pretend you don't or try to twist it. If it wasn't for the fucking police and the retarded flawed system the three providers who died this year probably would have been alive now. As a result of that the fucking system now has 4 orphans to take care of. Bella Rae was a beautiful girl who hanged herself. Guess who is to blame for that? It does not matter she was troubled.
chizzy's Avatar
ok i'll ask........ whos fault is it that she hung herself? the cops? the courts? explain it
tatasddd's Avatar
ok i'll ask........ whos fault is it that she hung herself? the cops? the courts? explain it Originally Posted by chizzy
System's overall. Not singly the court or the cops. The root of the problem is that many of these girls get involved in and with the system over bullshit...say small amount of weed. I am not praising them for doing it, BUT the cycle never ends afterwards ONCE they get involved. Why do they get involved? Because the laws are made by total idiots and cretins. For small amount of this or that you end up in jail. Then you get put on probation. Then you can't get a job, you suck more dick, smoke more of that, end up in again and thus the cycle goes on indefinitely. Court costs is all they are after. They start treating you like a machine for money. You can't pay them because you can't get a job you are in again. When the cycle becomes this vicious and you see no light in the tunnel, the result is what happened. So it is the system's fault so the system now has 3 orphans to take care of. This is in brief. A more detailed answer would require a lot more space and in-depth analysis I don't feel like doing right now. The reason why this country has become so disgusting is because everybody is after $$$$$$$$$$$. The system including. The system DOES NOT give a fuck what you smoke or who you suck. They want $2000 from you every time they run you through it for BS. Hope this answered your question. Troubled she may have been, I won't deny that, but not that troubled that she deserved to die, especially in the way she did.

Still not convinced this disgusting country is all after $$$$$$?

The other day I passed by Slater's funeral home. Someone had died. 6 luxury long black limousines and a mile long line of luxury cars showing materialistic assets at a funeral. For the fuck what? For a fucking corpse? Even in and when it comes to death it is all about $$$$$$ again. Disgusting!!!!

Still not convinced?

How many times have you received a letter in the mail offering you a grave?

I have 3 times for the last ten years and I am only in my mid 30's. Do you realize how depressing shit like this can be to some?

Fucking disgusting!!! The system is a BUSINESS. It is not there to protect you or for your good. It exists to suck any single dollar it can from you.

Fucking disgusting!
tatasddd's Avatar
Let me give you one more example of how disgusting this country is. My private Bulgarian dentist has made 2 crowns in my upper set of teeth. More than 10 years ago. They have not moved ever since. During the first one, he told me that the metal-ceramic he uses is imported from the US. Each of these crowns cost $150 which includes the material, it includes the cast, which another technician does and the actual placement and dentist's work. So for two it was $300 in US money. I convert the local money into USD so you get the idea of the cost. Go anywhere in this fucking country and show me a dentist who would do a crown for less than $1000. If you are lucky maybe $950. Based the fuck on what is that costing so much? His school? BS. His work? BS. Greed and BS. This is the answer. Greed, BS and capitalism. And I bet you my pair of old boots that a crown done here will fall off within 3 to 5 years. Mine have not moved since they were placed more than 10 years ago and they hold by an extremely tiny piece of real tooth structure. This is not because the material is US. This is because the dentist is a fucking god. I had a wisdom tooth pulled as well by him, $40. Local freezing, just one pick in the central nerve. Never ever felt any pain was done in 35 seconds. Go here and see how much that costs and if you won't feel the tooth come out. I bet you will. And they will prick you 3 to 5 times and still give you pain. Go figure for yourself. And do not forget the cost also includes the import. So in other words they charge you $1000 to put something in your mouth that costs probably $10.
berryberry's Avatar

Number 2 : I will be out of the US in a matter of months.
Originally Posted by tatasddd
it was only a matter of time til INS knocked on your door and started deporting your illegal ass
berryberry's Avatar
F because I subsidize it through taxes, I don't think I should pay any more for these kinds of things than I already have.

So for one I pay taxes Originally Posted by tatasddd
You need a real job to pay taxes. The gov't is not there taking their cut out of the $20 BJs you give behind the dumpster
bambino's Avatar
Let me give you one more example of how disgusting this country is. My private Bulgarian dentist has made 2 crowns in my upper set of teeth. More than 10 years ago. They have not moved ever since. During the first one, he told me that the metal-ceramic he uses is imported from the US. Each of these crowns cost $150 which includes the material, it includes the cast, which another technician does and the actual placement and dentist's work. So for two it was $300 in US money. I convert the local money into USD so you get the idea of the cost. Go anywhere in this fucking country and show me a dentist who would do a crown for less than $1000. If you are lucky maybe $950. Based the fuck on what is that costing so much? His school? BS. His work? BS. Greed and BS. This is the answer. Greed, BS and capitalism. And I bet you my pair of old boots that a crown done here will fall off within 3 to 5 years. Mine have not moved since they were placed more than 10 years ago and they hold by an extremely tiny piece of real tooth structure. This is not because the material is US. This is because the dentist is a fucking god. I had a wisdom tooth pulled as well by him, $40. Local freezing, just one pick in the central nerve. Never ever felt any pain was done in 35 seconds. Go here and see how much that costs and if you won't feel the tooth come out. I bet you will. And they will prick you 3 to 5 times and still give you pain. Go figure for yourself. And do not forget the cost also includes the import. So in other words they charge you $1000 to put something in your mouth that costs probably $10. Originally Posted by tatasddd
So, your dental implants cost $300. The Bulgarian dentist put them in for free. Great deal. Are you sure he was a dentist? Or a gay Bulgarian dentist who accepted a BBBJ, BLS, rimmer from you as professional courtesy?
tatasddd's Avatar
So, your dental implants cost $300. The Bulgarian dentist put them in for free. Great deal. Are you sure he was a dentist? Or a gay Bulgarian dentist who accepted a BBBJ, BLS, rimmer from you as professional courtesy? Originally Posted by bambino
I see you are mad you paid thousands and your mouth is still toothless. Now can you cut your bullshit and stay on the current topic?
I see you are mad you paid thousands and your mouth is still toothless. Now can you cut your bullshit and stay on the current topic? Originally Posted by tatasddd
You don't even know what the topic is
tatasddd's Avatar
You don't even know what the topic is Originally Posted by bigguyt
On the contrary, pay attention, a question was asked by chizzy which had to be answered thus the analysis I gave. YOU DON'T know what the topic is.
bambino's Avatar
I see you are mad you paid thousands and your mouth is still toothless. Now can you cut your bullshit and stay on the current topic? Originally Posted by tatasddd
I have been. I have a full compliment of teeth. Only have 2 pinpoint cavities. I just go to get my teeth cleaned. I’ve shared more pertinent information concerning HC in this country than you. You just regurgitate your moronic opinions which are completely false.