The scope of people on this board.

Genetics play a pivotal role as well as environment in the productivity of crops and livestock and all living things. Our environment is the same being that we live in the same country so the genetics become the limiting factor. I'm obviously blessed. Originally Posted by Carribean stud
I love the random shit that gets posted on here. lol
Generally, sexual assault is defined as unwanted sexual contact. The Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network defines sexual assault as "unwanted sexual contact that stops short of rape or attempted rape. This includes sexual touching and fondling." (per wikipedia)

I would hate to think this board is full of criminals - so it probably isn't; although there was mention of leaving an appointment without paying. Groping happens a lot at fiesta events so A LOT of guilty folks there. For the most part the board seems "reasonably" safe to me. Depends on your definition of "sex assault" and "safety" i guess.

As far as "financial status" - or lack thereof - is concerned, that's not really what this board is about. And there's a difference between being wealthy and having money (ca$h). You can inherit money, steal money, print money, earn money or even find money. I don't think anybody here really cares where it came/comes from.

However, I will say that financial ability and job success also depends on how you define that. There's probably a little educational background involved there but maybe not. But again who really cares? I think everybody pays a price for their current condition based on past decisions - that's called the future.

Like me - for instance. I was never really good at math. And I'm sure 9 out of 3 members here would agree with me.
Budman's Avatar
Rogueone, I didn't make all the money I have, money was invested for me at a young age, I inherited well and all that money was invested well. Originally Posted by Carribean stud
Congrats that you inherited well. I am not jealous of you or anyone else. IMO jealously is a wasted emotion. However, what pisses people off about people like you is the condescending attitude you have about others. I've made a shit load of money and I've lost a shit load of money. The cycle continues but I made it all on my own. Been on my own since I was 16. Nobody gave me shit. That's just the way world works but for you to play the jealously card is fucking stupid. If you are a self made millionaire then I have respect for that but because mommy and daddy left you a shit load of cash doesn't mean you are a success. It means your parents were. You may be a great person and be very successful in your own right but turning your nose down on others that weren't as fortunate as you makes you a fucking dick. Fuck off and move on bitch.
Slave Guinevere's Avatar
Genetics play a pivotal role as well as environment in the productivity of crops and livestock and all living things. Our environment is the same being that we live in the same country so the genetics become the limiting factor. I'm obviously blessed. Originally Posted by Carribean stud
Ahhh... He's not only blessed... He's also SO PRECIOUS..." width="858" height="508">" />">

I just love baby trolls... Lol... Think he can hang with Eccie 's notorious BAD BOYS?

Your amused slave,

Xesaddict's Avatar
Am betting that this troll doesn’t have the money it takes to see any provider. No reviews!!!
He who can does. He who can’t talks about it. He sure talks a lot.
Congrats that you inherited well. I am not jealous of you or anyone else. IMO jealously is a wasted emotion. However, what pisses people off about people like you is the condescending attitude you have about others. I've made a shit load of money and I've lost a shit load of money. The cycle continues but I made it all on my own. Been on my own since I was 16. Nobody gave me shit. That's just the way world works but for you to play the jealously card is fucking stupid. If you are a self made millionaire then I have respect for that but because mommy and daddy left you a shit load of cash doesn't mean you are a success. It means your parents were. You may be a great person and be very successful in your own right but turning your nose down on others that weren't as fortunate as you makes you a fucking dick. Fuck off and move on bitch. Originally Posted by Budman
I didn't totally get a free ride I had to work as a Texas prison guard about 20 years ago till I got a job starting out as an agronomist working mostly with cotton corn wheat and milo and some vegetables eventually I started working with citrus and more vegetables in the rio grande valley then with vineyards and orchards in California then an opportunity came along and I moved to Europe to do private consulting. Next time you drink some wine have some orange juice or eat a peach, or even have a slice of pecan pie or your just looking at the olive in your martini think of me because I mighta been the one that taught them them how to get it done or how to get it done better..... I put some money away but not near as much as the money I was given grew to become. understanding to leave that money I was given alone for so many years allowed me to say fuck it I don't have to work ever again so I moved back to Texas and will go down and work as needed in the valley for a former employer dealing with mostly citrus. I'm gonna concentrate on my favorite hobby which is team roping everything is secondary including hookers now to me going roping.
I just wish finding a good horse was as easy as finding a good hooker!
sprydo12's Avatar
I didn't totally get a free ride I had to work as a Texas prison guard about 20 years ago till I got a job starting out as an agronomist working mostly with cotton corn wheat and milo and some vegetables eventually I started working with citrus and more vegetables in the rio grande valley then with vineyards and orchards in California then an opportunity came along and I moved to Europe to do private consulting. Next time you drink some wine have some orange juice or eat a peach, or even have a slice of pecan pie or your just looking at the olive in your martini think of me because I mighta been the one that taught them them how to get it done or how to get it done better..... I put some money away but not near as much as the money I was given grew to become. understanding to leave that money I was given alone for so many years allowed me to say fuck it I don't have to work ever again so I moved back to Texas and will go down and work as needed in the valley for a former employer dealing with mostly citrus. I'm gonna concentrate on my favorite hobby which is team roping everything is secondary including hookers now to me going roping. Originally Posted by Carribean stud

Thanks for clarifying all the lingering questions we all had about your life. Now that you've settled it and have chosen greener pastures I'm sure we're all wishing you the best on your journey. Please permit me to say from all of us "Good luck sir and goodbye!
Precious_b's Avatar
Ahhh... He's not only blessed... He's also SO PRECIOUS...


Your amused slave,

Guinevere Originally Posted by Slave Guinevere
No, I'm Precious

I wonder how I became Gentry with my genetics?

Otherwise, I know I have nothing to credit the OP with the Huckleberry preserves i've got canned. Mentioned nothing about being near the property they were picked. And I know old Gay Perry is too out of shape to be there also.
Since you obviously don't like it here, may I wish that you find your next destination to be to your liking - many of us will throw a going away party after you leave.
You dummies I never said I was leaving.
FLReWrite's Avatar
Am betting that this troll doesn’t have the money it takes to see any provider. No reviews!!!
He who can does. He who can’t talks about it. He sure talks a lot. Originally Posted by Xesaddict
So your logical conclusion is no reviews=no money?
DocHolyday's Avatar
Since you obviously don't like it here, may I wish that you find your next destination to be to your liking - many of us will throw a going away party after you leave. Originally Posted by OldYeller
Hey OY, I will contribute towards that. ^^^^^
Xesaddict's Avatar
So your logical conclusion is no reviews=no money? Originally Posted by FLReWrite
No. That was not a conclusion. Just a question and an observation. I am well aware that a lot of hobbyists do not review. I do stand by my opinion, more of a guess, that the OP is simply a troll and not one who has the $$$ he brags about having.
It's been my expierence that only dumbasses continuously try to seek out someone they don't like. So what's y'all's excuse for continously seeking me out? Best I can figure is there's alot more men that have a man crush on me than I previously thought.