Have you ever been in love with a provider? tell us your story?

olderguy1948's Avatar
It is a fantasy. What we are buying or selling is the fantasy of love...that someone really gives a damn what we think or want...that we are the only thing in the world that is really important. The more real the fantasy is, the more lines get blured. For the time I am with a provider, I like to live the fantasy. When the time is up, I go back to reality. I have never had a reality that ever lived up to the fantasy that I had about it. You are much better off just living the fantasy when you can, knowing what it really is. One thing about getting old is that sooner or later you actually learn some things.
burkalini's Avatar
i have fallen in love with a wl , and have had a working lady fall in love with me . i do not know about other races , but i would avoid falling for an Asian wl
they are so keen on money they can never stop . i am english and live in england . split up with my ex then on a punt met this girl , her name was cherry or yoyo depending on if she was working or not . nether are her real name . i spent three years with her , good years too . she was very generous to me , always buying me expensive things , she payed for everything . so she was not after my money , because i do not have any . the uk at the moment is very hard to get ahead .
any way we were together a long time , and all she would go on about was marridge , but i said i did not wish to marry so she left the uk and went back too hong kong . but three months latter she came back too britain to be with me . so i agreed that if she did not work again , then we could marry . we had to wait a bit because i was still married too my ex . any way for a while she lived in london and i lived about 60 miles away . well things just got worse , i suspected she might be working again , because when i visited her she always had so much money , i would question her about it but she swore that she was working in a restaurant . then one day someone sent me messages saying she was working , probably another working girl with a grip . but still she promised it was not true . i did not really want too lose her , as by this time i was really in love with her . but my doubt made the relationship rocky so she suggested she move in with me and i accepted . but all was not well she could not find legitimate work near my home as she had no work permit .
anyway things got worse with my doubt and when her family in china had a crisis , she decided to go home . she told me that she was going to china. but something she had said 2 years earlier just led me to feel , that she was actually in sydney . it is funny on the day she left hong kong to go to sydney , 21 September 2010 , she sent me a text saying just off too china , don't worry . and for some reason i just knew something was wrong .
anyway she ended up in sydney , and working first at 280 hornsby then at 22 brodie street rydalemere . but all along she was telling me that she was in china . after a month of constant arguing and fighting , i said if you are really are in china , then prove it . she even tried to fool me by leaving a phone in hong kong that she would send a text too for me and the friend would forward it too me and vise verse with my replies . when she called me the number would come up private . she thought she had covered all the bases to trick me . around october time 2010 , i had had enough , so i said i was going too jump on a plane and go see her in china , she still persisted in saying she was in china and not sydney . book a ticket arrange too go and see her , then i little truth and more lies . i got a text saying because i am so unreasonable and we had argued so much that she was now in sydney , she said she arrived today . i said fine , as i did not believe her , i said just show me the stamp in her passport on msn , that way i will know that if it has today's date , that i was wrong and sorry for suspecting her . but guess what , the passport was stolen with a bag soon after arriving in sydney . you sydney lot a such crooks ha.
but she still swore even on her own daughters life that she was not a wl . just working in a restaurant trying to help her family . and that she would return in a few months so we could marry . well i started to look on the Internet too check out the punting scene in sydney , see if i could find her out . eventually i found a picture that i was sure was her even though you could not see her face , but she has a very rear bracelet and i could see it . so questioned her again , still denial . she just would not admit a thing , it did not matter how hard i tried or how much evidence i had she would not admit a thing , and all her friends helped her with the deceit . i just did not know what too believe . i did not think it was possible for someone too look you in the eyes and lie so easily and so convincingly , i thought i was going mad .
eventually she came home in febuary , with many things , we talked and talked still denial , she would admit nothing and had fabricated an entirely different life for herself in sydney . we set a date and bought tickets to go too hong kong too marry . but she had brought back a new samsung ipad thing from sydney , and i had just changed my internet supplier that day , we were lying in bed and she wanted too go on the internet on this thing but did not know which one was mine after it had searched for all available wireless connections , so she handed it to me to help . guess what i saw when she gave it too me , the wireless connection for 22 brodie street rydalemere , the place that i had seen the picture that i was sure was her , but she swore was not . then i knew . now she is gone for good even though she still sends messages and calls everyday several times . the stupid thing is if she had been honest , we could have gone on , i would not have married her but we could have gone on .
so let that be a lesson to any of you who are thinking of having a wl as a girlfriend , i can recommend it , it is great fun , you learn so much , the sex is out of this world . but do not under any circumstances fall in love with one . they can never give up there desire for nice expensive things and the comforts of life so they can never give up that life . it gives them more than any man can . Originally Posted by kezzer

Well said. Go out and find one in a natural environment
burkalini's Avatar
Lets face it. These women are very good at what we like. They find out our likes and give us what we want. It's a great service. They perform a good function in that we leave feeling like we can still run with the bulls. We even kiss and sometimes cuddle with them. If you repeat this with someone it can appear that they have real feelings for you. I have nothing bad to say about a provider like this. Isn't this what we look for when see them. Its' a very big draw for us. With that said the key word is SERVICE. Don't get mad at them for not being your dream girl in reality. They get into this business for a million different reasons except that it all has to do with money and not love. I have felt on top of the world after being with a beautiful intelligent provider. I will not ever fall in love with one though. If you feel like you are going down that road my advice is as hard as it may seem at the time stop it right away. I think your only going to find dissapointment in the long run. I really feel it's better to think of them as that dream woman sometimes because if you really get to know someone you will find out that that woman truly only exist in a dream anyway.
So, this topic combined with another drew me out from lurking. To directly answer the op's question, no I have never fallen in love with a provider. I hope I never do. I also have not been doing this for all that long.

I will not be so crass as to say I pay the provider to leave, mostly because I usually go visit them and I am the one to leave. I do however see myself as paying for the lack of commitment. And I view the no strings attached aspect of this business as a service equal in value to the companionship. I am an introvert and functionally neurotic. At least that is what my therapist tells me.

Life forces most of us to interact with people on a constant basis be it professionally or personally. My work requires me to interact with others nearly every moment, it is what I do, and I manage it quite well. Yet outside of work I cannot stand to be in a crowded aisle in a supermarket. But what is even worse for me is to have the constant presence of another person inside my own space. Every person requires alone time but I am wired in a manner that I need to live that way.

From my late teens through most of my adult life I went from long term relationship to long term relationship. For the most part, with one exception, they were all wonderful women. Women that any man in his right mind would love (there is that word) to be involved with. Except I wasn't. And thanks to that exception, and my therapist, I now realize it is okay not to be.

Now, don't get me wrong. I do like the companionship aspect of this business. The nervous thrill of meeting a stranger in a manner that society considers taboo is quite the adrenaline rush. The ladies I have met could attest that I shake like a leaf on a tree, even during repeat visits. But that leads to another equally valued part of the encounter. A quality lady can diffuse said nervousness with humor, substantive conversation, and a welcoming demeanor. I like multi-hour meetings because taking the time to visit for a little bit can be quite the turn on.

I rambled a bit and went off topic but I think my point of view came across. I am not trying to be macho or protect my ego by saying that I value the NSA part of this business. I am not trying to lord myself over those who have succumbed to their fantasies. I am thankful to the ladies for the service they provide. That being short periods of companionship with the needed no commitment in between visits. For a guy like me it has been great.
Trying to make an Escort out of your Girlfriend or worse yet a wife, is like trying to turn a Mountain Lion into a House Cat.
Pink Floyd's Avatar
I think the nature of the beast dictates that in most cases, if the woman is of strong mind, she dictates the course of the relationship. If a sexy intelligent woman sets her sights on a male, the male is pretty well helpless to resist. We like to beat our chests and deny it, but evolution is stronger that any guys mindset. We are buying an illusion, an hour or two of ecstasy, but deep in our minds we wish it were real. I admit that there are a few girls who turn me inside out, but I maintain the proper distance and if they ever want that to change it would be up to them to change it.
whitechocolate's Avatar
I have been in all sorts of relationships with providers from not so serious to very serious. As has been noted, you cant be the jealous or possessive type for sure. Just the opposite, you need to enjoy hearing about their experiences. It takes a lot of flexibility in all aspects of your life.
whitechocolate's Avatar
I should add that your communications need to be totally open and honest with no secrets for both. When a stable provider finds a man whom she can totally trust and depend on, she will jump at the opportunity for a long term relationship. You just need to have the right personality to deal with her providing. Just make sure she is relatively stable and grounded.
RickForFun's Avatar
Trying to make an Escort out of your Girlfriend or worse yet a wife, is like trying to turn a Mountain Lion into a House Cat. Originally Posted by acp5762
Here kitty, kitty, kitty....
Still Looking's Avatar
Sir, you are wrong. Not all providers are crap like the lady you had the arrangement with. If I met a decent man who didn't want to take advantage of me, who truely wanted to help me, by all means I would cherish that if IF the chemistry was there and we both truely liked eachother. I find that many men try to take advantage of me. They try to take from me as much as they can, not give. Whether that is soak my time without paying extra, or try to get free sex out of me, or use me as a pen pal. To be honest, I would settle down if I met a truely caring man who really wanted to help me out financially. I'm sorry to add the money issue there, but you need to bring something to the table. These rif raf clients who I've met want to date me, want me to give up escorting, but they're not offering to pay for my education or rent or utilities. Give me a break. I agree, you shouldn't fall in love in this hobbying world. But not all escorts are rif raf like the chick you dated. Originally Posted by incognito isis
When you meet Mr. Wonderful it won't matter if he has money or not....... unless.......
whitechocolate's Avatar
There are a lot of providers worth being in a relationship with. The early stages of a provider/client relationship is always very rocky as both dont trust each other and the communication is far from open and honest. It takes time to build trust. If both can wither the early rocky goings, hopefully the communication will become open and honest to where both truly trust each other and feelings will be genuine. Unfortunately in the provider business, few relationships can get past this early distrusting phase.
tuckahoe's Avatar
I have been in love with several providers. One I loved was not the most skilled escort I had ever been with, but I could see a very special woman in her. I know she felt degraded as an escort, but she thought her circumstances demanded it. I believe we could have developed an excellent loving relationship together. But I will never know for certain, because she was tortured, beaten, murdered, and thrown from a bridge. The scumbag was caught, but that can't bring her back! It can't erase the the published picture of her bruised, naked body lying lifeless on the cold ground. I shudder to think of what she had to endure. Several years later, I sometimes still cry and tremble, because I still love her, and always will.

My normal fantasy with an escort is to make myself temporarily believe that we are truly in love. I really appreciate the tender, intimate feelings, even if we are not in love. I guess I am pretty good at making my fantasy believable, because I have had several escorts who thought I was really falling in love with them, even though in reality, I was not! Even with the ones I did love, I never tried to call them after the date unless invited to do so. (Madison, from E town KY, I got your message and tried and tried to call, but your message box was always full. Then your # changed. If you read this, please call. My # is still the same. I have fond memories of our time together at Shepherdsville. I still treasure the pink bra you gave me!)

But whether or not I desire to be in love with an escort, I care about each and every one. Escorts are still real people with real emotions and joys and sadness. THANK YOU to each one who has shared part of herself precious self with me!!!!!!!
Still Looking's Avatar
There are a lot of providers worth being in a relationship with. The early stages of a provider/client relationship is always very rocky as both dont trust each other and the communication is far from open and honest. It takes time to build trust. If both can wither the early rocky goings, hopefully the communication will become open and honest to where both truly trust each other and feelings will be genuine. Unfortunately in the provider business, few relationships can get past this early distrusting phase. Originally Posted by whitechocolate
I have been in love with several providers. One I loved was not the most skilled escort I had ever been with, but I could see a very special woman in her. I know she felt degraded as an escort, but she thought her circumstances demanded it. I believe we could have developed an excellent loving relationship together. But I will never know for certain, because she was tortured, beaten, murdered, and thrown from a bridge. The scumbag was caught, but that can't bring her back! It can't erase the the published picture of her bruised, naked body lying lifeless on the cold ground. I shudder to think of what she had to endure. Several years later, I sometimes still cry and tremble, because I still love her, and always will.

My normal fantasy with an escort is to make myself temporarily believe that we are truly in love. I really appreciate the tender, intimate feelings, even if we are not in love. I guess I am pretty good at making my fantasy believable, because I have had several escorts who thought I was really falling in love with them, even though in reality, I was not! Even with the ones I did love, I never tried to call them after the date unless invited to do so. (Madison, from E town KY, I got your message and tried and tried to call, but your message box was always full. Then your # changed. If you read this, please call. My # is still the same. I have fond memories of our time together at Shepherdsville. I still treasure the pink bra you gave me!)

But whether or not I desire to be in love with an escort, I care about each and every one. Escorts are still real people with real emotions and joys and sadness. THANK YOU to each one who has shared part of herself precious self with me!!!!!!! Originally Posted by tuckahoe
I hope every provider reads your posts! I have nothing to add nor anything amusing or funny to say, except Thank You!
jughead1171's Avatar
Yes, my first was a 19 year old she had a 5 year old son.We stayed together for 2 years. I cared for her and her son. then one day she left meShe quit providing while we dated.. I found out later she had another boyfriend. My second was an older woman she had 4 year old girl. She lied a lot. She never gave up providing,,she just lied about it.i left her. I don't regret either relationship. love is hard to come by and even harder in the provider world. Originally Posted by pickupkid
I think it is easy to get caught up in the fantasy and while I may become infatuated with a provider I am also very realistic about the chances of them folling in love with me is pretty much zero.

I may be way off base here but I do hope providers develop a sense of comfort and familiarity with repeat clients that evolves into some form of a friendship.
burkalini's Avatar
Again. DON"T DO IT!!!!!!!!!!!!