If Trump said it (no one has stepped up yet, do your research), he only spoke the Truth!!! Originally Posted by NoTellSo if he called the folks from those countries shithole n******, from shithole countries.
Your defense would be, "He only spoke the truth."?
Sometimes the truth is left better unsaid.
If he met your dumbass, would you want him to speak the truth and discuss how much more money he has than you, how he could buy your wife to suck his dick with the change in his pocket?
The truth does not always need to be told.
Telling the truth can be a damning truth about just what kind of person you are. Who says shit like that who is in politics? This is the leader of the free world....not the guy sitting next to you playing blackjack. Him saying that has implications that me or you do not shoulder.
So while at first glance to the uneducated it seems as a harmless 'truth' , it really is stupid as fuck for him to say.