New climate change research indicates rate of sea level increase is accelerating

Munchmasterman's Avatar
As is customary of parrots, you miss "the point" again!

Please try to stay focused even when you just regurgitate shit. Originally Posted by LexusLover
You have no point.
Your science knowledge is poor. No links, no belief in what you say.

News Flash: Land is sinking at a much faster rate than first indicated. It appears the tectonic plates are causing some areas to fall and others to rise. This is a worldwide occurrence. Stay tuned for further updates. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
It's not a news flash. What update? How many new mountain ranges have you seen appear on Earth in the last 500 years? Islands are formed mostly by volcanic activity. The climate change window is a few hundred years. The dropping/rising land is a much larger timeframe in years. Plates move @5mm per year.
You should watch Earth II instead of alex jones.

Parrots must parrot! I've no interest in switching with SS, you both have really .... hit it .... off well it seems. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Shut the fuck up.
The earth is in a constant state of change.
To believe that we have an influence over it at all is humorous.
One burp frop0m the sun that hits us directly and it is all a moot point.
Time to start all over again and this next time who knows how we will "evolve". Originally Posted by The2Dogs
That you don't believe we can affect our climate isn't humorous. You believe whatever you want.
The CO2 forms an insulating blanket that traps heat from the sun instead of radiating it back into space. Look at the sky at night. The number of visible stars has declined over the years.

Water present in Rivers, Lakes and streams don't just rise and over flow it's banks and flood low lying areas for no reason. There must be a force acting upon it to cause the displacement of water to cause flooding. That force would have to come from heavy prolonged torrential rains, high winds, and the breaching of dams and any other restraining structure that control the flow of water away from land masses that are heavily populated. The idea that Climate change in and of itself is responsible for natural disasters caused by mankind's carelessness in the use of Fossil Fuels is a very lame assumption.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
Yes. You are right about the way inland water systems overflow. Climate change can put more moister into the air causing more rain or snow plus warming the water in the gulf gives more energy to hurricanes. Climate change doesn't cause disasters. It can amplify them. The increase from melting ice, snow, etc is sea level that affects coastal cities.
[FONT="Arial"][SIZE="3"][COLOR="blue"]One of the papers referenced by your link (links inside the link you added that supposedly support the conclusion).

A link in the report you gave a link for said,

"The latest findings glaringly contradict alarmist claims of accelerating sea level rise. For example the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) here wrote sea levels would “likely rise for many centuries at rates higher than that of the current century”, due to global warming."
Following the link in this paragraph takes you to a article that contradicts the contradiction of accelerating rates.

You are misinterpreting the article. The link occurs in a portion of the article titled "Scary scenarios abound". The link is to an article containing the "scary scenario" referenced in the title. Capiche? Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
The author of the paper is a blogger. The NOAA is one of many scientific organizations that contributes to the overall climate study.

"A commenter alerted me to a post by science denier Pierre Gosselin (archived here). He reckons that because there are quite a few climate cranks who run blogs, it disproves the fact that 97% of science papers on the topic find that humans are causing climate change. Or something like that. Which of course it doesn't.

Pierre Gosselin, you may recall, back in 2008, two years before the equal hottest year on record so far, said he thought that Earth would become icy cold by 2020, writing (archived here):"

"Over the past months a spate of scientific papers published show sea level rise has not accelerated like..."

How many articles/papers are a "spate"? He provides links to what he calls "scary scenarios" published by reputable sources.
Different methods and models show similar ballpark numbers for NOAA and others.

You believe who you want to but the vast majority of data, papers, and scientists accept climate change as a fact.
Munchmasterman's Avatar
I don't know.
Start a poll and find out.
Who cares about the world in 2200? Originally Posted by friendly fred
Munchmasterman's Avatar
Another stupid post by you. This change took less than 150 years and every day the rate of increase goes up.
Even if we don't agree on the effect you still can't deny the amount increases.
Funny how it chaps your ass you can't offer up debate to the "scientists" because you don't understand the science involved.
The principle is easy. It's the amounts involved that raise the questions.
You don't have to know what is in or where the books in a library are when you know how to use the catalog and index cards.
And you can, because for billions of years the Earth's "climate" has changed and there were no signs of "Man," much less any of Man's MACHINES that used fossil fuel to operate.

Of course, the "scientists" claiming "man made" changes could have an "abbreviated" view of the time line of Earth based on Adam and Eve versions in the Old Testament. That would probably be worthwhile investigating (their particularly I'm sure you meant "particular"religious beliefs!). Originally Posted by LexusLover
bamscram's Avatar
Like I've said so many times before: Parrots are mindless! ButtStupid is no exception as a parrot. Originally Posted by LexusLover
We know buttstupid after you flapping your beak here daily.
Ducbutter's Avatar
The author of the paper is a blogger. The NOAA is one of many scientific organizations that contributes to the overall climate study.

"A commenter alerted me to a post by science denier Pierre Gosselin (archived here). He reckons that because there are quite a few climate cranks who run blogs, it disproves the fact that 97% of science papers on the topic find that humans are causing climate change. Or something like that. Which of course it doesn't.

Pierre Gosselin, you may recall, back in 2008, two years before the equal hottest year on record so far, said he thought that Earth would become icy cold by 2020, writing (archived here):"

"Over the past months a spate of scientific papers published show sea level rise has not accelerated like..."

How many articles/papers are a "spate"? He provides links to what he calls "scary scenarios" published by reputable sources.
Different methods and models show similar ballpark numbers for NOAA and others.

You believe who you want to but the vast majority of data, papers, and scientists accept climate change as a fact.

Good grief man. That is the weakest excuse for an argument I’ve ever seen in my life!
To begin with, your reading comprehension leaves much to be desired. I notice you didn’t attempt to argue that point.
Secondly, the blogger in the article I linked cited numerous scientific papers by recognized scholars in both his and my links.
As for the last ten years see this link to a short paper from Dr. Roy Spencer here
I guess that won’t count for anything though since he’s a “blogger”.
Which brings me to this delightful bit of irony. The links you provide which allege to attack the veracity of my source both belong to, wait for it…Bloggers! For the love of Pete, self- aware much?
I noticed that the one page was nothing more than a list of people with whom they disagree, several of which are Dr.s in atmospheric science or physics. I guarantee you haven't the slightest idea about the position of any of them but I’m sure you’d be surprised to find out that none of them deny that it is and has been warm in the last couple decades. Dr. Judith Curry(who, by the way, has a 3 part article on this very subject posted on her dare I say it, blog) for instance actually believes that it is at least possible if not probable that more than half the warming we’ve seen is attributable to man’s activity. And she’s not the only one on that list who thinks that. Just because someone doesn’t share the idea that this warming is going to be catastrophic does not make them science deniers. Neither yours nor your bloggers ad-hominem attacks changes that.