Jesus has Arisen

Yssup Rider's Avatar
This is a political forum and not a religious forum but I can see where you would not know the difference. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
Pot. Meet kettle.

He’s as blind as a bat, too!

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  • 04-03-2018, 10:06 AM
This is a political forum and not a religious forum but I can see where you would not know the difference. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
And you say there is a difference? Please explain

Guest123018-4's Avatar
Look it up yourself. It appears you somewhat know how to use a computer.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
So you no longer believe in the separation of church and state?
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  • 04-03-2018, 11:19 AM
So you no longer believe in the separation of church and state? Originally Posted by The2Dogs
Funny you should ask....

Evangelicals and Trump have been trying to eliminate the Johnson Amendment * restrictions.

Trump even made a claim last year that he had, in fact, signed an order ending the amendment. But killing the law would require an act of Congress. Trump’s order, signed in May, instead asks the Treasury Department not to enforce the measure.

*the Johnson Amendment, bars religious institutions from using their resources to endorse or oppose specific candidates

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  • 04-03-2018, 11:20 AM
Look it up yourself. It appears you somewhat know how to use a computer. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
So you no longer believe in the separation of church and state? Originally Posted by The2Dogs

Tell me the difference between religion and politics again are a fool if you think there is any difference. Both are just Belief Systems.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
He’s a fool period.

Cheap, ignorant identity politics designed to help people justify their own laziness and innate cowardice.

The fact that today’s Twitler faithful can’t telk the difference speaks volumes... that they won’t read!
Guest123018-4's Avatar
You fail to understand that I am not a Trump supporter. I voted for anybody but Hillary.
That Trump was able to defeat the Democrat candidate speaks volumes of what your party has become.

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
You fail to understand that I am not a Trump supporter. I voted for anybody but Hillary.
That Trump was able to defeat the Democrat candidate speaks volumes of what your party has become.

Pobrecito. Originally Posted by The2Dogs

i voted for Trump as a vote for Trump. that said, i would have gladly voted for any candidate not named Marco Rubio against Clinton.

if Trump's only single accomplishment as President is that Clinton isn't, i call that a good thing!
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  • 04-03-2018, 03:20 PM
Tell me the difference between religion and politics again are a fool if you think there is any difference. Both are just Belief Systems. Originally Posted by WTF
You fail to understand that I am not a Trump supporter. I voted for anybody but Hillary.
That Trump was able to defeat the Democrat candidate speaks volumes of what your party has become.

Pobrecito. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
I asked you the difference between religion and politics. .

You fail to answer the question.

I answered your question about Separation of Church and State. I threw in for free that Trump does not believe in separation of Church and State as I do.

You Trump lovers always default to Clinton as the reason for voting for if your think being shot is better that being stabbed to death. I found neither appealing and voted fot the candidate that offered more freedom, Gary Johnson. Maybe more of you should have done the same.

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
^^^^^ then you voted for a "dope" .. literally.

Guest123018-4's Avatar
If you are too stupid to know then I am afraid you would not understand my answer.
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  • 04-03-2018, 06:00 PM
If you are too stupid to know then I am afraid you would not understand my answer. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
Yes that is what people with stupid answer proclaim.

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  • 04-03-2018, 06:05 PM
^^^^^ then you voted for a "dope" .. literally.

bahahaaaa Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Trump has been a fraud all his life....I never understood his appeal. His show sucked. Never understood why people would let Trump embarrass them on national TV. His ventures went bankrupt.

He is a male Kardashian and I see nothing good in that type of person. Those of you that admire him , more power to ya , I suppose.
bambino's Avatar
Trump has been a fraud all his life....I never understood his appeal. His show sucked. Never understood why people would let Trump embarrass them on national TV. His ventures went bankrupt.

He is a male Kardashian and I see nothing good in that type of person. Those of you that admire him , more power to ya , I suppose. Originally Posted by WTF
I bet he’s told you that you couldn’t lick his asshole. Get over it..........