Are mods allowed

guest071618-1's Avatar
Lmao, oh! So you used a VPN again to create ANOTHER username???

Eng, do you need to change your vacuum attachment yet buddy, because I would imagine it is dirty from all the ass you suck!

Another troll who thrives on drama.
Dude, give it a rest. Originally Posted by Kynsley Morgan
Can you explain what are you talking about? Because I am still using same id. I am sure many people can back this is eng before and this is eng now. U need to prove it instead of just acusing. You way of accuse first, prove later.... and when u can prove ,, u go “oops”....Eccie doesn’t work that way. That may work on ur site because u can change people’s posts.
guest071618-1's Avatar
Lmao, oh! So you used a VPN again to create ANOTHER username???

Eng, do you need to change your vacuum attachment yet buddy, because I would imagine it is dirty from all the ass you suck!

Another troll who thrives on drama.
Dude, give it a rest. Originally Posted by Kynsley Morgan
By the way, I never used VPN,, I haven’t found need yet...should I ?
guest071618-1's Avatar
I heard about death threats and I don’t think that is photoshop. Many members who are also members here seen the post... to me, having both RL and KM on this board can jeopardize integrity of board, especially when one is a provider and other one is Super MOD and white knight to KM.
I see said the blind man
guest071618-1's Avatar
I see said the blind man Originally Posted by Kynsley Morgan
Really? mis-type (heee = here) from my phone now you are saying I created user? I haven't create login since I ask Mod to remove my account when you (pimp) and your girl created BS of me.

I've been told by others that you have been accusing any member who disagree that was me and boot them. I guess nice to be MOD but sorry your biz still hurting.. some Ave girls are my regulars and they just hate you... be nice to people.

Now I can type, I will be responding to many questions or clear up things here.
guest071618-1's Avatar
You sir are a flat out LIAR..

Prove it’s him because you can’t

Go ahead and post those screen shots, put your money where your mouth is...

You won’t and we all know it...

Take a seat...

I Found the place the name isn’t even the same, smdh.

Why don’t you whine about the people who actually are MODS on multiple sites..
You don’t because no one cares...

Hmmmm... Ignorance is not bliss hon..

Sounds more like you have a personal problem with a moderator on this board.. Get over it..

Post it on the boards or it’s not true, show us the screen shots, we don’t do that messy PM stuff we leave it open for everyone. If you don’t do it the rest of Eccie will know your just as full of it as I do....

Go tell your MaMa on me now, wah, wah.. Originally Posted by Danielle Silver
I don't think he is flat out liar on this.. like I stated he is loser but he is telling truth on this. Mod in question here and Kynsley are two of new co-owner and they have publically anounced and bragged that he is the MOD in Eccie.

I didn’t even see this..


Pay attention people this guy gives screenshots and info to the FBI and LOCAL POLICE

By his own admissions he should be banned from Eccie.. Originally Posted by Danielle Silver
Actually the site they own has been many LE investigation in VA, MD, DC. It has been on the news before. so they are bringing LE to this site now. KM has been spent time before and I am sure LE is still watching her move also.

You have a good point right there. Telling everyone that he has screenshots of things from another board and gave it to LE probably wasn't the smartest thing lol. I'm sure many people will be wondering what all he has screenshoted from here and what he has or will do with it. To me that seems more dangerous to Eccie than what he is saying happened on another board. Originally Posted by Cassie107
Now Cassie you seen both site and you know the truths and I've warned you with what others have been posting in other site. you appeard to be nice person but you are in denial for some reason. It is like you owe them something.

"Road Lizard Roadlizard this is the same guy, same mod, same real name, same real address, same real phone number." How would you know this information?

1) after I emailed him saying I know about the death threat he deleted entire thread. How do you know he deleted it? Maybe a MOD on the site deleted it. You really would not know would you?

2) why don't he post on eccie saying he innocent? Not responding really does not prove anything.

"I have all screenshots!" Have you heard of photoshop?

"Trust me all roadlizards are the same mod/co owner of Avex" I don't trust self proclaimed informants.
Originally Posted by bikerdude067
Road Lizard bragged about he is the MOD from Eccie.

1) many members seen the threats. Including many memebers from here that got recruited by KM and RL (Cassie is one that got recruited).

2) True, RL is smart.. I admit... too bad KM cannot be smart enought to keep quite...

Waco guess I should have been more clear, it’s Using post to recruit people to a competitive site..

XoXo Originally Posted by Danielle Silver
They have been recruiting members from here to their site. Cassie is one of them.

Now that’s the funniest shit I’ve ever read.
As a moderator/co whatever he can end you in that universe.
Banishment... Have you ever heard of that?

Lmfao.. all this whining and complaining for that..

I thought it was going to be, well something, or anything!!

This thread deserves to be in the top 3 of EPIC FAILS..

Ththththats ALL FOLKS...


Post #6000 Originally Posted by Danielle Silver
Are you on that board? you are defending other site really hard. not trying to be mean or make enemy with sexy lady.

No, I disagree.
I am SICK TO DEATH of the cyberbulling and outing of this narc.

Who goes around sending text messages to banner sponsors and tell them, that a board is under investigation??

Who makes it a point to text you to tell you stupid crap and then when you keep telling them you do not care, they make it obvious that they research your real indentity and such, putting it in said text messages?

Who would steal another members written reviews and claim them as your own, and post them on another lower site?

Then write a negative review on said lower site, and then basically write the same tagline on a persons profile on another board?

I mean seriously...

Think about this LHR!

And then you tell me why I should agree...

A cyberbullying, stalking narc troll will never get my forgiveness.
Hell will have to freeze over first.

You want to talk about it, MLHR, you know how to reach me and I will be happy to share non-redacted items with you!

Good day Originally Posted by Kynsley Morgan
Have you look in the mirror? Oh, you are so innocent because you are not doing all the bullying. you make dicks and your girls do bullying for you with your fictional stories. I know because I was one of the dick that believed your fictional stories about every bitches and dicks on eccie.

Well this bitch ain't having any part of it! Originally Posted by Kynsley Morgan
At least you know who you are... Congrat finally you admit you are a bitch... I always though you had Cinderella syndrome.

Lmao, oh! So you used a VPN again to create ANOTHER username???

Eng, do you need to change your vacuum attachment yet buddy, because I would imagine it is dirty from all the ass you suck!

Another troll who thrives on drama.
Dude, give it a rest. Originally Posted by Kynsley Morgan
This only proves that you do track ip on AveX members. But I am still not sure why do you think I am hidden on AveX with VPN? don't worry, as long as my ladies know how to contact me, I don't need that site.

Sorry RL.. yes KM did again and you probably need to bail her out again
bikerdude067's Avatar
“I will do anything to expose them”
“Do you hear me billyland/” blacked out “in Hattiesburg MS? I will end your trolling ass one way or another. Bitch”
I would not call this a death threat. Ending someone's "trolling ass one way our another. Bitch." is not a death threat. If you read the previous paragraph, the context is "I will do anything to expose them." One way to end trolling would be to expose the troll. You are making a large leap to call this a death threat.

“One day, I will be able to piss on his grave and laugh”
This is something a lot people say. This does not mean he is going to kill you. Where the FBI/police laughing when you left them with this evidence?
Whenever you do have a rogue handle, you have an awful habit of spelling Kingsley, instead of Kynsley.
Always gives you away
So, Eng...please explain what you mean I have been there before and how you came to know whatever it is that you seem to know about me?
And all boards track IP addresses to find out who the trolls are that create multiple handles, mandles and such.
Do not act stupid.
guest071618-1's Avatar
Whenever you do have a rogue handle, you have an awful habit of spelling Kingsley, instead of Kynsley.
Always gives you away Originally Posted by Kynsley Morgan
Sorry for my laziness of not using “y”.. lol
guest071618-1's Avatar
So, Eng...please explain what you mean I have been there before and how you came to know whatever it is that you seem to know about me? Originally Posted by Kynsley Morgan
I only know about you based on what you told me and what I’ve seen...
What you have seen? What HAVE you seen exactly?
guest071618-1's Avatar
And all boards track IP addresses to find out who the trolls are that create multiple handles, mandles and such.
Do not act stupid. Originally Posted by Kynsley Morgan
U typed traqk,, damn I missed quoting that.. anyway where is your fake ID of traqk ? lol...

Ok I am done answering dumb bitch (bitch is what u called urself, right ... and we can see ur dumbness)
No, please enlighten me as to where you got your information?