The above thread will require a significant amount of reading but it’s in there.
Originally Posted by Fat Guy Little Shirt
I didn't find it, but I have to admit I didn't try that hard.
What I did come away with is how much things have changed in the years since.
Screening is now pretty much a farce, if a hooker is going to sit in a motel room she knows the cops aren't going to come bust her, outcalls are a different matter.
To the Rochester Juliette apologist, she did some serious hard time for actions that, while hobby related, were far more serious than simple hooking. Methinks XY had her number.
In retrospect, I think the beginning of the end for Upset started with the infamous raffle scandal that caused Hanna and Erica Hall to be banned. Jealous crazy hooker started shit over nothing. Sad fact is she is still doing it, and for the same reason. I don't think hooking is a zero sum game, there are enough idiots out there to keep you all enjoying a lifestyle you don't really deserve.
Actually, the BBFS thread by XY is a better read. And has more hits to prove it.