Now tell me the context please sir.
Also please try and do some research on proven Iranian reserves.
Tell me which countries (are) most dependent on high oil prices ( hint , Russia, SA , Venezuela )
Ask me if you have any trouble comprehending any of that.
Now back on did not even understand that Trump was tje (sic) one tjat (sic) floated the "Rouge " theory.
So I also recommend uou (sic) to catch up not only one (sic) history of the region but present events here in this country.
Originally Posted by WTF
I recommend you to ask the mods for instructions on how to edit your posts so they are more readable and devoid of typos.
Fyi, I happen to have followed the "history of the region" for four decades. I don't have a comprehension problem, except when I have to strain to decipher some of your posts. However, you certainly appear to have a condescension problem. I'm not sure where it comes from either. What exactly are your credentials to opine intelligently on the Middle East and to superciliously spurn the views and question the knowledge of someone who has followed the region closely for four decades and written about it for influential and respected publications?
And what is your point? Still want to argue that odumbo lowered global oil prices by warming up to Iran?