Chica Chaser taught me and a lot of the mods a long time ago that we are not obligated to explain or reply to any of our actions to membership. It has always been that way but some folks just believe they are entitled.
Originally Posted by CryptKicker
Too bad more Mods didn't pick up and learn other things from CC like being personable, and less matter of fact and it's not always cut and dry. He was always willing to take the time to have a conversation, to help and advise if needed.
He always told me Mods have different styles but that doesn't make them right or wrong and they have differences in opinions on moderating but that doesn't necessarily mean they are always correct.
Also in my opinion it would be better to some times be more open about what goes on behind the scenes even though we aren't entitled instead of acting standoffish like it's all top secret
Is there a separate set of guidelines that Mods must abide by?
At least with this thread we all have seen that it's not always cut and dry. That there is varying opinions even in the top secret Mod world of how things should be handled. And its good that some of this has come to light even for some us ordinary unentitled members.