Use of The New Thread Button in Encounters

busternutzs's Avatar
point taken jd and that's why I tried to take it up in private as outlined the forum guidelines
I never meant to imply that Zgirl was anything but polite to me. I did tell her that it got old when people assumed I was a guy.

No one "threw you" into anything, but you. And you weren't the only one that day to call me a guy. I didn't mention names and I would never have. NO ONE would have known you called me a "Dude" but for you mentioning it.

And no one in this thread has called me a Bitch. I'm talking in generalities.
busternutzs's Avatar
I hear young college girls calling other girls dude a lot.

I did have to look at your profile to see your gender.
I understand that but I literally have 1000s of threads in the ladies' areas, LOL, so it rarely happens with chicks.
I don't ever read the ladies areas, maybe a handful of times in 3 years.

Maybe that's something I should change up, idk??

And I didn't call u a guy. I said the word "dude" in our messages. U were the one who was like "dude? Lol.... okay" , and I still did not catch what u were talking about until I read a comment not pertaining to this thread.

It was legit a mistake and an assumption that all mods and all admin on this particular site are male. It's male driven. . It's a mans world on this site. And I love that u are female and an admin.

Sooooooo, u said "dude" earlier in ur comment IMPLYING that it is disrespectful, so I wanted to just clarify AGAIN I didn't mean any disrespect.
Which, if you would have done privately, no one would have been the wiser, LOL. I get called dude, sir, asshole, etc. a bunch. This wasn't about you.

I was going to send you this privately, but perhaps it will benefit other ladies out there who don't read the Ladies' Sections.

You need to read them. Every day. Local and National. I'm not trying to freak people out but it could be a matter of life and death in some circumstances.
So if nobody in this particular thread has been disrespectful to u or any mod, why was it all handled the way it was?
I said you hadn't been. I got a bunch of other crap. I said no one in this thread called me a bitch.

Honestly, I am still confused. You all complained about the other thread. I explained why I thought it was fine to stay (for Emily's benefit). Everyone kept complaining. I had the other admins review it and you all got exactly what you all asked for and everyone keeps complaining. LOL. It's bizarre to me.

This is like a miniature Upset NY.

BTW, thank you to the members who sent nice PMs to me...I do appreciate it.
CryptKicker's Avatar
Yup... There's some crazy shit going on in some places that you will only see in the powder room and infoshare.
Thank you, CK! And just to be clear, there are important ladies' areas that even the male staff cannot access. PLEASE take advantage of these resources, Ladies!
busternutzs's Avatar
Chica Chaser taught me and a lot of the mods a long time ago that we are not obligated to explain or reply to any of our actions to membership. It has always been that way but some folks just believe they are entitled. Originally Posted by CryptKicker
Too bad more Mods didn't pick up and learn other things from CC like being personable, and less matter of fact and it's not always cut and dry. He was always willing to take the time to have a conversation, to help and advise if needed.

He always told me Mods have different styles but that doesn't make them right or wrong and they have differences in opinions on moderating but that doesn't necessarily mean they are always correct.

Also in my opinion it would be better to some times be more open about what goes on behind the scenes even though we aren't entitled instead of acting standoffish like it's all top secret

Is there a separate set of guidelines that Mods must abide by?

At least with this thread we all have seen that it's not always cut and dry. That there is varying opinions even in the top secret Mod world of how things should be handled. And its good that some of this has come to light even for some us ordinary unentitled members.
utrlbk1976's Avatar
Somebody make buster a mod already. He knows how to do it and is jealous of your little club. Do that, and all might be right in the world again.
busternutzs's Avatar
Somebody make buster a mod already. He knows how to do it and is jealous of your little club. Do that, and all might be right in the world again. Originally Posted by utrlbk1976
Haven't you heard I already think I am a Mod and that I run the board at least according to some of my haters.

I got love my haters.
Damn this is some fine reading..... it’s like the Austin board... hahaha

Mmmmmmm..... Austin.....