Yeah, if it wasn't for that senile old coot, capitalism would have failed ... Reagan had about as much to do with the fall of communism as my old tom cat. Capitalism, at least if well regulated, is a vastly superior economic system than communism. It was merely a matter of time until communism failed. If you want to thank somebody, thank Harry Truman and George Keenan.
Originally Posted by TexTushHog
Also thank the straw that broke the camel's back which was a widely-held economic theory held by many in the 50's and 60's.
Castro, Mao Tse Tung, Bin Laden and others like them all over the world (and in far different ways) stretched Communism's ability to occupy and control countries and regimes but the Bozos here think Reagan just told Gorbachev to "Tear Down This Wall" and it magically happened.
Hell, if Reagan's second term hadn't been up when they finally got the evidence on the Arms for Hostages Criminal Act, he would have been impeached for far worse than Clinton's BBBJ.
Communism failed just exactly as many economists predicted it would and just as we are failing from not having learned THEIR lesson. Instead of listening to the economists that said "Let Communism HAVE those countries. There is no way they can maintain them." THEY were RIGHT!
Nobody has enough money to occupy and control countries anymore.
Maybe in 50 years, the Chinese will have both the money and manpower to do it but not even the U.S. could do it today ESPECIALLY while CUTTING taxes.
You guys should look closely at just what sector is stripping the flesh off the carcass that used to be our infrastructure and our skilled middle class labor force.
Sadly though, stupidity often hides things from those who have a large helping of that ailment. They repeat Limbaugh instead of actually reading about things like the Community Reinvestment Act passed under Carter or the sales tax abatement on luxury yachts and the deception the insurance industry tries to sell as "Tort Reform".
The malpractice liability "crisis" for OBGYNS was 100% generated from within an insurance industry that never screened repeat offender docs, didn't care that premiums didn't cover losses because their investments were making obscene profits and that violated the insurance code by raising premiums to cover past underwriting losses.
Even Obama is either getting paid off by insurers or he's in on the take with the Republicans!
The Tea Party "Patriots" are about as stupid about what it takes to legislate, regulate and govern as the other two parties are dishonest. I just slightly lean toward favoring Dems only because traditionally, they have not sold their entire soul to giant business interests like the Republicans have.
The Tea Party "Patriots" are a disaster that arrived just in time to take down the country with a stupidity that lives in a fictitious past and that also has a minimal knowledge of history. The combination of those two things should scare the Bejeesus out of anyone with a brain.
It damn sure scares me!