Great guy but a hectic job schedule

levi tab's Avatar
so since this thread was started on 07-25-2019, nothing has changed
Little Miss Cuntcakes's Avatar
Wow! In 1 thread you managed to piss off Slave and LMCC. One more gal and you'll hit the Trifecta. At the racetrack, a trifecta is good. In this situation, not so good. Time to cut your losses and move on. Originally Posted by MAtuzak
Who said I was pissed off? I found His egotistical comment amusing. On a different note, He really should tone it down a few notches and learn to differentiate between being confident and arrogant. There are incidents where persistence pays off, but this is not one of them. Slave has said no to him in more then one way. And has been lighthearted in responses in my opinion. Then again Ive told others to fuck off for less. I don’t have the patience she does. We don’t deal with Bullies or crybabies. If that applies to anyone reading this they can go write about it in their diary’s because idgaf. 🖤
I did mean what I wrote at end.
When you gotta say you’re a good person again and again it raises red flags. It’s like they’re trying to convince you (or themselves) that they are.
You don’t need to tell people who you are, let them find out.
But whatever, so yeah I wasn’t pissed off. And really was replacing the bed. Lol Long story short
I’m only responsible for what I say not how others interpret it. 💁🏻♀️
Secret Encounters's Avatar
Look I’ve known this guy and after being one of his first it was great.. then throughout the 10+yrs of providing he would ncns and it got frustrating and so when he used me as a reference I said just be assertive and let him know to not send dick pics and keep his appt! . So before the end of the year I saw him and since then he does not sext nor do or say anything inappropriately with me. I can’t speak on others experience but this is MY experience.
I’m very fair across the board and do not take up for someone who is dangerous.

I will say yes he’s big and it can come across as cocky. Shit if I had a big ole dick I’d be sending pics lol jkjk. No but honestly u tell him and he won’t.

Now ladies he is Clean, gentle and a passionate lover who is always thoughtful and has not wasted my time lately. I apologize if u have had bad experiences but this is my experience!

I don’t think I’ve told him this but I had a gentleman text and ask me does cockster” does he really have a BBC AND CAN HE really go 4-5xs and I’m like lol yes he’s bbc and 3-4 is more accurate. But what is it to the gentleman.
I really think he’s misunderstood but chose to add fuel instead of letting it die down.
If u wish not see him block or ignore him but promise if u met him he’s nothing like what he seems. I know there are lots of ladies who have vouched for him in “other” areas. So hopefully others can speak on their experience..

Take care yall ❤️❤️❤️

Little Miss Cuntcakes's Avatar
Look I’ve known this guy and after being one of his first it was great.. then throughout the 10+yrs of providing he would ncns and it got frustrating and so when he used me as a reference I said just be assertive and let him know to not send dick pics and keep his appt! . So before the end of the year I saw him and since then he does not sext nor do or say anything inappropriately with me. I can’t speak on others experience but this is MY experience.
I’m very fair across the board and do not take up for someone who is dangerous.

I will say yes he’s big and it can come across as cocky. Shit if I had a big ole dick I’d be sending pics lol jkjk. No but honestly u tell him and he won’t.

Now ladies he is Clean, gentle and a passionate lover who is always thoughtful and has not wasted my time lately. I apologize if u have had bad experiences but this is my experience!

I don’t think I’ve told him this but I had a gentleman text and ask me does cockster” does he really have a BBC AND CAN HE really go 4-5xs and I’m like lol yes he’s bbc and 3-4 is more accurate. But what is it to the gentleman.
I really think he’s misunderstood but chose to add fuel instead of letting it die down.
If u wish not see him block or ignore him but promise if u met him he’s nothing like what he seems. I know there are lots of ladies who have vouched for him in “other” areas. So hopefully others can speak on their experience..

Take care yall ❤️❤️❤️

Goodnight Originally Posted by Secret Encounters

Actually majority of what you said does not appliy to me because im not full service. Ive seen every color shape and size there is. Dont much impress me anymore. Up until a few days ago hasnt tried to contact/see me. So i cant speak on his dictures. But everyone who knows me, knows im not a fan of them. If he sends me a dick pic, I will reply with a dick pic. Trust I dont let those pictures i recieve go to waste. No maam I am not ungrateful. I keep all pictures guys send, why? Because I recycle them for this purpose. (Entertainment Purposes) But yes, he does come across as a potential problematic client. Whom before your response, I may have considered seeing. “Had to tell him not to be sending dic pics and keep his appts” “he has not wasted my time lately” “ he choose to add fuel to fire”
Yeah, not the kind of client i want to see. Besides cocky and I do not get along, Or do I want to find out that “hes not what he seems”. That is exactly the reason I choose to not see him now. Thank you for your honesty hun.

Everyone else have a great day!
Slave Guinevere's Avatar
Look I’ve known this guy and after being one of his first it was great.. then throughout the 10+yrs of providing he would ncns and it got frustrating and so when he used me as a reference I said just be assertive and let him know to not send dick pics and keep his appt! . So before the end of the year I saw him and since then he does not sext nor do or say anything inappropriately with me. I can’t speak on others experience but this is MY experience.
I’m very fair across the board and do not take up for someone who is dangerous.

I will say yes he’s big and it can come across as cocky. Shit if I had a big ole dick I’d be sending pics lol jkjk. No but honestly u tell him and he won’t.

Now ladies he is Clean, gentle and a passionate lover who is always thoughtful and has not wasted my time lately. I apologize if u have had bad experiences but this is my experience!

I don’t think I’ve told him this but I had a gentleman text and ask me does cockster” does he really have a BBC AND CAN HE really go 4-5xs and I’m like lol yes he’s bbc and 3-4 is more accurate. But what is it to the gentleman.
I really think he’s misunderstood but chose to add fuel instead of letting it die down.
If u wish not see him block or ignore him but promise if u met him he’s nothing like what he seems. I know there are lots of ladies who have vouched for him in “other” areas. So hopefully others can speak on their experience..

Take care yall ❤️❤️❤️

Goodnight Originally Posted by Secret Encounters


But We are going to have to AGREE to DISAGREE... LOL 😂

Because, I for DAMN sure do not have ANY TROUBLE setting boundaries with BUTTERCUP or any other gentleman that decides to harass me for 4 long years... And to be honest Darling... I think you need a freaking MEDAL because there is no way in HELL that I would be ALONE in a room with a man that wouldn't take NO via text, pm or via email for FOUR LONG YEARS... But I PRAISE BABY TEBOW that someone was willing to do it... Lol 😂

HELL, The beautiful Exotic Yasmin stood up to him and he called her up and he left her threatening voice mails... Soooo... While he may play nice with YOU... Not all of us have EXPERIENCED that same level of KINDNESS... Hence, why I let this play out publicly...

The ladies on this board can see whomever they want to see... More power to each and every one of them... But my experience with him WAS NOT pleasant and was bordering on stalkerish and it was downright creepy so, I'm just going to STICK with WATER and not drink the KOOLAID..😊 😘

Love you...and you are one of the sweetest ladies on the board so, please, just take this for what it is... Just my very negative experience with Buttercup and his mediocre d*** pick show...

Secret Encounters's Avatar
Yeah Ly2 but never experienced threats or anything and all the girls that I’ve given references too I tell them he did ncns in the beginning I set my boundaries he respects them, never aggressive and doesn’t harass me. The women do follow up with me and say yeah no problem with him. Even with another thread the gals did say no issues and it’s just mind blowing how he is with y’all. I would never say I Dnt believe y’all but just not my experience.. always clean, respectful, not aggressive in bed and tips very well.

Stay safe and just block him bc that’s not cool... take care lovey

Soooo, stalking multiple providers doesn’t get you banned?
Secret Encounters's Avatar
Omg he is stalking now!!!
PillowChaffer's Avatar
Omg he is stalking now!!! Originally Posted by Secret Encounters

Per Slave: When I politely declined his invitation he changed handles, tried tricking me by using a new p411 account not linked to eccie, used multiple Telephone numbers... It's been 4 long years of harassment... Pure and simple...

Think Cyberstalking may be a better term?
Secret Encounters's Avatar
I’m so sorry your going through that is not OK. I will not be vouching any longer considering all this new info. Report to mods on here and p411 so he is banned.

Have a better weekend hun!
And all I ever wanted was an appointment with Yazmin......
LMCC can you let the world know Im a keeper?

Desirae's Avatar
So sweet. Show me
This was an awesome read, thanks guy and gals. I wish I could understand how this board creates the illusion is is a vacuum that completely escapes reality?