Providers against all AA? Let me know

Randall Creed's Avatar
You get little sympathy from me. First of all it is telling a lot of those women with NBA policies are themselves African American. So it is not a racial issue. There is a reason you rarely have African American providers putting no Caucasians seen in their ads. If you do not like providers having NBA policies first people you should talk to are your fellow brothers. It is their bad treatment of the ladies that has them scared.In the end though does not matter. It is the woman's body and she has the right to date, to be intimate or not intimate with whomever she chooses. The fact you are complaining about it shows you do not respect their right to have that choice. So why should they believe you are somehow different that the others. Originally Posted by ValenTX
It's a numbers game, dipshit. They can't eliminate 80% of the pussy buying population. Even though white guys make up the biggest collective group of perverts, rapists, and killers, it's simply a bigger minefield the women have to navigate through. Too big of a minefield to eliminate, so they endure. Only MORONS pretend not to know this, or just blatantly overlook it.

Trust me, if there was a way to weed out half of you knuckle dragging, club toters, they would do it in a heartbeat. I mean, no other group is crank yanking the providers by telling them who NOT to see, except creepy white guys, or you'll threaten them with bad reviews and ruining their business and shit.

This is the shit YOU GUYS do, and then come on this board with your two inches out, acting like you're the least of their problems, when in actuality, you're the BIGGEST problem for them.

texassapper's Avatar
It's a numbers game, dipshit. They can't eliminate 80% of the pussy buying population. Even though white guys make up the biggest collective group of perverts, rapists, and killers, it's simply a bigger minefield the women have to navigate through. Originally Posted by Randall Creed
The DOJ statistics are clear on this but people like to manipulate them to make a point.

between 1980-2008 blacks committed 52% of all homicides. Whites committed 45% of all homicides. (Close enough to call it pretty equal right?)


Blacks make up only 13% of the total population... so if you adjust that by population to get an apples to apples comparison you have to multiply by 5. (5x more whites than blacks)

In simple terms it means that blacks commit murder at 5x the rate that whites do. The statistics are true for other violent crimes and MUCH worse for simple assault.

From a providers perspective she is 5 times more likely to be the victim of a violent crime at the hands of a black guy than a white guy... assuming that us hobbyists engaged in an already criminal activity are a true representation of the populace as a whole.

Spin it however you like, black guys are 5x more violent than whites. period, Math - she no lie.

Trust me, if there was a way to weed out half of you knuckle dragging, club toters, they would do it in a heartbeat. I mean, no other group is crank yanking the providers by telling them who NOT to see, except creepy white guys, or you'll threaten them with bad reviews and ruining their business and shit. Originally Posted by Randall Creed
Let's just say that a provider gets beaten once out a thousand appointments with white guys. If the statistics hold true for our hobbyist population, then she would get beaten five times in a thousand appointments with nothing but black guys.... That's still pretty rare, right?

Unless you're the women getting beaten. Then I'd try to weed out the knuckle dragging club toting risk...just as you suggested. Mathematically the best way to do that is to have a NBA policy. TO make it even more accurate you age limit it to NBA 18-35.... statistically the most violent population in the US.

This is the shit YOU GUYS do, and then come on this board with your two inches out, acting like you're the least of their problems, when in actuality, you're the BIGGEST problem for them. FOH!! Originally Posted by Randall Creed
Well I don't know that any of this is a real problem for the ladies. Only they can judge their risk tolerance... and that's what it is in the end...if you screen well and have good spidey sense, a provider could probably go 20 years without a single incident from anyone... but you only have to be wrong once for it to be really painful.

I'm not for or against any particular policy... the women get to choose who they work with... they may not like old fat guys who are probably 80% of their customer base, but that 80% poses less of a risk to their safety and well being so there's no reason to have a no old fat guy (NOFG) policy.

My final point is, please don't try to act like this is racism and injustice... it's simple math. If you want to avoid the risk of bodily harm by up to 5 times whatever it truly is, then you avoid black males between 18-35. If it were Asians/Whites/Hispanics/one armed Johns with the same violent behavior, the conclusion would be the same.... it has nothing to do with skin color but on behavior that can be backed up by hard numbers.
corona's Avatar
Her body.
Her rules.
It's just that fucking simple people.

Anyone with a penis can just sit down already.
Her body.
Her rules.
It's just that fucking simple people.

Anyone with a penis can just sit down already. Originally Posted by corona
Was that a mic drop I heard ? Lol
Therealjadejiselle's Avatar
I'll see you No judgment my way.
Creed, you have slandered me. I NEVER threatened to not see anyone if they saw Blacks. I never threatened to give anyone a bad review if they did. I do not appreciate you claiming I did. I have never told anyone who to see or not see.My position is simply this. A woman has a right to see whomever she wants and not see whomever she wants for whatever reason. It is HER choice and HER right. If you read my post closely all I said was that if black men do not like that providers do not want to see black men then talk to your fellow black men who have established the reputation for abuse that the lady is now wanting to avoid. Having said that if the lady has an NBA policy because she is prejudiced then my question would be why would any black man want to see that provider? There is no way you would get a good session. So why whine about it?
Her body.
Her rules.
It's just that fucking simple people.

Anyone with a penis can just sit down already. Originally Posted by corona
Corona said exactly what I was trying to say except much better, shorter, simpler.
I remember when I first started, I received lots of messages asking if I saw AA & when I replied with "yes", they said they would never see providers who see AA. Pshhhh! Ok, bye!
I remember when I first started, I received lots of messages asking if I saw AA & when I replied with "yes", they said they would never see providers who see AA. Pshhhh! Ok, bye! Originally Posted by Khloie
Haha I love your response Khloie! They thought they could scare you into doing what they want. They expected you to reply with "Oh I'm so sorry Sir. Let me go ahead and put "No AA" in all my ads and my profile. Will you meet me now, Sir?"

LOL you showed them that they couldn't boss you around! That takes courage, I respect that.
I remember when I first started, I received lots of messages asking if I saw AA & when I replied with "yes", they said they would never see providers who see AA. Pshhhh! Ok, bye! Originally Posted by Khloie
Lol , Yeah BTW she doesn't see Asians.
Brandofan's Avatar
Tickets to Sosua (in the Dominican Republic) are cheap and its a pretty short flight. Brothers dominate down there and its much cheaper as well.
Stacey_Cream24's Avatar
I don’t discriminate. I enjoy all my AA clients. I haven’t had any bad experiences. Please don’t be intimidated to message me 🤗🤗
Ladies, is it common for guys to pressure you to not see black clients? I've seen a few posts from providers mentioning it. What do guys typically say and how do they apply that pressure?

Would it be helpful for eccie to have rules banning that behavior?
I don’t discriminate. I enjoy all my AA clients. I haven’t had any bad experiences. Please don’t be intimidated to message me 🤗🤗 Originally Posted by Stacey_Cream24

She's good at what she says she good at my brothers. One of the best DT around
Chung Tran's Avatar
Ladies, is it common for guys to pressure you to not see black clients? I've seen a few posts from providers mentioning it. What do guys typically say and how do they apply that pressure?

Would it be helpful for eccie to have rules banning that behavior? Originally Posted by Johnnylewisusa
I've seen a few posts, too, and I agree it would help understanding, if we knew a lot more than simple "me too" posts. I have never seen a provider give any detail, so it seems more of an afterthought than anything disturbing. I don't know if it is 2-3 guys messaging, or 50 guys. nobody seems to want to discuss much.