There is no debate to be had about this topic grumpy old delusional man. I am simply stating that way below average QBs have long careers and why Kap should have a job considering his talent level exceeds those of whom have had long careers. And you old dudes are focusing on the kneeling during the anthem and you don't like him... he is not in the NFL because owners are not going to risk their bottom line for an average QB. Those are the facts. It is hardly a debate.
Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
Anybody who thinks it's cool to sit while the national anthem is being played is one fucked up 'American'.
Two old comments, how fucking original you aren't. Actually it's pretty cool being 'old'. I clear 6 figures, don't have to get out of bed, don't have to put up with young motherfuckers who don't know shit about life or how to do my job and other stuff.
Grow a brain and a set of nuts and come back without the same old same, unoriginal, and sophomoric 'old' bullshit. Surely you have more that that. Then again, you probably don't.