It's not the flu. Originally Posted by Sleepy363Respectfully, it is the flu. (The Wu-flu.), and the Covid-19 variety of flu isn't more deadly than the common flu.
The fatality rate of Covid-19 in S. Korea, where everyone is tested, is less than 1.0 percent. The fatality rate of the common flu in the USA is 0.8 percent. In the US, the current fatality rate of Covid-19 is 3.4%, which is the same as it was in China *up to Feb. 11*, before the Chinese began widespread testing. As more are tested in the USA, the fatality rate will fall to below 1.0%, the same as the common flu.
We are told by mainstream media trolls and socislist-Democrat, anti-capitalist, pro-nanny state agitators with an agenda to wreck our economy during an election year that Corona is being spread by people who don't know they have it. Yet few have died, and of those who have died, most are the elderly, and the US has an aging population of boomers, so some will sadly pass. But should we allow those with an agenda to destroy our booming economy? We may already be in a recession thanks to this panic-demic. It is unfair to the youth of our country to destroy their financial aspirations so the media/Democrat socialist cabal can elect Grandpa Joe Biden.
"In South Korea, where thousands of people are tested every day, they’ve picked up more than 7,500 people with the virus. Among those, 54 have died. If we use the WHO’s method of calculating the CFR — and don’t take into account the potential problem of underestimating the number of mild cases out there — a crude case fatality estimate hovers under 1 percent."