We finally agree on something. We did not need more ventilators. There were more that enough, but the federal government failed to take leadership. Early on, the feds COULD have said: OK, Midwest and Southwest, ship your ventilators to New York (maybe even have the army provide logistics) and then to the next Hotspot until eventually returned. Instead, we got the Jared Kushner Logistics Show with states bidding against each other for supplies (his salary on taxpayer's dime).
What we needed was N95 masks, largely made in China. Not just for health care workers, but the general public as well. That way, those who choose to protect themselves could without having to rely on the other guy to protect them. We should have invoked whatever war act to produce them, rather than ventilators and certainly rather than shipping large numbers to China. Expect that Numerous Uno doesn't look good in a mask. Sorry, but the Administration failed.
Originally Posted by reddog1951
Whatever we spent on ventilators was a drop in the bucket compared to the cost of Covid. As I posted here back in March, we should have approached this like war, ramping up production of masks, testing reagents, ventilators, etc. And enlisting tens or even hundreds of thousands of the recently unemployed to become contact tracers. Maybe pay for lodging at underutilized hotels to quarantine travelers until test results come back, or to provide space for people who are infected and unable to isolate at home. We would have wasted a good bit of the money, including what we spent on ventilators. We might have spent over $100 billion. But overall it would have paid off in spades.
Now the Trump Administration actually did some of this. Not enough, but some. The ventilators are an example. Operation Warp Speed, to encourage development of vaccines and having the infrastructure in place when they're ready, is a better example of something we're doing well. Unfortunately Trump shot himself in the foot, because at the same time he was claiming the virus was no big deal. And he was encouraging bad behavior, by for example not requiring masks in the White House or at his rallies. If he hadn't done that he would have increased his chances for re-election, a lot.