Why Is Gov Cuomo Allowing So Many NYers To Die From COVID19?

HoeHummer's Avatar
Wow! I've heard that before! Originally Posted by ElusiveC
Stick around. You’ll hear it agin and again.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
...If, say, Florida was getting hammered like NY, ... Originally Posted by HoeHummer

You taking advantage of those cheep flights to Miami this week?
HedonistForever's Avatar
Hedonist, We're both strong believers in Federalism. You may be an even stronger believer than I am.

I'd put pandemic response in the same category as national defense. The federal government, the CDC, should be primarily responsible for coordinating that. Yes, treatment in hospitals, testing and tracing are largely done at the state and local and local level. But given the specialized knowledge you need to identify and respond to the threat, the federal government needs to play a strong role. Originally Posted by Tiny

The states heard what Obama said. Wouldn't it have been far easier for each state to prepare for this knowing that each states need is different? And if this was the federal governments ultimate responsibility to have enough PPE, test kits and the authority "over" states to regulate what they do, why would states resist the federal governments authority over total control of these items?

We have heard about a bidding war between the states and federal government over PPE. Can you imagine the out cry ( I think we heard it as a matter of fact ) if the federal government forbid any state from acquiring any PPE without the permission of the federal government because the states ceded this authority to the federal government?

And we just witnessed what happened when the federal government IE Trump even suggested that he had the authority to regulate a states economy by him deciding when and if they could open. Should that be the kind of strong role you want a President to have?

The federal government absolutely has a major role to play but it is not, can not be an absolute role. Being the sole authority to purchase and prepare for a pandemic just isn't feasible. FEMA isn't well equipped enough to handle disasters in a few states at a time. It is not feasible for them to be responsible for all 50 states at once and all 50 states don't want what that would entail........ until they do which isn't fair.

I think a 50 state solution on some matters, many matters is better than a federal government solution and I think going forward, a state solution to a virus pandemic as far as making decisions about patient care will be the way we view this. No one state frightened of persons traveling to their state can make the decision to shut down flights into the country like a President can and for good reason much like a state can not usurp the federal governments right to regulate immigration ( although they try like hell ), at least most of us think that is what the constitution says

The states have already made it very clear that they want the authority to run their states economy and they should run their own health care needs reflected in the fact that health care insurance has been frowned upon crossing state lines to this day and federal health care control, is still not ready for prime time. Until we decide that the federal government will control all matters related to health, the states must accept the responsibility of making sure their state has enough equipment and beds and then and only then can the federal government be called to assist those who have done a less than responsible job.
HedonistForever's Avatar
How about Cuomo, knowing that about 25% or more of deaths in New York, are occurring in nursing homes, insist that nursing homes take in COVID-19 patients under the assumption that if you aren't prepared to handle sick patients in your facility, you shouldn't be in business because "we gave you the money".

Cuomo is saying that it is the nursing homes responsibility to have the staff and equipment necessary to treat in house patients when they come down with COVID-19. OK, callous but that's what he said, but that is a whole different ball game than taking back a patient that had already left to be treated in a hospital. Cuomo is insisting that the facility "admit" a known carrier. Will he then be held accountable for the deaths that occur due to this callous demand?

Seems to me trying to keep your patients safe is in fact the responsibility of the facility but "bringing in" a known carrier of COVID-19 seems to be the ultimate irresponsible decision but will the MSM hold him accountable? Imagine if Trump gave that order that you must open your doors to known COVID-19 carriers into the place most susceptible to death by COVID-19.

This should be one of the biggest stories being discussed in the nightly news but have you heard about it?


Nursing homes have ‘no right’ to reject coronavirus patients, Cuomo says
Oilrig's Avatar
Cuomo is saying that it is the nursing homes responsibility Originally Posted by HedonistForever

The reporters at his news conferences are hitting him hard on state oversight and he keeps blaming nursing homes for not following the law. As an example it is a drivers responsibility not to drive drunk and obey the law but the state spends hundreds of millions of dollars to see if drivers obey the law.
Here's a similar article.

Reports are the subways are dirty and full of homeless and indigent. Could it be that after they were stabilized they were forced out to the nursing home so they could "recover"? I see reports of sick people in nursing home walking around without gowns. That recovery force many people to get sick and die. Cuomo likely sentence some grandmother to death.


Nursing homes, which house those most vulnerable to coronavirus, are forced to accept patients who had tested positive for the disease. Officials claim it's a necessary step to ease overcrowding at hospitals and that the discharged patients will be cleared by medical professionals.
A month later, Gurwin is battling an outbreak that’s killed 24 residents — only three of whom were hospital transfers — and one staff member, who worked in housekeeping, Almer said. And the nursing home is still mandated to take in recovering hospital patients known to have the virus, potentially increasing its spread in the facility.

“We can’t say for sure” whether the virus has spread because of the patients transferred under the state mandate, Almer said. “But it’s certainly not helping the situation.” (NBC News)

Over 3,500 residents of New York state nursing homes and adult care facilities have succumbed to the coronavirus, nearly a quarter of the state's death toll
My guess is there's no overcrowding in hospitals except the Ben Taub type hospitals in NYC.
Yep, conditions on NYC subways are deplorable. Are these the people who are being transferred to nursing homes? I wondered why when the news cameras showed workers loading the dead into refrigerated trailers why they didn't show "loved ones" screaming to claim the body. I know there's questions about disposal but news crews are eager to capture outrage. Maybe these people didn't have anyone to care for them.


More deaths due to Gov Cuomo's COVID pogram policies


New York state is reporting more than 1,700 previously undisclosed deaths at nursing homes and adult care facilities as the state faces scrutiny over how it’s protected vulnerable residents during the coronavirus pandemic. At least 4,813 people have died from COVID-19 in the state’s nursing homes since March 1, according to a tally released by Cuomo’s administration late Monday that, for the first time, includes people believed to have been killed by the coronavirus before their diagnoses could be confirmed by a lab test.