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  • oeb11
  • 10-26-2020, 02:50 PM
Anger and hatred fuel the DPST minds - what there is of 'minds'!
sportfisherman's Avatar
I do not hate Trump the man.I am actually not angry.I am happy we are getting a new president.

He makes a great private citizen and a colorful New York character.

I hate him as our nation's president.There is a difference.

I am quite good at reading comprehension.

If you think you or Trump are right regarding us "turning the corner" or "rounding the bend" on Covid I would say you both are off base on that.

It does not square with the Reality of increased cases.
Even as reported by Fox News.

I used "convoluted" not cause I could not comprehend what I read or because I think you are right and got mad.

I used it in the sense of someone embarking on a long diatribe in an attempt to try to explain or justify an unsupportable premise.
  • oeb11
  • 10-26-2020, 03:19 PM
Just following the XiNN narrative - sf!
Groupthink and Groupspeak.

Thanks for the nonsense!
HedonistForever's Avatar
I do not hate Trump the man.I am actually not angry.

Then I'd hate to see you angry if your writing is not done in anger.

I am happy we are getting a new president.

He makes a great private citizen and a colorful New York character.

I hate him as our nation's president.There is a difference.

I am quite good at reading comprehension.

I would tend to disagree.

If you think you or Trump are right regarding us "turning the corner" or "rounding the bend" on Covid I would say you both are off base on that.

And you are entitled to your opinion. I'm pointing out that my opinion can be supported by facts. That yours is not the only valid opinion. Would you disagree with that?

It does not square with the Reality of increased cases.

Increased cases was not the only basis of your argument and shouldn't be. No reasonable person could deny we are turning the corner on a vaccine and we should have one soon described in the dictionary as in the near future and in this case the near future is years ahead of any such effort in the past.

Admit it, you can't stand to be proven wrong it it upsets the hell out of you.

Even as reported by Fox News.

You mean the one you call not a reputable media?

I used "convoluted" not cause I could not comprehend what I read or because I think you are right and got mad.

I used it in the sense of someone embarking on a long diatribe in an attempt to try to explain or justify an unsupportable premise. Originally Posted by sportfisherman

You mean because I didn't agree with your premise. I'll be a bit more pithy for you.

You used the word "soon" to express your idea that the vaccine wouldn't be here "soon", that this was disinformation by Trump.

Rather than defend Trump, I showed you 3 different meanings, interpretations of "soon". I was merely pointing out that your interpretation of the word is not the only interpretation of the word. That is not defending Trump. It is pointing out that you only draw conclusions you want regardless of the fact that other conclusions can be drawn but you have to be right and can not accept anything other than the conclusion you have drawn.

I think I supported my premise with a factual description of the word.

You said and I quote

It is Trump who only has Disinformation to spread.
Is that not disinformation? What did Democrats and the MSM and you dispense for 4 years? That statement is demonstrably untrue which makes it disinformation. Checkmate.
for someone self-proclaimed to have good reading comprehension

its odd that in most all threads, no matter the topic, including this one about fox news

the person most times just types hate to trump

and its curious that that same someone with great reading comprehension always takes a least favorable, to trump, interpretation of what trump says, regardless of what trump may actually mean, a fault which good comprehension should inform and correct
  • oeb11
  • 10-27-2020, 06:53 AM
sf - has only the DPST and LSM narrative to spout - it is a religion to the DPST's and incontrovertible upon pain of expuslion from welfare and food stamps.

DPST buy their votes - and keep their voters in thrall in shit hole cities - while their hollywood and DC nomenklatura party in mansion as did 'princeling" hunter Biden while falling off the wagon.

Hypocrisy is the Mode of action of DPST's
HedonistForever's Avatar
for someone self-proclaimed to be good at reading comprehension

its odd that in most all threads, no matter the topic, including this one about fox news

the person most times just types hate to trump

and its curious that that same someone with great reading comprehension always takes a least favorable, to trump, interpretation of what trump says, regardless of what trump may actually mean, a fault which good comprehension should inform and correct Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought

Exactomondo! If the writer was telling me that he didn't like Trump's politics, I could accept the "I don't hate the man" BS but when one comments in literally every single post evident by disparaging remarks of the man, then you know such proclamation is BS.

You just made a probably more elegant observation that I was trying to make. If one can't at least acknowledge a different perspective while not whole heartedly embracing it, that is someone with less comprehension abilities IMHO.

I've got to hand it to you, you are keenly observant with very good comprehension skills. The fact that they agree with mine doesn't hurt either.

I've got to hand it to you, you are keenly observant with very good comprehension skills. The fact that they agree with mine doesn't hurt either. Originally Posted by HedonistForever
you're no slouch

you also have something needed, that i don't have, which is the desire to engage these people point by point

i'll read something from one of them and see the flaws and illogic and the misapplications and the half or more left out but not take the time to respond, but still my hope does remain that someone might

you do a good work
sportfisherman's Avatar
It seems like you two maybe really got off to patting each other on the back for your smugness and smartness.That's so cute.

HF - If you want to wear yourself out with "Interpretations" of "turning the corner" and varied "Definitions" of the word "soon" then go right ahead and base your refutations on that.You sound ridiculous.

If your Diagnosis is that we have "turned the corner" as to our status with Covid I would say your Diagnosis is bad and your Clinical Judgement is poor.

That is in regards not only to the record number of new cases we are experiencing but also regarding the other elements you brought forth as well.You mentioned some other factors which you feel should be considered in the Turning the Corner bullshit.The intravenous antiviral shows some promise but at present there are no oral outpatient meds and the Antibody cocktail by Regeneron is in question, as another antibody treatment from another drug company has been found to not be very efficacious casting doubt on what the antibody med's benefit will truly be.It also does not consider that both of these treatments are not yet generally available and when so it is only in an inpatient critical care setting.

You also mentioned the inclusion of vaccine which from the medical literature I have read probably will not be available till March.Granted this is long before the usual course which may take several years for vaccine development but certainly will not be before the election,shortly after the election,or before the first of the year.

So I stand by my statements that none of the following are factual or accurate ;
1.We have turned a corner
2.Taxes will be released soon
3.A vaccine will be here soon
4.A health plan will come soon

I call Bullshit on Trump and/or anyone else who tries to float that bullshit.It constitutes disinformation.

You made some observations about me so I feel free to make some as well.

I charge that you,much like Trump,don't like your "Pronouncements" to be challenged or disputed.Your expectation is that they will be accepted as gospel.That's it - game,set,match,checkmate.

Bullshit.None of it flies with me so quit trying.

Turned the Corner on Covid - What a fucking joke.

Again,your Diagnostic Capabilities are bad and your Clinical Judgement is poor.

Now let's hear your Interpretation of "bad" and your Definition of "poor".
winn dixie's Avatar
It seems like you two maybe really got off to patting each other on the back for your smugness and smartness.That's so cute.

HF - If you want to wear yourself out with "Interpretations" of "turning the corner" and varied "Definitions" of the word "soon" then go right ahead and base your refutations on that.You sound ridiculous.

If your Diagnosis is that we have "turned the corner" as to our status with Covid I would say your Diagnosis is bad and your Clinical Judgement is poor.

That is in regards not only to the record number of new cases we are experiencing but also regarding the other elements you brought forth as well.You mentioned some other factors which you feel should be considered in the Turning the Corner bullshit.The intravenous antiviral shows some promise but at present there are no oral outpatient meds and the Antibody cocktail by Regeneron is in question, as another antibody treatment from another drug company has been found to not be very efficacious casting doubt on what the antibody med's benefit will truly be.It also does not consider that both of these treatments are not yet generally available and when so it is only in an inpatient critical care setting.

You also mentioned the inclusion of vaccine which from the medical literature I have read probably will not be available till March.Granted this is long before the usual course which may take several years for vaccine development but certainly will not be before the election,shortly after the election,or before the first of the year.

So I stand by my statements that none of the following are factual or accurate ;
1.We have turned a corner
2.Taxes will be released soon
3.A vaccine will be here soon
4.A health plan will come soon

I call Bullshit on Trump and/or anyone else who tries to float that bullshit.It constitutes disinformation.

You made some observations about me so I feel free to make some as well.

I charge that you,much like Trump,don't like your "Pronouncements" to be challenged or disputed.Your expectation is that they will be accepted as gospel.That's it - game,set,match,checkmate.

Bullshit.None of it flies with me so quit trying.

Turned the Corner on Covid - What a fucking joke.

Again,your Diagnostic Capabilities are bad and your Clinical Judgement is poor.

Now let's hear your Interpretation of "bad" and your Definition of "poor". Originally Posted by sportfisherman
blah blah blah SPAM
HedonistForever's Avatar
It seems like you two maybe really got off to patting each other on the back for your smugness and smartness.That's so cute.

HF - If you want to wear yourself out with "Interpretations" of "turning the corner" and varied "Definitions" of the word "soon" then go right ahead and base your refutations on that.You sound ridiculous.

If your Diagnosis is that we have "turned the corner" as to our status with Covid I would say your Diagnosis is bad and your Clinical Judgement is poor.

That is in regards not only to the record number of new cases we are experiencing but also regarding the other elements you brought forth as well.You mentioned some other factors which you feel should be considered in the Turning the Corner bullshit.The intravenous antiviral shows some promise but at present there are no oral outpatient meds and the Antibody cocktail by Regeneron is in question, as another antibody treatment from another drug company has been found to not be very efficacious casting doubt on what the antibody med's benefit will truly be.It also does not consider that both of these treatments are not yet generally available and when so it is only in an inpatient critical care setting.

You also mentioned the inclusion of vaccine which from the medical literature I have read probably will not be available till March.Granted this is long before the usual course which may take several years for vaccine development but certainly will not be before the election,shortly after the election,or before the first of the year.

So I stand by my statements that none of the following are factual or accurate ;
1.We have turned a corner
2.Taxes will be released soon
3.A vaccine will be here soon
4.A health plan will come soon

I call Bullshit on Trump and/or anyone else who tries to float that bullshit.It constitutes disinformation.

You made some observations about me so I feel free to make some as well.

I charge that you,much like Trump,don't like your "Pronouncements" to be challenged or disputed.Your expectation is that they will be accepted as gospel.That's it - game,set,match,checkmate.

Bullshit.None of it flies with me so quit trying.

Turned the Corner on Covid - What a fucking joke.

Again,your Diagnostic Capabilities are bad and your Clinical Judgement is poor.

Now let's hear your Interpretation of "bad" and your Definition of "poor". Originally Posted by sportfisherman

Bad- your ability to comprehend complex issues.

Poor- well, the same I would say.

But you are entitled to your own hate filled opinions.
sportfisherman's Avatar
It's quite revealing that you find the simple statement ;

1.We have turned the corner on Covid.

To be a "Complex Issue".
winn dixie's Avatar
It's quite revealing that you find the simple statement ;

1.We have turned the corner on Covid.

To be a "Complex Issue". Originally Posted by sportfisherman
Gawd damn! You just cant keep up!
HedonistForever's Avatar
It's quite revealing that you find the simple statement ;

1.We have turned the corner on Covid.

To be a "Complex Issue". Originally Posted by sportfisherman

It's quite revealing that you don't see Covid as a complex issue. The ration of cases to deaths is complex. The more testing one does, the more cases are bound to be found. So any country doing less testing is bound to find less cases. The very idea of how many possible cases there could be is a complex issue.

Who dies from Covid and who doesn't? You're going to tell me that isn't a complex issue? Good fucking grief.

When you go from "no therapeutic measures" to fight Covid, to multiple therapeutic measures to possible vaccine to imminent vaccine, that's the very definition of complex and the very definition of having turned the corner from no hope to hope. When one goes from no hope to hope, one has turned the corner by any definition of the term.

The more you dig, the bigger the hole you make for yourself and to just can't see it. Pitiful.

But as we have already proved beyond a reasonable doubt, your ability or lack there of to comprehend such complex matters continues to allude you.
rexdutchman's Avatar
at least there only 70 % liberal