As for "minding our own fucking business", we have the problems with fundamentalist Islam we currently have because the west (including us) started piecing out the Ottoman Empire as it died, exploited it's populace, meddled with governments, and now have to deal with generations of goat fucking perma-virgins who have nothing better to do than suicide bomb us at their leisure because they have no prospects, no women, no jobs, and no money.
When I say "we never should have been over there", I'm talking about 1922, not just 2002.
Originally Posted by GastonGlock
Blame American first, huh?
Your grasp of Middle East history is thinner than a potato chip. It was the European powers, not the US, who carved up the Ottoman Empire in the wake of WW1. Look up the Sykes-Picot agreement. The UK and France were the big colonial powers. The US was anti-colonial and instrumental in pushing those countries to grant independence to their colonies, especially after WW2. Why do you think Eisenhower failed to support them during the 1956 Suez crisis?
So logically, if your argument had an ounce of merit which it doesn't, you would expect the Middle Eastern states and/or their populations to harbor resentments against and lash out at the UK and France, not at the US which helped to lift the yoke of colonialism off their shoulders.
And don't forget that large parts of Africa and Asia were also colonized by the major Western powers back in the 19th century. Funny how they all seemed to get over it and focused on moving their countries forward post-independence. You don't see any of them flying planes into our skyscrapers, do you? But if they did, you would be the first to defend them for slaughtering 3,000 of your fellow citizens, wouldn't you?