Yet you continue to attempt to which indicates you aren't smart enough to listen to your own judgement of me. So your own opinion is worthless in your own judgement.Hero? No, someone who will continue
I continue to call your ass out on your conservative-fascist hypocrisy. Obviously that continues to sail right over your head. Gee surprise surprise. But keep flattering yourself. Somebody has to.
Is it important that I agree with you? I don't. You're wrong simply because you don't understand Islam. It's not a right left political spectrum issue. Islam is a theology that purports to also be a governing philosophy. As such it's more accurately described as a theocracy which is neither right nor left, simply an entirely different sort of spectrum than what your limited knowledge accommodates. Why do you feel it's necessary that it's classified as far right? So you can equate it with Republicans? Please, you're so obvious how clever you think you are for that.. and it's really a quite unsophisticated analogy. But whatever gives your sad little life validation.
No defending it? On the contrary, the Taliban feel quite confident defending their ideology. I don't share their ideology so I'm not sure why you think I need to defend it. Again, you're playing checkers while the rest of us are talking about baccarat... if it helps you feel better, most Jr. high students start out at your level too...
Oh so now you're doing your usual back peddling. You sir are the one who is continuously trying (and failing miserably) at comparing the Taliban to the Dems, and now here you are saying that it's neither left or right, some more of your hypocrisy. I already know what your next reply is. "It's different when I say it" and "Yeah, yeah.... well you're stupid!" Pssshh fucking pathetic. The Taliban is an ultra conservative entity anyone who can think above a 6th grade level knows that which clearly you don't. But I will be happy to continue to set your ass straight.
Ah, I see. you think you're some sort of hero fighting the Man... pointing out to all of us wrong think and how you know better. Again, a very juvenile behaviour on your part... your opinion just isn't that original, insightful, or smart enough to change anyones mind here. It's cute that you think it is, but that's a forlorn hope, son.
Now run along, back to your PS5 while the adults talk. Originally Posted by texassapper
Yes. You do realize in what city you live, right? Speaking of "name calling" ... it's not "hypocritical" to call out someone who has to buy leaves in a forest. It really reflects on their experience and ability to gather leaves without buying them.Yes I am quite aware of where I live. I was curious as to what my review count has to do with TS's hypocrisy?? I do don't see any reviews out of you, so you just come on here to mingle with the men??
Junior, please don't leave with the impression you intimidate me with your remarks.
I'm not as insecure as you are. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Hero? No, someone who will continueI didn't think about that but you've got a point, speaking about the topic at hand, not Texassapper in particular. The part of your post in red text that I'm too lazy to copy.
to call your ass out on your hypocrisy as well as lack of knowledge. Yes. With you that is not hard to do you are no challenge whatsoever. You call doing nothing but name being an adult? How old are you? Had your president not struck a deal with one of our sworn enemies we would be singing a different tune right now. Period.
You are not good at this at all. Originally Posted by Little Monster
I didn't think about that but you've got a point, speaking about the topic at hand, not Texassapper in particular. Talibans have been known to kill adulterers and homosexuals. They believe a woman's place is in the home. They have very strong religious beliefs. They don't like foreigners in their country.You’ve really gone of your rocker. “Republicans and the Taliban have similar views”. No one should take you seriously anymore.
Now Republicans aren't anywhere nearly as radical as the Taliban on these topics, but they do have somewhat similar points of view.
For me though the only thing that matters is taxes and spending. And the Taliban imposed a 50% corporate income tax that wrecked their economy. Republicans would never do that. Democrats might. So that's why I support Republicans and do not support the Taliban. Originally Posted by Tiny
You’ve really gone of your rocker. “Republicans and the Taliban have similar views”. No one should take you seriously anymore. Originally Posted by bambinoJust replace the Bible with a quaran. Both condemn homosexuality, both view women as second class citizens, both want to shove their ideology down people's throats, both don't believe in democracy, both don't believe in freedom of the press, both don't believe in freedom of protest.
I didn't think about that but you've got a point, speaking about the topic at hand, not Texassapper in particular. The part of your post in red text that I'm too lazy to copy.Agree 100% with your post Tiny. Now in their defense at least the taliban promises to treat women better as long as it's within Islamic law...
Talibans have been known to kill adulterers and homosexuals. They believe a woman's place is in the home. They have very strong religious beliefs. They don't like foreigners in their country.
Now Republicans aren't anywhere nearly as radical as the Taliban on these topics, but they do have somewhat similar points of view.
For me though the only thing that matters is taxes and spending. And the Taliban imposed a 50% corporate income tax that wrecked their economy. Republicans would never do that. Democrats might. So that's why I support Republicans and do not support the Taliban. Originally Posted by Tiny