another accomplishment by the Biden administration

I suppose we will hear from Jason PiSSant and his capitalized blah blah blah views. Originally Posted by VitaMan
Does that hurt your feelings?? You and most of your libertard minions have thin skins (look at the left's push for censorship), just ask YR. You and your buddies on the left want censorship...because the reality of liberalism is a failure and the American people have given your man BRANDON the lowest approval ratings history of the presidency....he's only 10 months in!! Your idea of accomplishments is more intrusive gumment. You are a diehard leftwing shill and hopefully a dying breed (last Tuesday's result should be a wakeup call) ...everything the left does is completely distructive to America being the greatest country on earth.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
salty is just being .. salty .. but don't sneeze on the pepper.

but considering how the far left radical commies aka the DemonKKKrats tried to oppose Trump what he accomplished is rather impressive.

it's Mount Trumpmore worthy

Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Carving a piece of shit into that monument would be more apropos than a likeness of Lord God King Bufu.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Carving a piece of shit into that monument would be more apropos than a likeness of Lord God King Bufu. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

you mean Biden?

Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
Supreme Leader creating own laws and making social credit privileges easy
Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
Does that hurt your feelings?? You and most of your libertard minions have thin skins (look at the left's push for censorship), just ask YR. You and your buddies on the left want censorship...because the reality of liberalism is a failure and the American people have given your man BRANDON the lowest approval ratings history of the presidency....he's only 10 months in!! Your idea of accomplishments is more intrusive gumment. You are a diehard leftwing shill and hopefully a dying breed (last Tuesday's result should be a wakeup call) ...everything the left does is completely distructive to America being the greatest country on earth. Originally Posted by bb1961
I think VM used to be a devotee of the One, but after the One claimed widespread voter fraud, his/her brain was permanently damaged.
rexdutchman's Avatar
Keep this date in mind nov 22 that's when 1/3 of the border patrol /ICE cant work (vax mandates )
Just another accomplishment at the border , along with the70 flights of illegal to Florida Hmm
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Regarding Trumps infastructure bill failure, two words. Paul Ryan.
rexdutchman's Avatar