Ex-Army Generals Fear Insurrection or 'Civil War' in 2024

Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Actually, that is a pretty decent description of slavery right there with people being utterly dependent on the State with no chance of breaking free from their bondage. When you look at it that way it is easy to see why the Obidan admin wants to import a slave class and offer them $$ to also buy their vote.

Toss in a load of State run religion and it brings back memories. My fuzzy memory hearkens back to why exactly we broke from that empire in the first pace and crossed across a frozen river on Christmas to kill them.

American Exceptionalism and the Entitlement State

https://www.nationalaffairs.com/publ...itlement-state Originally Posted by eccieuser9500
eccieuser9500's Avatar
Trump kept having to retape his video telling fans to leave the Capitol riot, which may explain his 187-minute silence during the attack, January 6 committee chair says


"It appears that he tried to do a taping several times, but he wouldn't say the right thing," Rep. Bennie Thompson told The Washington Post, citing witness interviews and media reports.

Rep. Liz Cheney, the vice chair of the January 6 committee, previously suggested that the committee could find Trump guilty of criminal obstruction.

In the video he eventually put out on January 6, Trump told his supporters at the Capitol to go home and called the mob "very special people."

Thompson told The Post that the fact that Trump had to keep retaping the video was of interest to the committee because it could help explain why he took so long to speak.
... Ray Epps and the other agents of the government
had already started pushing people inside.

Where's that photo of the blokes with the gallows?
I think Ray Epps is the fellow in the MAGA cap on the left side.

#### Salty
LexusLover's Avatar
I was there in the 80s and 90s. I didn't see any white supremacy .... Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
He hasn't either .... right up to TODAY!
LexusLover's Avatar
"It appears that he tried to do a taping several times, but he wouldn't say the right thing," Rep. Bennie Thompson told The Washington Post, citing witness interviews and media reports.
Followed by "Liz Cheney"!!!!!!!!!!

... "It appears" that Trump colluded with the Russians, also.
Thanks to the lies of the FBI and DOJ officials.

#### Salty
LexusLover's Avatar
Followed by "Liz Cheney"!!!!!!!!!!

Originally Posted by LexusLover
2022 Wyoming House Race Polls: Liz Cheney Suffers from Negative Sentiment, trails Hageman

Can you believe that the ignorant loudmouth included another ignorant loudmouth in support of his Trump trashing? He should ride the Wyoming Titanic down with Lizzy! Wyoming needs a breath of fresh air. It's too pretty to crap up with a gender identity issue.
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
A slave class that is paid for with government dollars and, in return, votes for government projects. How very democrat and how so much like 250 years ago. When they try to tell you that there was some "switch" between the parties just remember that those same people wanted to count their slaves as people when it came to voting and representation but nothing else. The democrats have not changed their basic make up in two and half centuries.
Merry Christmas all!

I saw this "Political Forum" and I was hopeful I would have an opportunity to debate real issues that effect our nation and each one of us as citizens. I was naive and was not thinking right. I blame myself for thinking a bunch of people on a hooker website would be able to debate and discuss on an adult level issues. I am willing to listen to different views and open enough to learn, but everyone here seems to be just cheering for their side while name calling the other side. How juvenile and stupid.

I want my country to reunite, I want both sides to discuss the issues as Americans not as Dems or Reps, but as fellow citizens and most of you are incapable. What was I thinking, a hooker website to have intelligent and adult posters??? I see the folly in my thoughts. So, continue to name call, continue to divide. Someone point to a fact instead name calling or bitching.

The stock market is doing better and that is great I hope it sky rockets and I will give Biden all credit if it does. This is a fact. But it also a fact that the first 3 quarters lost.most of us tons of wealth and one good 4th quarter has not yet made up for the massive losses. But i hope it continues. But this is like Biden asking us to thank him for gas prices going down from 3.45 a gallon to 3.25. Thank him? It was 1.80 before he took office i will thank him when it gets to 1.50. He caused the doubling costs of gas the high inflation. These are facts, dont shit on me and when you are done shitting ask me to thank you for no lingering dumping on me.
bambino's Avatar
If you say so.
Merry Christmas all!

I saw this "Political Forum" and I was hopeful I would have an opportunity to debate real issues that effect our nation and each one of us as citizens. I was naive and was not thinking right. I blame myself for thinking a bunch of people on a hooker website would be able to debate and discuss on an adult level issues. I am willing to listen to different views and open enough to learn, but everyone here seems to be just cheering for their side while name calling the other side. How juvenile and stupid.

I want my country to reunite, I want both sides to discuss the issues as Americans not as Dems or Reps, but as fellow citizens and most of you are incapable. What was I thinking, a hooker website to have intelligent and adult posters??? I see the folly in my thoughts. So, continue to name call, continue to divide. Someone point to a fact instead name calling or bitching.

The stock market is doing better and that is great I hope it sky rockets and I will give Biden all credit if it does. This is a fact. But it also a fact that the first 3 quarters lost.most of us tons of wealth and one good 4th quarter has not yet made up for the massive losses. But i hope it continues. But this is like Biden asking us to thank him for gas prices going down from 3.45 a gallon to 3.25. Thank him? It was 1.80 before he took office i will thank him when it gets to 1.50. He caused the doubling costs of gas the high inflation. These are facts, dont shit on me and when you are done shitting ask me to thank you for no lingering dumping on me. Originally Posted by Computerwise
You made some very good points. I think everyone can agree they would like the country to be more united but unfortunately on their terms politically. No country can be united politically it just won't happen it's just not designed that way because both sides want to win.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Yet you gloss over the part where he was speaking directly to you and your misinformed elk. (Is is that a reindeer today? HO HO HO)
Yssup Rider's Avatar
... Ray Epps and the other agents of the government
had already started pushing people inside.

Where's that photo of the blokes with the gallows?
I think Ray Epps is the fellow in the MAGA cap on the left side.

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
Do you have Qanon trading cards too? You seem to know ALL the players by name Salty!

Put Q back in the closet for a day, yeah?

bambino's Avatar
HedonistForever's Avatar
Merry Christmas all!

I saw this "Political Forum" and I was hopeful I would have an opportunity to debate real issues that effect our nation and each one of us as citizens. I was naive and was not thinking right. I blame myself for thinking a bunch of people on a hooker website would be able to debate and discuss on an adult level issues. I am willing to listen to different views and open enough to learn, but everyone here seems to be just cheering for their side while name calling the other side. How juvenile and stupid.

I want my country to reunite, I want both sides to discuss the issues as Americans not as Dems or Reps, but as fellow citizens and most of you are incapable. What was I thinking, a hooker website to have intelligent and adult posters??? I see the folly in my thoughts. So, continue to name call, continue to divide. Someone point to a fact instead name calling or bitching.

The stock market is doing better and that is great I hope it sky rockets and I will give Biden all credit if it does. This is a fact. But it also a fact that the first 3 quarters lost.most of us tons of wealth and one good 4th quarter has not yet made up for the massive losses. But i hope it continues. But this is like Biden asking us to thank him for gas prices going down from 3.45 a gallon to 3.25. Thank him? It was 1.80 before he took office i will thank him when it gets to 1.50. He caused the doubling costs of gas the high inflation. These are facts, dont shit on me and when you are done shitting ask me to thank you for no lingering dumping on me. Originally Posted by Computerwise

You have a valid point but don't limit your criticism to this board. This board is EXACTLY what you will find in the general population unfortunately.

Hell, on many college campuses, where not that many years ago, one could find the kind of debate you seek but no more. Now, according to many polls, people on one side of the political aisle, refuse to be in the same room with somebody from the opposite side much less have a civil debate.

I truly believe we are witnessing the fall of this once great nation because we all know what happens when people finally decide that the the other side can't be reasoned with.

There is no reason in the world, other than wanting more power, that the two sides can't break down these massive spending bills to one or two subjects, related to each other and come to a compromise no matter how hard it is to swallow for either side. Let the extremists on both sides stew in their own bile if they don't like the decision that reasonable moderates come too.

Right now, in the shadows hoping no one will notice, Biden is re-instituting the "remain in Mexico" policy or some form of it but will not go on tv and admit he was wrong and he is also slowly continuing to build the wall but won't admit that either.

Until we get a group of leaders capable of compromise and the ability to admit when they are wrong, we will never solve the problems facing us.