And therein lies the rub - a choice. If you have the freedom to make a choice then it's on you to own the outcome. If you don't have that freedom, you are owned. Then there is that pesky responsibility thing to grapple with. Is the government responsible for keeping it's property on the plantation and compliant? With what? Beatings, whips, passports to buy food - but only for the subservient? Docile? Compliant? Obedient? <Do traits like that seem admirable to people?> 1776 ring any bells?
My two main problems in this arena are:
1) The goal of a vaccine, not that the mRNA shtuff is one, but let's say it is for argument sake - is to train the immune system to recognize it and defeat it. The key difference with mRNA is that it first causes the body to create the pathogen, before attacking it. Hypocritically, some of us forget that this bug-a-boo is super contagious, transmissible and no - masks are codswallop..
2) This new form of inoculation has never been given out to the public in the 20 years of attempts, because of a high rate of adverse events, aka catastrophic failures. Yet here we are, thinking that we are so much smarter than Nature and giving it (Did I say "giving"? My bad - FORCING, MANDATING it> on everyone.
If your body's immune system is not tuned up and ready for the task, you're hosed either way. The idea that we were not born to handle the environment that we exist within is utter poppycock. Hey! Here's a challenge: Record 4 hours of the OWN channel. When you watch the recording, fast forward over the show material and only watch the commercials. Try to categorize them into buckets like: Drugs/Meds, fast food, Gizmos, Games, Exercise shtuff etc. What do you think you might find?
Notwithstanding, in days gone by (2-3 years ago) 3 or 4 deaths of humans in trials for a vaccine caused it to be halted. We are way, way past a handful at this point. We have no long term track record with it either, things like autoimmune repercussions and the control group used was dissolved. You know, vaxxed for their own safety after a few months.
In retrospect, when the covid first landed, we knew practically nothing (hey thanks China). But we have learned a lot. Stop thinking like we are still at day 1 in our understanding. However, don't fall for the trap of propaganda and being overwhelmed by government experts and docile and compliant media beating their drums for their masters.
From the FDA meetings where they were trying to EUA the thing for young kids
The VAERS info is concerning to me for sure and I've read a bit about some of the issues. It's not insignificant. And as was previously stated, the long term risks aren't knowable yet and won't be for several years. To me, it's all about risk and different people have differing levels of risk aversion. I decided to get the shot due to my own health concerns, too fat, too inactive, smoke too much. But I recognize that not everyone has the same level of aversion and it's a part of peoples personality and is extremely difficult to change. I don't believe that trying to browbeat or forcing folks to get the jab is the answer. If anyone wants to go the Joe Rogan route, I say have at it and best of luck. That's just not in the cards for me.
I remember eating right and exercising but that was along time ago in a galaxy far far away.
Originally Posted by Ducbutter