Some Thoughts On Hunter Biden, “The Big Guy”, and Those that Dismissed This…..

matchingmole's Avatar
The denial in this thread is straight out of a comedy skit. These companies the Bidens were extorting would have no idea who Hunter was, let alone do business with a worthless junkie, if daddy wasn’t a powerful politician.

Remember the incessant ‘Trump is compromised’ screaming of the left that was complete horseshit? It’s actually true of Biden. If us peons know what we know about him, imagine what the Russians/Ukrainians/Chinese (and who knows who else) know. A guy like that doesn’t take a step off the plane without every minute of their day being monitored.

They deny reality. Doing otherwise would be outing themselves as weak minded and easily manipulated. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
the tired ol "joe hasn't done anything wrong, it's hunter" would be laughable if it wasn't so sad

it reveals either an outright idiocy, an extreme naivety, a stated claim filled with nothing but subservience, or a purposeful choosing to not see the truth

its much the same sort of lying and protectionism that dimocrats and their lying media and minions in government positions have done for years, whether it be lies about trump, the russian hoax, the vile impeachments, and even now the blaming of trump for all their failures
I wish I had a Dime for every ''the truth will come out'' statement I have read when no truth ever came out. I would be so wealthy, I wouldn't need any ''Big Guy'''s help. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
Especially when it came to the Democrats and their four year witch hunt in “Russia, Russia, Russia”.

Every news cycle we were fed false narratives from Congressional Sleezballs such as Jerry Nadler, Maxine Waters, Nancy Peloci and Adam Schiff. The Major News Outlets followed in lock step. Not only believing and printing every lie that they, the Clinton Campaign, and “51 security Experts” said, but refusing to actually find the truth.

Yes, you are correct. They spouted “the truth will come out” by covering up their own indiscretions and lying about just everything, even to the point of allowing their partners in crime, the major Social Media Boards, to ban anything that did not fit their narrative.

But guess what. The truth will come out. And you’re not going to like it.
Try this simple thought experiment:
Nobody can now say the Hunter Biden laptop is Russian dis-information. Right?

Nobody could deny that Hunter Biden is a serious perv and drug addict. Right?

Nobody could deny that Hunter Biden was discharged from the US Navy for the above. Right?

Nobody can deny that Hunter Biden was making these global deals while his Dad was VP. Right?

Feel free to ignore that a couple of his former business partners are in prison for fraud, if it makes you feel better. Devon Archer is his business partner in a few operations, the other was a Chines Military affiliated guy, Patrick Ho.

What is Hunter Biden's value-add, i.e. his basis for being hired by Ukrainian and Chinese companies at all? Let alone for millions of dollars.

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Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do

So, Hunter did shit. We all know that. It’s clear he was running around saying “hey I’m the son of the VP. Hire me and I can pass whatever you need and get you a meeting with my dad. What’s that worth to you. But you gotta pay me a lot and over time so we make it all look legit.” Folks paid him. Now here’s the rub. There’s nothing to show Hunter ever involved Joe. Not even Bubbles can assert that except to to say “Hunter told me that everything goes through Joe”. Let’s think, why would Hunter say that. Oh I know, to make his other story sound legit. If he didn’t say it, it’d be obvious he was lying.

See that’s called speculation. I have no clue what happened but I can create rationales like anyone else.

What’s the facts.

Hunter lied, likely often. Hunter was a junkie which ya know often are liars. Hunter named dropped the hell outta his dad and likely ambassadors and everyone else.

No one has said or shown any connection to Joe Biden. When you find one, point it out. Your whole message is simple. If Hunter did stuff Joe had to be involved. Firstly, that’s a stupid presumption. Secondly, stupid people make stupid presumptions. Find some facts and we can debate what they actually mean.
... It's surely GRAND to have BOTH 1blackman1 and Mr. Chung
here in the thread - since THEY were the BIGGEST nay-sayers
at the time the "Hunter laptop" story first came out.

... I did a bit about this just a few weeks ago.

1blackman1 was saying at the time that people who surely believed
the laptop was real are dumb as rocks.

And Mr. Chung told everybody that the laptop couldn't be real
because the FBI AND Adam Schiff said it was fake.

You blokes can GO BACK AND LOOK at your comments - I DID!

... So, with that in-mind, reckon it makes you two fellows look
like dupes - who don't got enough skill to paint the shithouse roof.

... NOW - are you willing to admit that the laptop is REAL??

### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
There’s this magic button called “quote”. Use it. You wanna call me on something I said, quote me and see what all I said. I’ll help you with one thing right here though. Whether the laptop was real or not I said “no one gives a fuck”. I stand by that.
is a fuck a small inconsequential thing of little value?

i always had the idea of a fuck being a great and desirous event. a woman giving much to me

so i have always wondered why it is people say, or type, "no one gives a fuck"

that would imply, and you might infer, that whatever it was, not even a stupid worthless fuck would be given for that thing or idea, as it is below worthless
matchingmole's Avatar
the tired ol "joe hasn't done anything wrong, it's hunter" would be laughable if it wasn't so sad

it reveals either an outright idiocy, an extreme naivety, a stated claim filled with nothing but subservience, or a purposeful choosing to not see the truth

its much the same sort of lying and protectionism that dimocrats and their lying media and minions in government positions have done for years, whether it be lies about trump, the russian hoax, the vile impeachments, and even now the blaming of trump for all their failures Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
where is me now
... "So Hunter did shit. We all know that."

That's a new quote from you, 1blackman1. ... But apparently YOU
didn't know - you believed the laptop was FAKE. Remember?

But how 'bout if I just bump the old thread? That-way all the lads
can read YOUR-OWN quotes and surely decide things for themselves.

What could be more fair than that?

And as far as "no one gives a f*ck" - A LOT of people DO care
about the laptop and THE TRUTHS it will tell.

I know that I AM NOT ready to call Hunter a liar. Not yet.
He's been to this point rather insightful and candidly truthful.

Unlike his Dad.

... Surely NOT tryin' to bully you here, 1blackman1.
And Mr. Chung has always been a fair-minded poster.

... Just tryin' to show you liberal mates the error of yer ways!

#### Salty
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Feel free to ignore that Trump pardoned his pro Russian campaign manger.

Feel free to Ignore that Trump pardoned Mike Flynn who at one point cheered the overthrow of the Muslim Dictator in Turkey before being paid by Turkey to turn into a pro Putin loving Trump flunkie. Originally Posted by WTF
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
TDS is still ticking.
Chung Tran's Avatar
My problem wiith the whole Laptop Saga is the political slant surrounding it all.

We confirmed long ago that Hunter is a Lout, a Junkie. I still think the ''Big Guy'' is nonsense. I have viewed the alleged email referencing it. Looks phony, frankly. Why would Joe not be listed as ''JB'', like the others, by their initials? Were they afraid the James Brown Estate would sue for appropriating Brown's likeness?

And Republicans knew about the Laptop long before they said anything. Which suggests to me that they didn't think it was worth much.. Only when Joe fooled them, and became the Nominee did they attempt the proverbial October Surprise, that fell flat. After that they only had ''rigged election'' to promote.

Plus these Phonies are so outraged by Hunter, but they suck Trump's Dick constantly. Make excuses for January 6, and Trump's refusal to this day to concede that he LOST. Mo Brooks said Trump is still dogging him today, to look for ways to get the election overturned.

Show me some outrage about Trump, and then discuss Hunter with something beyond Nursery Rhyme-like attacks, and the discussion can have legs. I stated long ago that Hunter is despicable, but the Right Qanon's will never post anything negative about Trump. And that defines a Phony.
... Not exactly, mate. ... YOU believed the laptop was FAKE. Remember?
Because the FBI and Adam Schiff said so. .. .... REMEMBER?

And the so-called "October Surprise" fell FLAT - because the FBI/DOJ
and the liberal news media OUTRIGHT LIED to the American public
by claiming the laptop was fake and "Russian DisInformation" ...

How quickly YOU dismiss that.

Surely glad to see you can define a phony there, mate.
Or YOU can just take a look in the mirror. ...

#### Salty
Chung Tran's Avatar
... Not exactly, mate. ... YOU believed the laptop was FAKE. Remember?
Because the FBI and Adam Schiff said so. .. .... REMEMBER?

And the so-called "October Surprise" fell FLAT - because the FBI/DOJ
and the liberal news media OUTRIGHT LIED to the American public
by claiming the laptop was fake and "Russian DisInformation" ...

How quickly YOU dismiss that.

Surely glad to see you can define a phony there, mate.
Or YOU can just take a look in the mirror. ...

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
Nope, how can I remember something that didn't happen?

You were called out earlier in this thread, for stating what another poster allegedly said, and not supplying a link. Your side feeds on innuendo and false facts.

Blame the left wing media, the corrupt Government Agencies, etc.. Yawn. Blame Trump for nothing. It's Trump all the way for you. Romney, Bush, Cheney, all these Republicans you liked until Trump said he didn't like them. Trump is your God, no one else matters. Is there another Republican you would support in 2024? None of you discuss anyone else. You liked Tim Scott for 2 days, then quickly tired of him.
LexusLover's Avatar
My problem wiith the whole Laptop Saga is the political slant surrounding it all. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
What's the "political slant"? The laptop is nonpolitical.

Hunter's journal of his crimes on it are nonpolitical.

Being a bag man for Daddy is nonpolitical.

What's the "slant" you don't like>

Tran let me explain something to you that is "political" .... for you asking for a "link" to something Anti-Bitten is about as sensical as inquiring on Eccie for a virgin provider. As the old saying goes: "Scarce as hens' teeth!"

These knickleheads who ask for links to trash the favorites of the "linksters" either are extremely sheltered (ignorant really) or smooth-ass lying by demanding "links" when they KNOW links have been scrubbed and finding one is challenging at best.
... "So Hunter did shit. We all know that."

That's a new quote from you, 1blackman1. ... But apparently YOU
didn't know - you believed the laptop was FAKE. Remember?

But how 'bout if I just bump the old thread? That-way all the lads
can read YOUR-OWN quotes and surely decide things for themselves.

What could be more fair than that?

And as far as "no one gives a f*ck" - A LOT of people DO care
about the laptop and THE TRUTHS it will tell.

I know that I AM NOT ready to call Hunter a liar. Not yet.
He's been to this point rather insightful and candidly truthful.

Unlike his Dad.

... Surely NOT tryin' to bully you here, 1blackman1.
And Mr. Chung has always been a fair-minded poster.

... Just tryin' to show you liberal mates the error of yer ways!

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
Dude, are you illiterate. I’m assuming you’re not stupid (which could be my error). Quote my old statements if you think they are inconsistent. Bump a thread. Do what ya gotta do to actually prove your statements. It ain’t hard to do. This is the internet, hit the little button and BAM we can all see what you’re referencing. Now of course you’ll have to actually see that more was said than what you are trying to imply. It’s called context. Again though I’ll help you. Didn’t give a shot then don’t give a shit now.

I just think it’s funny that you’re so excited over nothing. Maybe you are stupid.