Trump just delivered the biggest win for Conservatives in 3 generations

texassapper's Avatar
Can't wait to see who Alabama, Mississippi, or Arkansas etc. produces with all that social spending they do.
So if you have a lot of money, you can go to a state where abortions are legal. If you don't, tough.
Originally Posted by VerySkeptical
A 3 pack of condoms at CVS is 6.99 or 2.33 each. Seems affordable enough way to prevent an unwanted pregnancy.

If you can't afford $2.50 then you probably should keep your pants on.
HedonistForever's Avatar
Just to use Louisiana as an example, they have 3 abortion clinics operating in the state of Louisiana. Now it's not a very large state but some women in Louisiana now have to drive for hours to reach a clinic and they still have to pay for it but that's OK right?

Looking at the map of who will and who won't outlaw abortion, the majority of woman will have less than a days drive to reach an abortion clinic and they are still going to have to pay what $600 was the last number I heard and that was years ago.

For years now, the majority of abortions have been done with a couple of pills but stupid and lazy isn't going to help in that respect.

More Than Half of U.S. Abortions Now Done With Pills: Report

More than half of abortions in the United States are now done with pills rather than surgery, according to a report from the Guttmacher Institute, a research group that supports abortion rights.

A survey of abortion providers showed that 54% of all U.S. abortions were done with medication in 2020, marking the first time the proportion of medication abortions topped 50%, Guttmacher said.

In 2017, the last time such a survey was done, 39% of abortions were performed by medication, Guttmacher said. The organization said 24% of abortions were done with medication in 2011 and 6% in 2001, the year after the FDA approved the pills.

The 54% estimate is based on early findings, Guttmacher said in a news release. It said that “final estimates will be released in late 2022 and the proportion for medication abortion use is not expected to fall below 50%.”

Rachel Jones, PhD, a Guttmacher researcher, said the higher use of abortion pills may be linked to increases in telemedicine because of the COVID-19 pandemic and the FDA’s decision last year to allow the mailing of abortion pills to patients, The Associated Press reported. Those changes mean women can now consult with a doctor online, receive the pills by mail, and complete the abortion at home.
“The introduction and availability of medication abortion has proven to be a game changer in expanding abortion care in the United States, and it will likely be an even more important option for people to obtain an abortion as many states continue to pass legislation to bar or restrict abortion access,” Guttmacher said in the news release.

Arizona, Arkansas, and Texas have banned the mailing of abortion pills. Similar bans were approved in Montana, Oklahoma, and South Dakota but were blocked in the courts, Guttmacher said.

Sixteen state legislatures have proposed bans or restrictions on medication-induced abortion this year, while 32 states require this type of abortion to be prescribed by doctors.
In Texas, orders for abortion pills increased sharply after the state legislature approved a highly restrictive abortion law, Politico reported, citing a study in The Journal of the American Medical Association.

There is no doubt in my mind what so ever that if and when the first case reaches the SC to decide if an American can receive contraceptives in the mail it will win that argument. We know there are 3 already and Alito and Kavanaugh have said they can't see that ever being outlawed, so calm the fuck down and quit lying about things that are unlikely to happen.

Yssup Rider's Avatar
A 3 pack of condoms at CVS is 6.99 or 2.33 each. Seems affordable enough way to prevent an unwanted pregnancy.

If you can't afford $2.50 then you probably should keep your pants on. Originally Posted by texassapper
Sounds like Mitt Romney in 2012!

Just get a job!

You crack me up DSK.

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Sounds like Mitt Romney in 2012!

Just get a job!

You crack me up DSK.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

Mitt the RINO who suckles at the teat of power .. even this guy

this mitt?

adav8s28's Avatar
Elections have consequences. And if the dems didn't want Roe vs Wade overturned - they should of codified it. Such idiots - why didn't they do it? They control Congress.

Finnally the court has stood up for the rights of the unborn.
Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
The dems just have a slight majority in the Senate. Budget Reconcillation bills can be passed with a 51-50 vote (The V.P. breaks the 50-50 tie). To codify Roe vs Wade you need 60 Senators. The dems would have to find 10 republicans to get to 60.

The courts did not really stand up for the rights of the unborn, they just sent the issue back to each state. So, in the state of Mississippi a woman can get abortion up to 15 weeks.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Shh…don’t look now, but AE just got her ass handed to her again.

It’s one thing to debate an issue, but a decision is something that really isn’t up for debate.

But that’s the typical Trumpist.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Mitt the RINO who suckles at the teat of power .. even this guy

this mitt?

bahahahahahahaahaaaaaaaaaaaaa Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid

Yeah, the one who Obama crushed in 2012… and voted to convict Trump in his impeachment.

Notice Trump has a bowl, because he can’t eat with a rock an knife without making a mess of the tablecloth!

Great hijack. You’ve only reminded us what losers Trump and you are.
oilfieldace's Avatar
Trump is the greatest President since Harry S Truman
VitaMan's Avatar
Where do the opinion polls rank him.......dead last ?
No, dead last would be Obama .....
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
The dems just have a slight majority in the Senate. Budget Reconcillation bills can be passed with a 51-50 vote (The V.P. breaks the 50-50 tie). To codify Roe vs Wade you need 60 Senators.... Originally Posted by adav8s28
Except that the Supreme Court rules that it is not a Federal role. It is a States decision to make. So there is that. Is a Constitutional Republic all that hard to understand after 250 years of it?
lustylad's Avatar
It looks like some of you are getting dumber in real time. Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
Now there's a stupid statement. Originally Posted by VitaMan
Relax VM, she wasn't referring to you. You can't possibly get any dumber.
lustylad's Avatar
To codify Roe vs Wade you need 60 Senators... Originally Posted by adav8s28
Shh…don’t look now, but AE just got her ass handed to her again. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
No, she didn't.

The question whether Congress can pass a federal law making abortion legal (or illegal) in all 50 states is way above your pay grade, YR.

But keep showing everyone your deeply misogynistic streak.
HedonistForever's Avatar
The dems just have a slight majority in the Senate. Budget Reconcillation bills can be passed with a 51-50 vote (The V.P. breaks the 50-50 tie). To codify Roe vs Wade you need 60 Senators. The dems would have to find 10 republicans to get to 60.

The courts did not really stand up for the rights of the unborn, they just sent the issue back to each state. So, in the state of Mississippi a woman can get abortion up to 15 weeks. Originally Posted by adav8s28

With this decision, we'll see how long that lasts. In my opinion of course, I think Mississippi was just trying to whittle Roe down not believing they could ever really overturn Roe. Now that they have, I'll bet a dollar to a donut, a "no abortion" bill will be coming out of Mississippi before the end of the year.

You are right, the court didn't "stand up for the rights of the unborn" because that isn't their mandate. Their mandate is to consider the words of the Constitution and if they don't see abortion, then it goes to the States, perhaps the simplest thing to understand about the Constitution and yet so many can't understand it.

"THE COURT OVERTURNED DEMOCRACY" they shout! What is Democracy I asked? The right of the people to vote. No, just kidding, they don't say that, how can they say what is factual and true when it doesn't accomplish what they want.
lustylad's Avatar
I'm confused... if abortion isn't killing, why do so many states (30+) call it a double homicide when a pregnant woman is murdered?

Heck, there's even a federal law against such fetal murders in certain circumstances. It's called the Unborn Victims of Violence Act and was signed into law in 2004.