So the J6 Sitcom, Infomercial and Marxist show trial was postponed until July, ostensibly to give way for the frothy screaming-meemies to rage on abortion, predominately in cities which are in States that do not and will not ban abortion in the first place - and it bombed, fizzled, nobody gives a rat's ass about them. They can burn down, Seattle, NYC and LA. So what? Who cares? Hell.. Let them defund their police while they're out raging. None of the rest of us care. Need a match?
So the J6 Sitcom, Infomercial and Marxist show trial must go back on stage using hearsay upon hearsay and hairspray, all of which is garbage and readily debunked. Meanwhile F Joe Biden is trying to suck start the Saudis to give us more oil.
Gotta say, it's more than just desperation, it is full on retard - one should just not go full tard. If you want to go suck Saudi cock to get oil send Kamala. She was born for that role. Gas prices might land around $1.35 p/gal. BTW: She ain't black Jack. So what if her grandparents owned a few, back in the day? To be fair, she's had plenty of black in her though, Montel Williams, Willie Brown etc..
It's all good. Mid-terms are coming -- Hard. The deranged focus on Trump is yet another fruitless adventure. Psssst! He is not personally on the mid-term roster so both Jack and Shit would be your reward anyway.
There are around 80+M actual voters (physical, i.e. you can actually touch them) for Trump and they are all voting in the mid-terms while your petulant children are running around in circles screaming for something they already have, yet surprisingly don't even need. Ain't nobody tearing through walls to have sex with them anyway, especially the limp wristed soy latte boys with black nail polish and blue or pink hair that are accompanying them in their rage and scream fest.
To those of them that scream so loud, take proper care of your vocal cords, because you'll need them more than ever soon. If'n you would be so kind to give your petulant, screaming-meemy children a message from the 80+M of us: