Remember when Secret Service agents claimed they'd testify under oath that Cassidy Hutchinson was wrong about Trump in the SUV on January 6, and then they admitted later that yeah she's actually right?

... Uh... what does THAT have to do with the girl's testimony
and your wrong claim the Ornato was IN the SUV with Trump
and witnessed it??

Not seeing the apology to me, mate.
Why is it so hard for you to admit you were wrong?

Lemme explain to the lads here - Ornato is the Agency Director.
He was NOT inside the car when the girl there claimed those
things happened.

The Agents that WERE inside the car have stated that the
events the girl had claimed ARE FALSE AND DIDN'T HAPPEN.
And they have stated that they would be willing to testify
or talk to the 6th Jan committee...

IF Ornato IS "the spokesman" then WHY is he staying quiet??

Are you saying that Ornato may have "created" the false story??

#### Salty
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 07-21-2022, 03:27 PM
Only thing that this has in common with Bengazi was that the event was teletyped before it happened. As NoBoi said, intelligence that was collected failed. Originally Posted by Precious_b
The Dems want to sink Trump's chance at getting reelected just as that drug out Benghazi investigation that shutdown the day after the 2016 election was mainly done to turn voters against Clinton.
The Dems want to sink Trump's chance at getting reelected just as that drug out Benghazi investigation that shutdown the day after the 2016 election was mainly done to turn voters against Clinton. Originally Posted by WTF
... Hmmmm... And I thought the claim by Joe Biden
and Adam Schiff that the "Hunter laptop" was FAKE
and "Russian Disinformation" because Forty (40)
past and present members of the US Intelligence
Community said-so WAS THE DEMS trying to sink
Trump's chance of getting re-elected...

Reckon that I learn something new every day.
Thanks for letting us know, mate.

### Salty
... Uh... what does THAT have to do with the girl's testimony
and your wrong claim the Ornato was IN the SUV with Trump
and witnessed it??

Not seeing the apology to me, mate.
Why is it so hard for you to admit you were wrong?

Lemme explain to the lads here - Ornato is the Agency Director.
He was NOT inside the car when the girl there claimed those
things happened.

The Agents that WERE inside the car have stated that the
events the girl had claimed ARE FALSE AND DIDN'T HAPPEN.
And they have stated that they would be willing to testify
or talk to the 6th Jan committee...

IF Ornato IS "the spokesman" then WHY is he staying quiet??

Are you saying that Ornato may have "created" the false story??

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again

Lol. Man, you keep saying some of the dumbest stuff. Ornato was a secret service agent on Trumps detail. He left the detail and began working in the administration where he was until Trump left office. He then returned to the Secret Service.

I think English might not be your first or second language.
.... Once again. ... He was NOT in the car with
President Trump and the other agents that day.

And YOU didn't answer me question.
Are YOU suggesting that Ornato is lying?

#### Salty
Lying about what?
Fucking secrets service morons delete their txt. That's how they defend the fucking moron

Dah...give me an appointment please. We have your back...unless we have to tell the truth
Lying about what? Originally Posted by 1blackman1
... The girl claimed that Ornato told her that
He heard that Trump grabbed the steering wheel
and grabbed the neck of a Secret Service Agent.

But now - game over. ... The story has been "DOWNGRADED"...

So NO grabbing of anything by Trump.
Just a heated discussion of why they couldn't
take President Trump to the Capitol.

So for the last few weeks the 6th January has
(as I told you) pushed yet-another BULLSHIT story
about President Trump.

Just last week --- they "Stand behind the story"...

Well Blimey! ... NOW - it's "downgraded" from
Trump being physical - to a heated discussion.

They Must Have Found The Missing E-Mails And Texts.

And yet --- YET --- you liberal lads here STILL
actually wonder WHY we conservatives here
continue to call-out all the Democrat FAKERY.

#### Salty
uh ok
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Yeah, no, Salty.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
... Uh... what does THAT have to do with the girl's testimony
and your wrong claim the Ornato was IN the SUV with Trump
and witnessed it??

Not seeing the apology to me, mate.
Why is it so hard for you to admit you were wrong?

Lemme explain to the lads here - Ornato is the Agency Director.
He was NOT inside the car when the girl there claimed those
things happened.

The Agents that WERE inside the car have stated that the
events the girl had claimed ARE FALSE AND DIDN'T HAPPEN.
And they have stated that they would be willing to testify
or talk to the 6th Jan committee...

IF Ornato IS "the spokesman" then WHY is he staying quiet??

Are you saying that Ornato may have "created" the false story??

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
All three of them have now lawyered up, Salty. Independent of the counsel retained by thenSecret Service. They know they’re in deep shit and don’t trust that Trump has their backs. He’ll drop it all in their laps.

You’re swallowing the disinformation put out by your own false prophet.

Open your bleatin’ eyes, bruv!
Salty is swallowing a bag of dicks hook line and sinker. It’s impossible for him to face realty. He’s stuck in the land of “alternative facts”.
HedonistForever's Avatar
NOW - it's "downgraded" from
Trump being physical - to a heated discussion.
Those are exactly the words used in this latest round of testimony. We still do not know for sure whether the grabbing of the steering wheel and attempted choking ever happened and if all that was some kind of joke/ story told to Hutchinson.
Actually Hutchinson says she was told that by Ornato (who Was there regardless of Salty’s misinformation) the grabbing took place. She never stated she saw it. She stated that Ornato said it in the presence of other people, including Engle (who was also there regardless of Salty’s misinformation), who did not correct Ornato in her presence. If all you can get twisted up in is that one story, you’ve already lost.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Sadly the Trumpists can't focus on the topic of the hearing because many deny Jan 6 even happened.

Like Trump himself. There was no grabbing because there was no car. In fact, January 2021 didn't have a 6th. It was made up by the fake news media.

Trumpism is a pathological threat to the future of this nation.