Racist Fetterman Vandalized a Black Owned Business

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  • Devo
  • 10-09-2022, 01:21 PM
I get pointed for using the word black in a comment, and, constantly are called out for using race in my comments.

You all just talked about his fear of a BLACK BUSINESS, bringing crime and bad actors to his town, and him wanting to keep it safe.

You are all fucking hypocrites and you all should be pointed for bringing race into the conversation as I have been a few times.

Black, fear or crime, bad actors, black on black crime probably as well.

Funny, how blacks are dangerous when it suits your conversation and arguments, but not when they kill each other on a daily basis, AKA my "Wendy Bell, Right Again" post, which you all were remarkably silent on when I posted it, but sure as hell are being as anti black as I was then, when it suits you.

MOD, I hope you sanction every liberal for bringing up race in a post, cause you sure don't hold back for doing it to me.

Heaven forbid someone mention a Jew either, good thing he didn't try and stop a synagogue from opening in Braddock, or you'd be defending him for that.
eyecu2's Avatar
If Racist Fetterman was a Republican, we’d be having non-stop coverage of his racist violence and refusal to debate but because he has a D after his name, the libtard media ignore it Originally Posted by berryberry
Ha- fox News celebrated killer-boy Kyle Rittenhouse and the AR15 toting Mark n Patty McCloskey for pointing guns at BLM protestors. The McCloskeys Plead guilty to misdemeanor charges...of being menacing.

And what is different about these people vs Fetterman?

1. Fetterman didn't kill anyone.
2. Fetterman called the cops about the gunshots and detaining a black suspect.
3. The McCloskeys we're being the aggressors since no threat of violence was overt towards them. They just had a semi auto rifle and semi auto pistol pointed at any random group in a display of machismo.

But Fox being Fox, had both these assholes on for extended prime coverage as good 2nd amendment lovers & NRA members. Why? Cause they love to throw red meat to their base. And the base loves to hear that shit. But a Dem pulls a gun, and follows the rules of police contact and detainment - holy shit he must be a racist hater out to keep blacks n their business down.

Kyle killed ppl, and should have never been there or have a gun at the time. He had to be driven there in fact. Fetterman was in his neighborhood when there were shootings going on. Even Miyares, the guy who was detained- said he thinks Fetterman would be a good senator...

The state GOP TV network adored these MAGA asshats, and showered then w as much airtime as possible because these "stand up & not gonna take it types are the root of 'Merica'. But a Dem protects his and you got FOX hypocrite channel on full overdrive to help failing poll GOP candidate OZ.

As usual, the only thing they care about is political power, and you know that's true.
berryberry's Avatar
Racist Fetterman vandalized a black owned business - that is a fact

Racist Fetterman illegally detained an innocent black jogger pointing a shotgun in his chest - that's a fact

Racist Fetterman has been afraid to debate because not only is he brain damaged, but he can't defend his racist acts or his attempts to release murderers back on the streets

If Racist Fetterman was a Republican there would be non stop media coverage of this but because he has a D after his name the libtard media try to bury it, counting on libtard voters being too dumb and stupid to know any better
eyecu2's Avatar
Ho hum Berry, the only thing you got right on your word salad was you spelled Fetterman correctly. Fox should send you a cookie.
berryberry's Avatar
Ho hum Berry, the only thing you got right on your word salad was you spelled Fetterman correctly. Fox should send you a cookie. Originally Posted by eyecu2
Keep on deflecting and spinning for Racist Fetterman and pretending he did not commit criminal acts. If a republican did what he did you would be posting ad nauseum about it like your silly Trump diatribes. Instead all you do is make excuses and deflect for Racist Fetterman. Why is that?

Racist Fetterman vandalized a black owned business - that is a fact

Racist Fetterman illegally detained an innocent black jogger pointing a shotgun in his chest - that's a fact

Racist Fetterman has been afraid to debate because not only is he brain damaged, but he can't defend his racist acts or his attempts to release murderers back on the streets
berryberry's Avatar
Great profile of Racist Fetterman and his love of criminals and hatred of American energy independence

"He can't draw a clock, he wants murderers released & he wants to kill fracking but he wears hoodies" is perhaps the most brutal yet accurate takedown of Racist Fetterman (D) yet. If the front page of Vox owned New York magazine is saying this about a Democrat then you know its bad

Sadly the devil is always in the details, and I for one want to make sure I understand if someone was accused of a crime, why did they do it? Similar to a spouse that was abused, and then police found her with a gun over top of the husband's body, would she be simply a murderer, or would she have some level of detail that would provide a reasonable question to the obvious death. Assuming fetterman did admit to defacing this property, does it rise to the level of vandalism? Does writing on a dollar bill become defacing, or vandalism? I realize that you may think nuance doesn't play A part in these kinds of actions, but I believe it plays a huge part.

Was Kyle Rittenhouse a murderer, or was he a zealous protector of someone's property? - it's all in the details. Originally Posted by eyecu2
Sure and I agree. But that didn’t stop people on the left from calling Rittenhouse a racist BEFORE the facts came out. You know very well that had this been a Republican candidate doing this, he would immediately have been accused of racism. Had the GOP candidate explained that he was trying to shut down a nuisance bar and it was nothing to do with race, you would have said “dog whistle” and kept right on calling him a racist. Please spare me; you are rationalizing this because it’s someone you like, or at least a candidate you prefer. There’s really nothing wrong with it; both sides of the political aisle are guilty of it. Well maybe there is; maybe if we would more readily call out candidates from our own side, we might have better political discourse and attract better candidates.
HDGristle's Avatar
There definitely is something wrong with it. Hand-waving and rationalizing is bad for all parties involved.

"Bad men need nothing more to compass their ends, than that good men should look on and do nothing"

It's even worse when perceived sleights or unfair situations that are exceptions become used as stereotypes to skew the compass. Bastardizing the process. Working towards weakening the bedrock upon which the foundations of our social contract are built.

If one claims something/someone is racist they should be able to explain why. Others should be able to test it. But the accusation should not be permitted to just be tossed out as a political hand grenade. No one is exposing the other side when they use those same tactics. They're just exposing themselves as small, close-minded and petty while pretending they're the hero in whatever fantasy land they exist in within their own mind.

And when enough people do it in an echo chamber that it becomes normalized and acceptable, and when people cheer it on, we're all that much poorer for it. We have too many conversations at the extremes rather than in the middle. And yes, we are most certainly poorer for it.

That's trust of most of the negative "ists"
There definitely is something wrong with it. Hand-waving and rationalizing is bad for all parties involved.

"Bad men need nothing more to compass their ends, than that good men should look on and do nothing"

It's even worse when perceived sleights or unfair situations that are exceptions become used as stereotypes to skew the compass. Bastardizing the process. Working towards weakening the bedrock upon which the foundations of our social contract are built.

If one claims something is racist they should be able to explain why. Not just toss out the hand grenade. No one is exposing the other side when they use those same tactics. They're just exposing themselves as small, close-minded and petty while pretending they're the hero in whatever fantasy land they exist in within their own mind.

And when enough people do it in am echo chamber that it becomes normalized, we're all that much poorer for it. Originally Posted by HDGristle
I do agree with you. It doesn’t excuse throwing the “race grenade” prematurely in this case, but my point was that this is one case where the race grenade is being thrown prematurely toward the left. The left-leaning posters seem to take umbrage, and probably rightly so. That hasn’t stopped that same race grenade from being thrown prematurely in a rightward direction in countless other instances, even if the left-leaning posters don’t want to admit it or talk about it. Two wrongs don’t make a right, but after throwing a whole bunch of race grenades in the rightward direction, you folks on the left shouldn’t be too surprised or upset when you see one lobbed back your way.
HDGristle's Avatar
Don't fall into Berry's shtick. I'm a right-leaning moderate with some liberal leans on some social issues. RINO doesn't stick because I don't affiliate with the party even if they get my vote 80% of the time. In other words, left of him doesn't mean I'm on the left despite him repeating it ad nauseum. He needs a foil to let out all that anti-lib rage, so we play along and give him that so he feels validated.

I hold both parties in very, very low regard. So does Eye

In the meantime we're ALL still waiting on berry to show the racial animus. Glad we're not holding our breath...
berryberry's Avatar
Ho Hum - just another racist Democrat. She fits right along side Racist Fetterman

Los Angeles city council president Nury Martinez & two other Latino council members were revealed to have made racist comments against blacks in leaked audio.

Nury Martinez resigned Monday as Los Angeles City Council president BUT NOT from council

Martinez issued a public apology Sunday over statements she says she made "in a moment of intense frustration and anger."

At least Martinez issued a public apology and resigned as Council president. Racist Fetterman still has not apologized or accepted responsibility for his two racist acts of

1. Vandalizing a black owned business

2. Illegally detaining an innocent black jogger pointing a shotgun in his chest

What was the difference? Martinez is not running for Senate so the media and libtards called her out. Racist Fetterman is running for Senate so the media and libtards look the other way or make excuses for him
berryberry's Avatar
Former Mayor Chardaé Jones, who replaced Racist Fetterman after he was elected said, "He wasn’t very in the community. You didn’t really notice him unless it was on the news. If there was a camera, he was there. If there wasn’t a camera…”
eyecu2's Avatar
Berry, do you think businesses in Braddock are better off without Fetterman? I wonder what their new mayor has done for that part of the city?

From Pittsburgh magazine

“I didn’t want to be involved in politics,” she says, but after former mayor John Fetterman became Pennsylvania’s lieutenant governor in 2016, she “saw the people who were applying, and realized they didn’t have experience — or even genuine intentions.”

Jones, who is not seeking reelection when her term ends this year, says she still wants to help the community, but in a different capacity, including helping more people get involved in government."

Essentially she ran cause she saw nobody worth a shit running, and felt drawn to do so. But notice she isn't running again?!

I think it takes someone who genuinely cares about their neighborhood to run for a thankless job like mayor of Braddock, or any small Hamlet towns. Of course you can get ppl like the douchebag Matt Sharrow, who was the 28 yr old Mayor of Monesson. He literally held the town hostage by never showing up to council meetings or voting on any critical items.

So when I see a guy like Fetterman who does give a shit about little towns and large states- like PA, I think he's in it for the right reasons. Not just springboarding for his next gig or TV money or the like- which is why carpetbagger OZ is in the ring.

I just think his motives are not what you claim them to be...not at all.
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  • Devo
  • 10-11-2022, 09:58 AM
Fetterman is in it because nobody else volunteered to run for the job, and now its clear he's an overgrown child, without the means to even be able to pay his taxes on time, with, money given to him by his parents.

He's never had a real job, did a poor job with the single job he did have, and you want to reward him with voting on the most critical issues this country faces?

I honestly, can find you mentally challenged adults I went to school with, literally men who were in the special education program that have did better in real life, had jobs, and held down responsibilities in life far better than Fetterman has.

Please, be honest and list the accomplishments this guy has to deserve one of the highest offices in this land, and, I don't honestly think you can prove he's done anything worthy of the Senate.
berryberry's Avatar
Berry, do you think businesses in Braddock are better off without Fetterman? I wonder what their new mayor has done for that part of the city?
Originally Posted by eyecu2
They are indeed. Under Racist Fetterman, crime went UP, population declined, the local hospital closed. Under the new mayor, crime went down.

Racist Fetterman did jack shit for Braddock. He missed half the council meetings. He didn't pay his taxes. He vandalized black owned businesses. He illegally detained innocent black joggers with a shotgun. Hell yeah Braddock is better off without Racist Fetterman who acted like he was above the law