Let's revel in what we got. For the smart ones who have spent tons of money and seen a bunch of females what we got now is a bunch of females texting wholesaling pussy which is honestly right down my alley. I believe in the power being in the man's hands. If alot if you'll would just sit on money and wait this shit out it would go alot better for all of us. Called a chick right now about an overnight at my convenient donation. She yada yada. Guys pay this then called me back just now and said okay I'll do it. I replied I'm feeding some ducks right now, let me get back to you. Actually I am in Herman park with a loaf of bread feeding ducks. Pussy don't make me. I love it but I'm the strongest person on this guy team I'm always fighting for us dudes first. I'll sit at my house and watch Harry and Meghan before I fold on my dudes.. Originally Posted by PitroomI thought you were going to dial it back a bit? Guess not