Providers with No Black Ads BP

Dick Gozinya's Avatar
I'd answer your question, but don't wanna get another infraction. So why don't you chug a 40 of Anaconda Malt Liquor?
BTW rambo, i wasn't trying to make anyone look bad, and like i said, i didn't want to start an argument.
you stated
A brother might shoot YOU, because he's mad at YOU, but he's not going to go kill 50 people like 'other' races like to do.

Just saying. Originally Posted by Rambro Creed
... I was just pointing out that individuals like the DC sniper killed people for no reason, too.
I'm not saying it's because he's black.
When the media shows white men in the papers or on TV for killing sprees, I don't think, "Oh, another white serial killer. Typical."
That's just a fucked-up person who has some serious issues and needs to be locked away. Any race can be insane, unstable, and sadistic. I don't think it has anything to do with the race.
There are some crazy ass Latinos and Asians that could be wanted for mass murder on America's Most Wanted.
I think it just depends on how crazy THAT person is as an individual.. It's not fair to label him/her as "that crazy white serial killer" or "that deranged black mass murderer".
But that's just my opinion.
texasfeet's Avatar
Can we all just get along? hehehe, sorry but I just had to throw that one in there.
This life hinges on our little petty fetishes,
and comfort zones. As an AA man, I have a severe
Asian fetish that I've been trying to overcome
for the past decade - without success. An extremely
Beautiful white girl was sent to my room in Vegas one
night and I had to send her back because I specifically
requested an Asian girl. There are some black girls
I might be interested in seeing, except, I also
worry about pimps and being robbed. I read a lot
of reports about guys checking closets and bathrooms
when they enter some girl's incall location. Their fetish
Overrides their need for safety and security. I don't
begrudge any provider that demands a sense of security
before stripping naked in front of some stranger. But she
should advertise her preferences in advance. Only trouble
is - eventually BP is going to find out the hard way that
allowing racially discriminatory ads is very illegal. But even
still, I would want to know up front.
P.S. I should add that I've never been turned away
because I'm fucking good-looking!
said to say most stereotypes have some basis in truth. for those that deny that walk through a black area at midnight with a 1000$ in your pockets
Providers dont want business from black dudes for the same reason pizza places dont deliver to black neighborhoods. I knew a guy who owned a pizza shop in Dallas. He tried to expand his delivery area to a black neighborhood. That didnt last long, since 9 out of 10 times, his drivers got robbed, 1 was shot in the shoulder.

Not to mention the have a reputation of being cheap. Even cheaper than me! Originally Posted by Dick Gozinya
lovelamp's Avatar
I tend to wonder if the issues providers have (besides personal preference) with AA clients is sort of like interacting with them in the food service industry. I remember back in my college days waiting tables and bartending no matter how you treated AA customers way more often than not they demanded far more of you and tipped far less than any other race.
I read a story not even two weeks ago about a white cat who's killed 4 hookers, and is suspected of another. Fucker confessed to them, too. Typical, average looking guy in his 60s. Gray hair and beard. Would probably pass screening for most ladies. Killed the ladies due to arguing over how much to pay (allegedly....sounds like an excuse to do it, IMO).

Yeah, keep thinking anyone who isn't black is safe. Keep thinking that BULLSHIT. They love it when you're that clueless. Your naivete makes their job that much easier.

Originally Posted by Rambro Creed
I agree most serial killers are white men in their 30's-50's..
ChuckTaylor's Avatar
A provider I went to go see a few weeks ago for the first time asked if I was black and I said "no... why?", she just said she didn't see black guys and I asked why again. She said that typically they have poor hygene, never bring the right amount on the rate or haggle on the phone and can tend to be pushy or rude. But she said their not all like that. If they speak with proper English and sound educated she may consider it but if they talk getto or haggle then forget it.
Randall Creed's Avatar
I tend to wonder if the issues providers have (besides personal preference) with AA clients is sort of like interacting with them in the food service industry. I remember back in my college days waiting tables and bartending no matter how you treated AA customers way more often than not they demanded far more of you and tipped far less than any other race. Originally Posted by lovelamp
Yeah, I see it myself sometimes. Some black people are simply 'too far gone'. They grew up poor (extremely poor), lived a rough childhood, had to quit school to work menial, degrading, low paying jobs, relatives in and out of jail, etc. Their view of other races is almost purely from an oppressive standpoint, which creates resentment and downright hatred. When they grow up, they may do a little better, but they're still pretty close to the 'struggle', which, in their eyes, is created by their oppressors.

Me, I guess I got kinda lucky. I grew up poor, but it wasn't what I'd call severe. I was smart (A student) and had some white friends. I could relate a little to the black kids, but I wasn't 'all in', ya know. Some might've even considered me 'one of THEM'. I was a 'tweener', I guess.

I understood the way they felt, or I should say understand the way they FEEL (now). A life of poverty and struggle is damaging psychologically and emotionally. You see people of races not your own and relate it to mindset you had as a kid. That and when you don't make a lot of money, they may see tipping as a waste. I think to some degree it's a status/income issue. Once black people have money, they will (often) graciously spend it. 'Making it rain', I believe they like to call it. So when you're broke, you're mad, and now you have this 'cornball waiter/waitress' (their words) trying to kiss up and be nice to try to get a tip out of them. Now they think YOU think they're a sucker. It's a revolving door of emotions and resurfacing memories.

This is just a small justification of it. We're not all like that. Me being that 'tweener', I can kinda relate both ways.
BlackJedi's Avatar
A provider I went to go see a few weeks ago for the first time asked if I was black and I said "no... why?", she just said she didn't see black guys and I asked why again. She said that typically they have poor hygene, never bring the right amount on the rate or haggle on the phone and can tend to be pushy or rude. But she said their not all like that. If they speak with proper English and sound educated she may consider it but if they talk getto or haggle then forget it. Originally Posted by ChuckTaylor
What will she do if a non-black person has bad English and/or speaks 'ghetto' or with slang?
Hugh Grant's Avatar
I agree most serial killers are white men in their 30's-50's.. Originally Posted by RALPHEY BOY

You obviously got all your serial killer 'knowledge" from the mainstream media.
Hugh Grant's Avatar
Rambro, stop getting defensive. There are genetic differences and certain people are just prone to.......uhhhhhhh..... how do I say this.... "problem behaviors".

Now I hope youre thirsty!

Randall Creed's Avatar
Me not 'getting defensive' means I've accepted the way things are. Until certain social things improve, I will continue to feel the way I do. And right now, I just can't let things ride the way they are.

It is what it is.
Hugh Grant's Avatar
Until "certain people" change their ways, then certain social things will not improve.