Beware Kendall Kain. Outted OH2 Hobbyist by name and his business

ntxguy's Avatar
Sadly there is at least one person who is a mod/admin on both sites. And that person has demonstrated that they are perfectly fine with how CK runs things. I wouldn't trust him to be impartial when he switches hats and mods over here, or to reveal behind the scenes from here to CK.

Also, Pmd really needs to lay off the soy milk lattes! Originally Posted by Brandofan
This is very interesting and probably explains a few questions I have had. I know it's not Admiral Giggle because I've read some of his past posts regarding oh2 including his classic "sugar britches" comment. So which mod is a mod on both eccie and oh2?
Boltfan's Avatar
Sadly there is at least one person who is a mod/admin on both sites. And that person has demonstrated that they are perfectly fine with how CK runs things. I wouldn't trust him to be impartial when he switches hats and mods over here, or to reveal behind the scenes from here to CK.

Also, Pmd really needs to lay off the soy milk lattes! Originally Posted by Brandofan
Cosby might be drinking something more potent than that, given his history.

It is beyond me why Cosby, errrr Pmd, thinks this somehow isn't outing. And over a cancel fee.

And Gina, you have made clear your stance. Thank you for letting everyone know you have zero issue sharing the workplace of someone with the public over this. Appreciate you letting the community know where you stand as well.
pmdelites's Avatar
Now answer my questions.

Did oh2 mod delete this information?
Why was handle not used instead?

Sidenote: Do you not use shift key? There is not a single uppercase letter in your sentences. Originally Posted by Aonegonexx
since i'm not an OH2 moderator/owner, i have no idea if info deleted or not.
since i'm not kendall, i have no idea why she posted what she posted.

btw, most of the time, my beat up old keyboard's Shift key doesnt work.

Brandofan posted...
Also, Pmd really needs to lay off the soy milk lattes!

soy??? i even hate tofu, even if it's got lot of protein.
for me, only pure cow's milk if not milk from a lactating woman. :^}
Aonegonexx's Avatar
since i'm not an OH2 moderator/owner, i have no idea if info deleted or not.
since i'm not kendall, i have no idea why she posted what she posted. Originally Posted by pmdelites
Then you should stop saying that its not outing. This was not an alert, it was simply outing, intentional or not. And that should be dealt with appropriately, which i doubt it has been.

btw, most of the time, my beat up old keyboard's Shift key doesnt work. Originally Posted by pmdelites
Going by your first sentence, I doubt that's the case. I had an old geezer of a professor, who used to type with one hand, as he was too lazy to use both hands, which resulted in not using Shift key, and therefore all lower case. Make sure you use both hands, let the little-delites go sometimes.
pmdelites's Avatar
Cosby might be drinking something more potent than that, given his history. ... Originally Posted by Boltfan
really good jamaican or puerto rican rum, jaliscan tequila, single malt scotch, malbec or tempranillo.

but soy?? no way. i have my limits.
I’m a little surprised at so many comments seemingly saying since the guy may or may not have provided RW information (which is absolutely irrelevant) she was somehow justified in extorting him. WTF???????

I was extorted once in a similar manner by a provider. Under no circumstances is it acceptable for a provider to extort money. They guy posted the screenshot where she made the threat and the demand for money or she was going to blow up his world.

On this site and the other I’ve seen both hobbyists and providers who I’ve seen enough posts that I respect them, come down on the wrong side of this topic. It’s never okay to blackmail someone.
Natasha Star69's Avatar
Hey guy’s I don’t know if this means anything, but I don’t see any real world information on that post. By all means our personal information should not be blasted just my opinion. Now I know men and women both provide reviews on someone letting them no about their session, or time being wasted. From what I’m looking at she just used his oh2 handle.
TinMan's Avatar
Perhaps staff DID go back and edit it. That would be good to confirm if that’s the case.
Natasha Star69's Avatar
Oh okay I didn’t pay attention to that. Well let me get off this post before someone directs their anger towards me Lol
Oh okay I didn’t pay attention to that. Well let me get off this post before someone directs their anger towards me Lol Originally Posted by Natasha Star69

who would get mad at you? Look at that tush!
Grace Preston's Avatar
Every time I start to think that I'm feeling better and might make a brief return/visit-- I see some shit like this and realize that this world is just getting too small and too volatile.

Aside from situations such as the Michael Jackson (not he singer, the rapist that targeted providers) situation.. or other situations involving serious bodily injury or harm-- there is zero justification for outing anyone, provider or hobbyist. None. Zero. Zip. Nada.

If someone has trusted you with their personal information-- or if you happen to realize that a piece of information that you have ties into their real world-- then you've potentially been entrusted with someone's life, quite literally, and should be respectful of that fact. That goes for both sides-- the men and the ladies. Underground businesses only survive and thrive when discretion is sacrosanct.

I'm very inactive these days. I log in here every few days- -and I log into other forums even less frequently. But it seems like every time I do log in-- there's another battle over personal information.

Ladies-- I'm not here to tell anyone how to run their business. You want personal information? That's your call. You want deposits? Your call. Cancellation policies? Your call. But-- we need to be thinking very carefully-- if someone has your real world name, number, place of business, etc... would you want it all over the internet over a fee?

At the end of the day, everyone is going to feel that their position is justified for whatever reason. But man, there is more and more free flowing of information on both sides going on-- loose lips sink ships and all that jazz.
Natasha Star69's Avatar
who would get mad at you? Look at that tush! Originally Posted by cage196

Don’t you start nothing now lol xoxoxo
Admiral Giggle's Avatar
Interesting,I have heard through the grapevine there are mugshots/real world information on escorts in the men's room & you don't see any man protesting.
Both sides are wrong !!! Originally Posted by Busty
This is an ignorant post.

If you took time to read and became familiar with ECCIE guidelines you would also see this is not allowed and any such photos are removed, and the offending member is banned as well.

#5 - Membership here is entirely anonymous and for the privacy of our members it will remain that way. That means any effort or attempt to connect a person's real world information to their username on this board or elsewhere will be dealt with swiftly and harshly. This includes real first or last names, employment, medical info, addresses past or present, images, criminal or driving record, etc. We expect everyone who participates here to respect and go to great lengths to protect the anonymity and privacy of one another. Reckless disregard or accidental outing will also be taken very seriously, as will posts deemed by staff to be a 'threat of outing'. In other words, posts which simply imply knowledge of personal details beyond one's public fictional persona or what has been revealed in writing on this board will be dealt with using the same strong measures as actual outing of one's personal information.
Brandofan's Avatar
The incident she is referring to happened on OH2 and was swiftly handled and bans were issued. CK has a different set of rules for the guys.

ECCIE is more effectively moderated with zero tolerance for outing, by men or women, anywhere on the board. However that doesn't align with Gina or Busty's typical gynocentric misandrist agenda.
needingmilking's Avatar
There is always drama whenever men and women meet. So everywhere, always, all the time.

That is why we have rules, and when they are not applied fairly, we have lots of drama.

It seems this OH2 website is a piece of shit... I havent heard anything good about it compared to ECCIE. I mean yeah, other source, but why even bother?