Well, we got a new Speaker and this one talks about God.

lustylad's Avatar
Pointing out that they did or did not vote for something can only paint a very broad generalization. Ask why. Why did they vote that way. Are they actually truly very religious and have a history of being religious? Or does whatever bill they voted on do something that directly benefits or puts at a disadvantage either the lawmaker or the people they directly represent? Did the lawmaker receive a 'bribe' from some organization that has something to gain or lose depending on the bill? Originally Posted by onawbtngr546
Good questions.

I hope you can persuade each & every one of those 16 Democrats to explain why they wouldn't condemn the barbaric baby beheaders of Hamas!

Unless I hear otherwise, I can only attribute their votes to moral depravity.
lustylad's Avatar
Still got to specify which. Got to make sure they contact the right mythological deity.

You don't want Zeus to appear and start impregnating every orifice when you actually wanted Eru Ilúvatar to play some music.

Though if God could be a wild card, I would vote for SCP-343 Originally Posted by onawbtngr546

I gave your post a "like". I was wrong, you're not an atheist.

Had to google SCP-343.

bambino's Avatar
On October 26, 2023 Steven Scalise introduced Mike Johnson as the 45th Speaker of the House, and not the 118th. Interesting ��

According to government archives, Michael C.Kerr was the 44th Speaker of the House which occurred in 1875-1875. So, why would Mike Johnson be announced the 45th and not the 118th?

McCarthy was the 55th SOTH.


Right in front of your eyes. And ears
HDGristle's Avatar
SCP-049, SCP-096 and SCP-173 are also good options for future Speaker
eyecu2's Avatar
On October 26, 2023 Steven Scalise introduced Mike Johnson as the 45th Speaker of the House, and not the 118th. Interesting ��

According to government archives, Michael C.Kerr was the 44th Speaker of the House which occurred in 1875-1875. So, why would Mike Johnson be announced the 45th and not the 118th?

McCarthy was the 55th SOTH.


Right in front of your eyes. And ears Originally Posted by bambino

So is that a veiled suggestion that Scalise from Louisiana, is in fact secretly keeping a tally of the count of "real" SOH members via his decoder ring he got from a box of cracker jack, or is it in fact, that everything he does is to appease his real god and guy who lives 24/7 in all MAGA heads- #45??

Scalise is likely just blubbering out some nonsense due to his current undesirable health condition; and not being in his right mind- OR perhaps the real reason for his inability to simply add or use math, is from his southern upbringing of eating too many beignet's and sucking on crawfish heads from a swamp of brackwater; and now some swamp larva has infected his brain.

Either way- that southern charmer still has enough garbage in the political tank that ties him to white supremacy- Scalise addressed an anti-Semitic, white supremacist group back in 2002 run by none other than David Duke, a former grand wizard of the Klu Klux Kla; Steve's been doing stupid rascist shit for years, and it's only natural that one rascist would support another one!

And together both Mike Johnson and Steve can only count to 20 on any given day on their own, due to personal limits of phalanges.

Both probably have webbed feet and a certain ability to play banjo though! Good old fashioned results of inbreeding.
lustylad's Avatar
Hey eye - I'll let you take the rest of the week off if you promise to spend it watching Duck Dynasty re-runs!

eyecu2's Avatar
There are parts of Duck Dynasty I like. I can't watch more than 3 episodes though cause that style of speaking is rough on the frontal lobes. But guns n ducks & hot country ho's is ok w me.